Marvel Studios' Mysterious NOMAD/CAPTAIN AMERICA Project May Still Be Happening

Marvel Studios' Mysterious NOMAD/CAPTAIN AMERICA Project May Still Be Happening

There have long been rumblings about some sort of Nomad project being in the works at Marvel Studios, and new evidence has emerged which suggests it may indeed still be in the works. Read on for details...

By JoshWilding - Dec 07, 2023 09:12 AM EST
Filed Under: Captain America
Source: Murphy's Multiverse

The last time we saw Chris Evans' Captain America was in the closing moments of Avengers: Endgame. After returning the Infinity Stones to their rightful place in time, Steve Rogers decided to remain in the past and grow old with Peggy Carter, a touching note to end his story. 

Showing up on a nearby bench, he gave Sam Wilson a reforged version of his shield and passed the Captain America mantle to his old friend. We haven't seen him since and we're still unsure how his trip back in time worked with what we've learned about the Multiverse since then (why, for example, didn't the TVA prune him?). 

According to Murphy's Multiverse, Marvel Studios' long-rumoured Nomad project may still be on the way. While it's never been officially announced by the studio, the site points to a trademark filing for "Marvel Studios Nomad" which is being kept alive by the Disney-owned company. 

That doesn't necessarily mean it will happen but this is a promising update. As the site explains, "Marvel Studios filed one of these for Nomad and while they’ve let all the other trademarks die, this one remains alive and well. In fact, the studio has taken measures to extend the trademark on several occasions including recently."

Previously, it's been said that Evans will return in Nomad as Captain America, producing the project alongside co-star Scarlett Johansson. If the rumours are true, it's here that we'll finally get to see what happened when Steve returned the Infinity Stones, with the show described as a Multiversal adventure. 

On the page, the most notable character to take on the Nomad persona is Jack Monroe. Jack Monroe first appeared in Captain America #282 in 1983. Initially known as Bucky, he became Nomad after a series of events distanced him from his old mentor, Captain America. 

However, the original Nomad is Steve himself. In a storyline which played out between Captain America #180 - 183, the Avenger temporarily abandons the Captain America identity and becomes Nomad after becoming disillusioned with the government.

While this Nomad project may tell Jack's story, we have a feeling the title refers to its dictionary definition, with Cap portrayed as a literal "nomad" as he travels through time before eventually finding Peggy.

Marvel Studios is looking to get back to quality over quantity, so there's a chance this movie or TV show has fallen by the wayside. Then again, Johansson recently confirmed she's still producing something for the MCU, so we'd be shocked if a high-profile project like this fails to materialise. 

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ShimmyShimmyYA - 12/7/2023, 9:44 AM
I’m gonna guess they’re keeping it in hopes they convince Evans to come back,
WruceBayne - 12/7/2023, 1:57 PM
@ShimmyShimmyYA - what makes you think it’s a movie? It’ll probably be some attraction at Disney World or a collectors addition box of cereal or something.
sully - 12/8/2023, 2:51 PM
@WruceBayne - Because it's trademarked as "Marvel Studios'" Nomad. Marvel Studios is a separate entity than anything else from Disney.
PartyKiller - 12/7/2023, 9:45 AM
In the right hands it could be great. But there are no right hands at Marvel.
SheepishOne - 12/7/2023, 9:49 AM
In terms of Steve's journey to return the infinity stones, whatever we have in our imaginations is likely more exciting that what the current Disney creative team would come up with.
mountainman - 12/7/2023, 10:26 AM
@SheepishOne - This is the problem with the never ending content wheel. All questions don’t have to be answered. It’s good to leave some things up to the imagination.

When the goal is to get endlessly churn out content, new writers look at every aspect of the established universe to expand or follow up on.

And rarely do they do it justice.
Izaizaiza - 12/7/2023, 10:54 AM
@SheepishOne - Agreed. Leave it as it is
SheepishOne - 12/7/2023, 11:30 AM
@mountainman - It reminds me of a Star Wars problem that existed well before Disney bought the IP. George would use the prequels to explain every minor detail in the original trilogy. Like Jango Fett bumping his head in AotC to "explain" the Storm Trooper bumping his head in the original Star Wars... George's idea being that the clones of Jango would exhibit this same "trait", but then the lore actually becomes convoluted bc the clones would not be 100% utilized for Storm Troopers at that point.

In reality, the head bump was a funny little accident that needed zero canonical explanation.
mountainman - 12/7/2023, 12:49 PM
@SheepishOne - Yes and this problem isn’t unique to Star Wars or Marvel.

I remember when Lost trying explaining all the mysteries in the final season and many of them were disappointing.

Now it CAN be done well. Rogue One and Andor weren’t needed. We didn’t have to have those stories told. As far as we knew, some rebels were able to obtain the schematics for the death star. That was good enough.

But because the stories were told well, it was a fine addition to the lore.

But anytime you do this you run the risk of souring a potentially cool mystery.

Fury’s eyepatch coming from a cat scratch.


Black Widow’s adventure between Civil War and Infinity War raising plot holes.

Han Solo’s name origin.

If you are going to do it, it has to be done well. Otherwise it can detract from the universe.
SheepishOne - 12/7/2023, 12:54 PM
@mountainman - 100% agree. Retcons can help flesh out a moment and give further context. But if you're going to do it for a moment fans universally love or even don't really care about (like the storm trooper bumping his head), you've gotta be damn careful not to make things worse.
Corruptor - 12/7/2023, 9:55 AM
Quit with the multiverse crap and just adapt Cap #180-186.
GeneralZod - 12/7/2023, 10:09 AM
@Corruptor -
Urubrodi - 12/7/2023, 10:15 AM
@Corruptor - The problem is not with the multiverse concept as projects like Loki, No Way Home or Across the Spider-Verse and very likely Deadpool 3 have shown. The issue is on the quality of the stories being told. Thor 4, Eternals and The Marvels (for the most part) don't touch the multiverse and are all regarded by most as some of the MCU's worst movies.
mountainman - 12/7/2023, 12:54 PM
@Urubrodi - In retrospect, what could have been nest during the multiverse saga is to tell stories on alternate Earths or almost full movie What Ifs.

This could have really changed some things up and given us a very different feel for MCU projects. It would have also built up this multiverse concept better.

Dr Strange MoM showed some alternate Earths but many of us expected it to go “bigger”.

Spiderman NWH did a good job integrating alternate realities and most likely Deadpool 3 will as well.

Other than that, the rest of this saga (at least in the movies) has taken place almost entirely on “our” reality so the multiverse is just this vague concept that we haven’t experienced very much of.
Corruptor - 12/7/2023, 8:18 PM
@Urubrodi - It can be done well, but it's unnecessary IMO and does contribute to poor or at least lazy writing, when you have a fictional universe to play that is based on magic and ill-defined super-science that might as well be magic, you can do everything already, without it feeling like lowering the stakes, because they aren't really "our" versions of the characters. It's no better than the get-out of waking up at the end of the episode and it was all a dream.
I felt the same with it in the comics, when What If? #1 came out, Spidey joined the FF, ok but if he'd actually joined the FF for 3 or 4 issues of their regular book in 1977 instead it would have been much cooler and more memorable, and there's absolutely no reason why you can't do it.
Most franchises have dabbled with it, can be fun as a one off but not to base a whole sequence of films around. Thinking of a couple of examples, the Doctor Who serial "Inferno", very effectively done, but they never touched the concept again and rightly so, or it would have become a lazy get-out. And stuff that is alternate reality based on real history, such as Philip K. Dick's Man in the High Castle is fine because our real history is set in stone... but with a totally fictional fantasy universe where people can already die and be resurrected ad hoc, well it's just a "what if?" of a "what if?" and I'd be surprised if the GA find it very interesting either. Maybe some 10 year kids who never came across alt. reality concepts before might think it's cool, but it's oh so stale and weary to me...
I think I can regard Eternals as multiverse, as they are so unrecognisable as the Eternals I know, they must be variants, lol.
IronDean2099 - 12/7/2023, 9:56 AM
Would be cool if it was Cap returning the stones. How would Scarlett factor in though? Maybe after sacrificing herself she becomes the new guardian of the soul stone or something and we get a scene with her that can add some closure to her story or something idk.
Vigor - 12/7/2023, 10:52 AM
@IronDean2099 - it's saying she would produce. Not necessarily star
MotherGooseUPus - 12/7/2023, 10:03 AM

Cap's story ended beautifully in Endgame... there is no need to "fill the gaps" of what happened on his adventure through time
Vigor - 12/7/2023, 10:51 AM
@MotherGooseUPus - what if some really interesting shit happened?
People wished we got more world war 2 stuff. How cool could it be seeing cap with the howling commandos again. Perhaps meeting human torch and namor and teaming with them. What if he traded blows with wolverine?

Its ripe for material

All we know is cap went back with the stones and lived a long life with Peggy. Then came back to hand the shield to Sam. But Cap could Have seen a lot of shit. Enough to full 3 more avengers movies
Izaizaiza - 12/7/2023, 10:53 AM
@MotherGooseUPus - Agreed. No Steve Rogers until the reboot
MotherGooseUPus - 12/7/2023, 11:12 AM
@Vigor - i see you point and it all sounds pretty badass, but the problem is i don't trust any directors/writers to make his story worth revisiting unless its Markus/McFeely and the Russos. Otherwise, hard pass as they will tarnish his legacy and perfect ending
Vigor - 12/7/2023, 11:16 AM
@MotherGooseUPus - oh agreed. I feel I'd only trust this story to them

They did mentioned after endgame in an interview that they filmed enough stuff with Cap to fill a whole 'nother movie. I always wondered if they were referring to Nomad
McMurdo - 12/7/2023, 10:08 AM
More multiverse drivel
knomad - 12/7/2023, 10:09 AM
The MCU (and Disney in general) are in serious trouble. They have to do something to get interest and viewers back.

I always thought the non-Cap, non-shield period between Civil War and Endgame as the "Nomad" period.
supermanrex - 12/7/2023, 10:11 AM
i wish kevin feige would just come out and give us some concrete details on what things are in motion and not after the changes due to Iger clamping down, the strike last year and of course what the contingency would be if Majors trial doesn't pan out favorably for him. we had a clear roadmap of the multiverse saga for like a hot minute before shit started caving in.
DocSpock - 12/7/2023, 10:19 AM

This sounds like something that could be very good.

But now I no longer have faith that Mickey the Rat wouldn't furk it all up, so I say no thanks.

Spoken - 12/7/2023, 10:22 AM
Doubtful unless it’s a new character in the Nomad outfit.

“Nomad” or at least a version of him appeared in Infinity War anyways.
RolandD - 12/7/2023, 11:09 AM
Steve as Nomad would have worked best during the orange one’s presidency, much like it was in the comics during Nixon’s presidency..
Nomis929 - 12/7/2023, 11:14 AM
GeneralZod - 12/7/2023, 11:59 AM
@Nomis929 -
Corruptor - 12/10/2023, 3:46 PM
@Nomis929 - lol, "somber tones" - bright yellow!
'Twas a good story though, and a horrific way to bring back the Red Skull.
marvel72 - 12/7/2023, 12:07 PM

ZomZom - 12/7/2023, 12:21 PM
Just feels as though Marvel's sense of how interested we are in the multiverse is so disconnected from reality. It should have been a three movie conceit that did the job it was intended to and re-launch the MCU with new actors in the key roles. Every movie going friend or colleague I have was so engaged originally but with every new release I hear the same complaints - "is this just another piece of multiverse BS? So bored with that" and they're constantly bemused by the B list focus - Shang Chi, Marvels, Eternals, Black Panther's lame sister and I'm tired of trying to enthuse about inferior movies.
Juicebox316 - 12/7/2023, 12:37 PM
Just dropping by to celebrate my Avatar randomly being used for Josh's clickbait.
JonC - 12/7/2023, 1:21 PM
I have said it ever since Steve went back to be with Peggy in Endgame... there is no way he cannot be a superhero when he goes back... he just won't be Cap, he will be Nomad with no one knowing his real identity except Peggy.
clintthahamster - 12/7/2023, 1:24 PM
Man, I'd sure love to see more of Mark Gruenwald's run adapted for film. So many amazing stories to tell. Whither D-Man?
Corruptor - 12/7/2023, 8:24 PM
If you can have different actors playing the same character in an alternate fictional universe, then you can have different actors playing the same character in the original fictional universe as well. 10 year old kids going to the movies in 2024 won't know or care who Downey, Evans, Hemsworth are as long as Iron Man is shooting his repulsor rays, Cap is shield slinging and Thor is thunder-godding.
And actor's "everyone has to see muh face" doesn't help either, super-heroes wear masks and helmets, it's a big part of their "look".
bkmeijer1 - 12/9/2023, 8:27 AM
I doubt it will be with Steve, given how reluctant Chris Evans is to come back to the role. The Jack Monroe version could work, but I doubt it's necessary or interesting

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