So the first shots of the new/old Captain America suit have finally hit CBM.
You might be asking yourself what I mean by new/old suit and that is easy to explain.
New/old means that it is a brand new suit we (the audience and fans) have just seen for the first time, but old seeing as how it is from the 1940s.
This suit will most likely NOT be the suit that Chris Evans is wearing when he joins the Avengers in the modern day and the suit will get a makeover.
Now to judge the older suit, I would have to say that I really do like it since it resembles the Ultimates version of the suit and I am a HUGE fan of the first two volumes of those books, but I am on the fence about the helmet.
First I have to say thank you for not having the wings actually come off of the helmet because that would have been really cheesy and the fact that the wings look like they are just painted on the helmet was definitely the way to go.
It's the helmet itself that I'm having a problem with though.
Maybe it is the fact it is indeed a helmet and not a mask, or perhaps since it is a helmet that Cap is wearing over some kind of protecting leather under-armor-type of thing, but I'm not too sure.
The rest of the suit is dead on and perfect for the 40s, but I really cannot wait to see what the modern suit looks like more than anything else now.