Neal McDonough Talks Captain America Sequel And Potential Nick Fury Movie!

Neal McDonough Talks Captain America Sequel And Potential Nick Fury Movie!

Confidently dotting on previously-considered directions for the Captain America: The First Avenger sequel, make the jump for a chat with 'Dum Dum Dugan' actor Neal McDonough

By DCMarvelFreshman - Oct 16, 2011 08:10 PM EST
Filed Under: Captain America
Source: I Am Rogue

Recently chatting with I Am Rogue, the actor behind 'Dum Dum Dugan' of Marvel and Joe Johnston's Captain America: The First Avenger movie, Neal McDonough, confidently discussed a previously-stated direction for the sequel. Peaking IAR's interest by stating, "It was a blast to play him and I still look forward to Cap 2, Nick Fury or any other films in the future," the site got the actor to talk more about the potential Nick Fury movie, as well whether he was considered to appear in The Avengers.

On how 'Dum Dum Dugan' could end up in near-present day in a Nick Fury movie...
"In the origin with Dum Dum, he got a small portion of the super serum himself and he was actually the head of S.H.E.I.L.D. until four or five years ago. So he aged really slowly. He aged quicker than Nick and quicker than Steve Rogers did but he aged quite slowly. He was chronologically frozen him self for ten years. So there are all kinds of stuff that I’ve read in the comic books but who knows how they’re going to do it. I know they are going to go back to WWII in Cap 2. You know in flashbacks but past that I’m not sure. Also what would make me happier than a pig in poop would be to be part of and see Sam Jackson as a ‘60s or ‘70s version of Nick Fury. That would just be awesome. Hopefully we’ll get that one done soon. I know Sam is very excited about it."

On whether there was talk for him to appear in The Avengers...
"No, with The Avengers I think they wanted to go with the core characters first and I have no problem with that. Just to be part of the Marvel universe at all is such a blessing. It’s been fantastic. If I do ten more of these or one more of these, I’ve already been part of Captain America and that’s like a dream come true."

On Marvel Studios' direction for the Captain America sequel...
"Yeah the talk now is that they are going to flashback to WWII and without going to much into, because I’m not supposed to say too much at all, but whatever they do I guarantee you this … it’s going to be an awesome movie. The villain is going to be crazy, and it will be really terrific. The origin of Cap being in WWII is definitely paramount to the guys over at Marvel."

So, judging from this interview, it seems Marvel may have a few solid directions for the Captain America sequel, including the decision to use WW2 flashbacks, as well who the Captain will be going up against. So, if plans are set this early on, could Chris Evans' offhand mention of Marvel planning the sequel for 2014 be more than accurate? What do you think?

Captain America: The First Avenger focuses on the early days of the Marvel Universe when Steve Rogers volunteers to participate in an experimental program that turns him into the Super Soldier known as Captain America. As Captain America, Rogers joins forces with Bucky Barnes and Peggy Carter to wage war on the evil HYDRA organization, led by the villainous Red Skull. Starring Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Tommy Lee Jones, Hayley Atwell, Samuel L. Jackson, Stanley Tucci and Hugo Weaving, the film hits shelves on Dvd and blu-ray October 25, 2011.

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AVEN - 10/16/2011, 8:58 PM
Nick Fury Movie? no thanks i want a S.H.I.E.L.D. movie
Anthrax - 10/16/2011, 9:02 PM
alucard365 - 10/16/2011, 9:07 PM
Curmudgeon - 10/16/2011, 9:13 PM
"The villain is going to be crazy, and it will be really terrific."

So they have their villain picked out then... interesting.
heisei24 - 10/16/2011, 9:23 PM
"The villain is going to be crazy,
TayDee - 10/16/2011, 9:42 PM
I wonder if they'll ever introduce the serum that kept nick fury young
Coloso - 10/16/2011, 9:50 PM
Wakey wakey alucard365, you were having another Marvel wet dream ;P
WellDrawn - 10/16/2011, 10:03 PM
In my opinion they should have turned 'Nick Fury' into a codename; after all, why would the head of SHIELD use his real name?

That way, Samuel L. Jackson could be the modern day Fury, while the original white Nick Fury could exist during WWII

it's a missed opportunity imo, then again, it's not too late, provided at least half of the Cap sequel is set during WWII (which it should be)
IDKwhatToChoose - 10/16/2011, 10:12 PM
Cool to see that all the actors are having a blast making these movies.
Kayo - 10/16/2011, 10:12 PM
Yeah, the goddamn DC fanboys are here.
Howlett - 10/16/2011, 10:37 PM
bring back Captain Americas old costume.
NeoBaggins - 10/16/2011, 10:43 PM
Will somebody please explain Caps timeline to me.

I keep hearring about flashback stories, but the First Avenger starts and ends with Cap being frozen shortly after getting the serum and meeting Skull for the first time. When did he face Baron Zemo or anyone else during that time period?
grifter - 10/16/2011, 10:49 PM
Neo... that movie took place over three years I think.
Joeline - 10/16/2011, 10:51 PM
@illwill wow *insert sarcasm* your a really positive fella aint you?

I agree Neo, if they were gonna be doing flashback alternate villians they shoulda made room for it in the original, which they didnt. So maybe the villian is in OUR time, but the flashbacks are character development etc or maybe extended scenes from Cap 1 which show hints the new villians influence all that time etc.

Still, Even's as Cap was awesome enough for another go no matter what.
loki668 - 10/16/2011, 10:52 PM

Zemo and the others were minions of the Red Skull. Before Cap was frozen, he had planted his foot in the ass of several of these characters. These bad guys also survived into the modern age through various means (including the old-fashioned way: aging). In Cap's timeline, he fought a fair portion of the war before being frozen. Hope this helps.

Lord Loki has spoken
Joeline - 10/16/2011, 10:53 PM
@grifter yes but unless im forgetting stuff, they pretty much showed the one 'story arc' the whole time?
Joeline - 10/16/2011, 10:54 PM

Hail the Lord Loki :D that points an interesting idea, that his villians may have been minions in the past? and are now fully fledged supavillians in our time?
WellDrawn - 10/16/2011, 10:54 PM
First Avenger actually takes place over several years. The montage once Cap gets his costume is meant to represent at least 2 1/2 years, ending in 45' towards the end of the war.
The sequel will supposedly take place partially in WWII and partially in present day, with a storyline that connects even after 70+ years.
Ace101 - 10/16/2011, 10:56 PM
@NeoBaggins TFA's time line spanned at least three years minimum all we saw was cap's attacks on red skulls plans during that time.
Ace101 - 10/16/2011, 10:58 PM
man i would love to see baron zemo and wolfgang plus hydra island
THRILLHO - 10/16/2011, 11:15 PM
NeoBaggins - 10/16/2011, 11:41 PM
@everyone who responded and My Lord, loki668.

That's what throws me off. By the time he's flying the plane into the ice, he has had many adventures indicated by a montage? But he hasn't got that dance with Peggy and he hardly knows the Red Skull. He was still new too, like he was still getting use to being Cap. I don't see the years at all.

I wouldn't mind seeing Zemo in a sequel taking place back in the day.
arow2 - 10/17/2011, 12:15 AM
They need to have zemo so then he can start the masters of evil for the avengers 2 they will make it make sense in marvel I trust
OdinsMissingEye - 10/17/2011, 12:18 AM
Apart from the fact that this movie was dreadful and should of been called Craptain America as it is unarguable the worst marvel movie to date the makers of this movie left NO room open for a sequel whatsoever.

There is absolutly no way possible to have a Crap 2 set in WWII without completly rebooting the entire movie.

Neobaggins said it, those montages gave no representation of time passing.

Heres a hint to the makers of this piece of rubbish film, get the [frick] out of the forest and show the audience an actual perspective of where these people are with some panaramic camera shots of the landscape rather then constant shots of forest and the inside of factories.

If I wanted to see an action movie I would of hired diehard, when I want to see a superhero movie I expect to see some superhero awesomeness, not some guy dressed in blue tights throwing a few kicks and punches and playing frisbie with the trees.
Orphix - 10/17/2011, 1:39 AM
Unfortunately CA:TFA was shafted quite badly by The Avengers setup. The story is so desperate to get cap frozen by the end of it they spoilt all the great work they did in the first half of the film.

Hardly anything gets the payoff it deserves. His transformation, his becoming part of the US Army, his romance with Peggy and duel with Red Skull are all wasted.

Having said all that - I can see them running with Zola as the baddie. He has yet to go full 'crazy' yet and he is gonna be pretty bitter about being a POW.
Ichaos - 10/17/2011, 2:27 AM
@neobaggins there was a montage of various missions which happened over an unknown amout of time. I am pretty sure that was intentional so they could revisit WWII. There could have been dozens of missions in between not shown
Ichaos - 10/17/2011, 2:30 AM
@Orphix The Peggy Romance was not wasted it is an emotional anchor to the past of what Cap left behind/Lost. I would be shocked if its not revisited with Cap meeting her in modern day
NeoBaggins - 10/17/2011, 3:15 AM
@Ichaos If the unknown amount of time is meant to say that Cap went on many adventures and faced many foes; it doesn't translate because he's at the exact same level of newness to the transformation. Same pending situation and same demeanor as a man who is getting used to his new found powers. The film doesn't resume with the feel of a seasoned Cap who has faced a number of super foes. This would mean that Red Skull has been dicking around with the cube for several years, unfamiliar with Cap, while Cap takes on other arch villains.

idk I thought the film played straight thru from beginning to end with it's events in close succession.
VictorHugo - 10/17/2011, 3:40 AM
Ichaos: it would touching in a big cemetery scene, just like in the "Ultimate Avengers" cartoon.
WingHead - 10/17/2011, 4:31 AM
For Peggy Carter I'd like to see Cap visit her in the hospital at the end of Cap 2, just before she dies. Sharon could take him to her after realizing that Cap knew her.

I think people have it a bit mixed up when Marvel says they're going to do flashbacks. I see it as Cap being brought in by Fury after there is a terrorist threat. Nick says the leader of the organization is tied to Caps past. They pull out his file during WW2 and you see Cap and the Commando's on a mission to stop Zemo from releasing a biological weapon. Zemo is knocked into a vat of the chemicals and presumed dead. End of flashback, takes about 20 minutes of the movie, if that. then the rest of the movie is about going after Zemo in present day.

Cap is not very interesting in the past. He has a much more tragic sense to him in the present time. Plus they will have to introduce Sharon Carter and Falcon, if we go by what the writers say, so they can't develop those characters and spend half the movie in WW2.

When I said Zemo I was just giving an example. I personally hope Zemo is saved for Avengers 2 and leads the Masters of Evil.
jjmeylar - 10/17/2011, 5:06 AM
I'd love to see him in a Fury film.
HaroldOfGalactus - 10/17/2011, 5:48 AM
Cap spends 6 months or so in the Uso Circuit.

A couple more months in the leather jacket get up, and everything after "Mr. stark, I had a few ideas about the uniform." is a 2-3 year montage. Bucky's disappearance will be explored in the sequel, which I believe would be the perfect opportunity For Zemo (Heimrich and Helmut) as the head of the russians who manipulate and utilize the Winter Soldier.
nuck82 - 10/17/2011, 7:05 AM
he pulled the look off perfect!!! and yes we need a nick fury movie but 616 fury please
whatevillurks - 10/17/2011, 7:22 AM
Roamtic relationships during WWII tended to be determined by how much a couple was apart than together. I thought the movie captured this well. I would like to see Zemo infaltrate American politics and create a crazy right wing third party. Only Cap can see it as a threat and has to go off the grid to stop them. The character is at its best when trying to save the country he loves from itself.
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