One of many praised aspects of Marvel and Joe Johnston's much-anticipated
Captain America: The First Avenger film is it's ensemble cast; one cast member being veteran actor Tommy Lee Jones, filling in the role of 'Colonel Phillips.' Recently detailing the role and his filming experience, heres what he had to say.
“I play the Colonel, sort of this gruff military man in charge of the unit that produces Captain America. I think there’s always sort of one of ‘me’ in these films, but I like what Joe and Kevin [Feige] have tried to do to make it unique. This is a comic book movie, but this one also seems to strike a particular chord that is resonating right now on a national level. But not to get too big and heavy about it, they’re meant to be fun, thrill rides, so I’m just going along with that. I get to yell at some people, order guys around, say something funny every now and again. It’s a good time.”
Captain America: The First Avenger focuses on the early days of the Marvel Universe when Steve Rogers volunteers to participate in an experimental program that turns him into the Super Soldier known as Captain America. As Captain America, Rogers joins forces with Bucky Barnes and Peggy Carter to wage war on the evil HYDRA organization, led by the villainous Red Skull. Starring Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Tommy Lee Jones, Hayley Atwell, Samuel L. Jackson, Stanley Tucci and Hugo Weaving, the film releases July 22, 2011.