So, we all know that an article was posted on this site a few short weeks ago stating that Robert Buckley may be cast as Captain America and that the article was taken down just a few hours later. Since then we've also learned that he supposedly screentested for Cap but was now being considered for the role of Bucky Barnes. unknown "sources" have since stated that this was untrue.
Now seeing as that no one has confirmed these as official sources, I myself would like to believe that Robert Buckley may actually be in contention to play the star-spangled avenger and heres why:
Recently, we heard news that Joe Johnston and Marvel wanted to be sure they had the they right actor for the role amd that they would be expanding their search for an actor to play Captain America which includes actors such as Chris Evans, who has become an fan favorite of sorts. Now of course this more than likely was because of the relatively poor choice of actors on the unconfirmed short list.
Anyways, I believe that Robert Buckley may be among the actors included within the expanded search on the basis alone that MultiPurposePoni was asked to pull the article revealing Buckley as the possible casting choice for cap immediately and that a few weeks later the expanded cap search was announced.
Now I don't know if it was Marvel who asked him to pull the story or not, but if it was, it could have been to conceal their plans to have him among the actor being looked at in their extended search.
Call it wishful thinking but you have to admit it is a awfully interesting coincidence.

Now that the "conspiracy theory" portion of the article is over, now it's time time for my Top 3 reasons that Robert Buckley should be Captain America
1) Buckley has the perfect height: Robert Buckley stands at 6'2, the same height as Captain America in the comics. The height is an important quality that a Cap candidate should have and so far none of the named contenders have had Cap's exact height, so thats a quality that puts him above the actors right thers.
2) Buckley has the body: Buckley pretty much surpasses all the candidates (besides Chris Evans) in muscle build. So his muscle combined with his height gives him the best overall build for anyone who could possibly play cap.
3) Robert Buckley lacks big-buget film experience: Buckley's film experience consists mostly of straight-to-dvd films, so he's surely enough of an unknown to attract the execs in charge of casting The First Avenger film.