Captain America, The American Dream, and the American Reality

Captain America, The American Dream, and the American Reality

Captain America may be a Super Soldier wearing the red, white and blue, a symbol of American power in World War Two, and a defender of the weak and oppressed. But what does he mean in the modern age, and why does he matter today?

Editorial Opinion
By bropous - Feb 01, 2014 07:02 AM EST
Filed Under: Captain America

With the upcoming release of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, once again Cap will be marketed overseas, and it will be interesting to see how international audiences embrace, or avoid, this iconic All-American superhero.

But is Captain America more than just a Super Soldier, draped in Stars and Stripes, than just a visible symbol of American superiority and a reflection of America as it is today?

Or is he more a reflection of the American heart as it SHOULD be, the America that many Americans still hold dear, and not just American power cast large to force the rest of the world to bend the knee, as SOME in our shared history have attempted to make it?

Captain America has not been just an extension of American government foreign policy since the early days of the comic in WWII. He's pretty much evolved into someone who DOES stand for The American Ideal, the freedom of the individual over the demands of the collective, and the moral choice of the strong sacrificing much, if not all, for the weak and suppressed.

He is not another two-dimensional propaganda recruitment poster for the nearly-nightmarish caricature the American Experiment has become, having been used repeatedly VERY stupid men for VERY stupid reasons.

Cap has been a Marvel character who has sided with the downtrodden and the out-of-luck, a kid of the Depression yanked forward forty years or so to see how life in America changed in the blink of an eye for him, and not in the ways that he, or others who saw his experiences in the Second World War, would have ever imagined.

No, Captain America is not so much about the modern America, as it is, but the America of seventy years ago, as it WAS when it was the last hope of a planet facing true domination by evil collectivism, and sacrificed so much to help small nations and weaker peoples throw off the yoke of dictatorship and despots.

In the end, I have the feeling that this film will not be seen so much as an "America, phuck YEAH" movie, but a reminder to a lot of people, here and abroad, of what America really is SUPPOSED to be about, has appeared to have forgotten, but which remains an ideal in the hearts and minds of a few people who actually hold that dream and spirit dear. Captain America reminding us of what America was SUPPOSED to be, a beacon of hope and a light in the darkness, leading by example.

It is not, and never was meant to be, a self-absorbed, self-obsessed and one-dimensional empire that strides the Earth like a colossal Sentinel sent by Bolivar Trask to remake every corner of the globe in its own distorted image.

And THAT is why I think this film will actually make a LOT of money overseas.

You can agree with me, or disagree. That's cool.

But I'd also like to hear what YOU think Captain America means, to YOU.

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marvelstudios - 2/1/2014, 9:04 AM
I never saw Captain America as solely a American hero but a hero for all of mankind. He always fights for what's morally right no matter who it is he is fighting. He says it best in Captain America: The Winter Soldier when he said "I don't like bullies, I don't care where they're from."

I think we might see Cap fighting against Americans in the sequel because what they're doing is morally wrong.
marvelstudios - 2/1/2014, 9:04 AM
BTW, nice article.
Pasto - 2/1/2014, 9:07 AM
At least you closed the article with a nude chick and Cap's shield. For that, you get a thumb.
Alphadog - 2/1/2014, 11:35 AM
Cool article. Word of advice, don't put so many pictures in your articles. I think that at most they should ocupy a third of the article (in space not quantity) and that's streching it a lot already. Idealy they ocuppy a quarter of an article if it is long. If you have a small article than just post one small picture like the you're first one.
Bearjew - 2/1/2014, 11:49 AM
The American Beauty, The American economy, the American society, the American Horror Story, the American deficit, the American people, the American Mutant Ninja Turtles.
superpower76 - 2/1/2014, 10:39 PM
Interesting topic.

I don't know camp's mythos well but hasn't his character in the books, and to a lesser extent mccu cap, already been disillusioned to the American dream?

The line "this is fear" leads me to believe that the audience will be continuing the journey that began when cap found the hydra tech and Tony uncovering they lies in avengers.

My question is how far down the rabbit whole will the film makers take us? The farther we go the wider the potential audience becomes. The problem is that it doesn't take very long before Murcia becomes vilified. This puts a film maker in a position of potential loss right here at home.

So I would say cap will have his eyes partially open by events in the movie but in he end he will have faith and keep believing in the American dream.

It's late so this probably makes no sense but great topic to think about.
MightyZeus - 2/2/2014, 2:47 AM
Good effort and good article. I've never been a fan of Captain America until i started reading Civil War. It gave me a better understanding of Captain America and what he was willing to fight for. Captain America is not just fighting for America or against Injustice but he's fighting for freedom and equal rights and the fact that he has moral values and respect for people makes him one of the better heroes on The Avengers or what ever team he's fighting on.

Captain America: The First Avenger the film was a highlight for me and made me appreciate the character even more. Captain America became more relate-able in the film.
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