Who will win this fight? The Hand (MARVEL UNIVERSE) or The Foot Clan (NINJA TURTLES)? Vote Now!
PLUS: Who won last week? The Dark Judges (2000 AD) or The Black Lanterns (DC COMICS)? Hit the jump to view the results!

Feature Opinion
By Darkknight2149 - Feb 01, 2014 10:02 AM EST
Filed Under: Comics

About CROSSOVER BATTLES: These battles are a series of weekly articles, in which I take two different comic book characters or groups of characters from two different publishers and YOU vote on who would win in a fight (Note: since I write the articles, I remain neutral on all battles).

LAST WEEKS RESULTS: The Black Lantern Corps VS an army of Dark Judges

The Black Lanterns Win!

75% of voters said the Black Lanterns would win and 25% counted on the Dark Judges.

Also, last week we had a Marvel Vs. Marvel BONUS BATTLE to go along with the main one. It was Scorch Vs. the Iron Man villain known as Blizzard. It was a tie.

Character Bio: Marvel's THE HAND (Criminal Organization)

The Hand is a worldwide organization of mystics, ninja's and assassins within the Marvel Universe, commonly known to go up against Daredevil and Wolverine. Many members have occult abilities such as resurrection powers and others depending on which character. The Hand has been around for centuries and began in Feudal Japan. Known members (not all are current) include Stick, Hobgoblin, Elektra, The Mandarin, Snakeroot, Gorgon, The Black Tarantula, Iron Monk, Lady Bullseye, The Silver Samurai, Viper, Tombstone, Typhoid Mary, the Underhand and others. The Hand have forged an alliance with Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin Of Crime. As a matter of fact, Hobgoblin was his right hand man. However, Fisk's criminal empire was destroyed by Superior Spiderman, but Fisk, being a master schemer, has been known to resurrect it when it was temporarily destroyed many times in the past and it was highly implied Fisk was plotting revenge. Fisk is currently lying low until he sets his plan in motion.

Character Bio: The Foot Clan (TMNT Criminal Organization)

The Foot Clan first appeared in the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics as a parody of Marvel's The Hand, however, they are no longer portrayed as such. Founded in Feudal Japan by two men named Sato and Oshi,the Foot has also been around for centuries. They are a worldwide organization of Ninja's, thieves, killers, assassins, and Martial Artist who practice ninjutsu and Black Magic. The New York wing of the Foot is led by the Ninja Turtles arch nemesis, The Shredder, and commonly battle The Turtles. Known members of the organization include The Shredder (Oroku Saki), Utrom Shredder, Lady Shredder, Karai, Hamato Yoshi, Tatsu, Bebop, Rocksteady and many others. They have formed alliances with such villians as Krang, Utrom's, Tokkka, Rahzer, and some extraterrestrials. Shredder is especially cunning and powerful.


Martian Manhunter VS Phosphorus Rex

Abilities: Martian Manhunter:

Martian Manhunter is an extremely powerful being who can phase, shapeshift, use telepathy, shoot eye beams, and has a degree of invulnerability and super strength. He can sometimes grow sizes. BUT he is extremely vulnerable to fire.

Abilites: Phosphorus Rex:

Rex has no abilities except invulnerability to fire. However, his skin combust in air. IE his entire body is always ON FIRE. NOTE: this is the comics version of Phosphorus Rex in this battle, NOT the more powerful version that appeared in Beware The Batman. That wouldn't be a fair fight because he would easily be able to defeat Marian Manhunter. However, the comics version of Rex is much more debatable when it comes to him fighting Manhunter.

Let the voting begin! Toon in next week for the results of this battle and the next, both in the same article. Do you like these battles? Do you want the make them more competitive? Then be sure to tell others about these. Also, I am open to suggestions as well. I do read and consider every single comment in every single one of my articles.
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Darkknight2149 - 2/1/2014, 11:08 AM

This would have been the WINNER card if the Dark Judges had won. I make these in advance.
relentless1 - 2/1/2014, 12:20 PM
the foot are a joke save for their leader so hand wins easy

martian manhunter doenst have a weakness to fire anymore so he wins easy as well
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