Hello Fellow CBM Users:
Today i'm here to talk about which DC villains I want the DCCU to use in future movies. Lets get started!
5) BLACK ADAM: Black adam is just one of the coolest characters in comics and one of the best villains DC has. Black adam has the powers of shazam which makes him one of the strognest characters in the DC universe. Recently the rock has been teasing he's going to play either shazam or black adam and I really want him to play BA just because he's a much more broken and interesting character then shazam.
4) The Cheetah: Wonder woman arch enemy, cheetah is one of those characters that no one pay attention to, but is one heck of a character who is just a bad ass. I mean who doesn't want to see a cheetah lady fighting the greatest female superhero on the big screen. Also with wonder woman to make her big screen debut in BvS:DOJ, its only a matter of time before we see her greatest foe also.
3) Brainiac: To me Brainiac is in the big 3 of superman villains. Theres Lex Luthor(of course), General Zod, and Brainiac. To be compared to those other 2 is speaking highly of how awesome Brainiac really is. He's the smartest being in the universe, he's as powerful as superman and he has just one of the best desgins i've seen in comics. I mean all of us have been wanting to see brainiac on the big screen and with lex luthor coming and general zod done. I feel once we get a true man of steel sequel, brainiac will be our villain
2) The Riddler: Everyone has been screaming to have the riddler as the main villain in the next batman solo movie and i think were going to get our wish. the riddler in this new darker, sinister DC cinamtic universe would just be amazing to behold. Before Bane was announced as the main villain in the dark knight rises, there were rumors that leo dicaprio would be playing riddler and i thought that was a great choice, now obviously that didnt come to pass, but with this new universe I feel we need a younger, sleeker, more creepier version of the character to battle our aged dark knight. My pick for riddler will always be, until they offically announce who's playing him, Ezra Miller. Miller has the creep factor down to a T(watch "we need to talk about kevin") and he brings that younger vibe. only time will tale if my wish comes true
1) The Joker: Joker is my favorite character in comics and he's my favorite villain period. He is simply one of the best characters comics has to offer and we all know we're going to see joker again in the DCCU. Whoever they cast to play joker will without a doubt have an extremely hard time following in the footsteps of heath ledger but i can't wait to see who they cast and how their going to bring the clown prince of crime to the big screen once more.
What DC villain do you want to see on the big screen? Comment below and let me know