Here are a few brief excerpts from the interview over at
Comic Book Resources. For the full, unedited version where the comic book writer goes into a lot more detail about the arc, characters and more, be sure to head on over to the site by clicking the link below.
On What We Can Expect To See In The Upcoming Story Arc:
"Jason Todd is back. It’s a story we’ve been talking about for a little while: Jason’s been cooling his heels in Arkham Asylum, and they prefer he not cool his heels there anymore. So it’s basically about Jason leaving prison and how Batman and Robin will be dealing with that. Well, I should probably say Batman, Batman, and Robin—both Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson and Damian are involved, so everyone."
On Whether Grant Morrison's Controversial Work With The Character Will Effect The Story:
"I really dug what Grant did. I didn’t create Jason Todd. I mean, I put Jason in the Red Hood costume, I made him Red Hood, so I feel a little bit proprietary towards him, but when people go in and write your characters and take them in different directions, I don’t get worked up about that. And with Grant it’s awesome. With the insane costume and the stuff he was doing emotionally, it was great. And I think we pick up where that left off. Does it continue exactly in the same line where Grant set him up? No, but that’s what comics are about. The Jason Todd that was in Grant’s run is absolutely present, but he’s also moving forward as a different one."
On Making Sure The Personalities Mesh When There's More Than One Batman And Robin:
"It’s all about making sure how these personalities mesh—you know, how Bruce is to Jason is to Dick is to Damian, or Damian is to Jason. What does Damian think of Jason Todd? What does he think about him? He thought this thing about it when Grant wrote him, and Damian’s sort of a constant, so it’s about examining the personality along with the action."
On A Scene He Had To Cut From The First Issue:
"In the first issue there’s a scene with Bruce and Jason which originally I wrote it, and wrote it, and wrote it, and it went on for days, it was absurd how long it was. And I thought, "Ok, let’s cut it back"—and by the way, the whole scene, everything in there, was awesome. Fun stuff, things people would want Jason to say, things they would want Bruce to say—but you know what? That didn’t serve the story, it was just sort of fun for me, but we needed to cut back to what we needed to move this story forward. So that’s a challenge, making sure that these characters I’ve lined up don’t talk too damn much."
Batman and Robin #23 will be released this May!