Latest Shake-Ups at DC Entertainment

Latest Shake-Ups at DC Entertainment

According to Bleeding, via, there are more changes coming in the executive ranks at DC Entertainment following the announcement of the Warner subsidiary's relocation to California.

By EdGross - Oct 04, 2010 02:10 AM EST
Filed Under: DC Comics
Source: Deadline

Notes Deadline, "Three major DC Entertainment execs are exiting -- Richard Bruning, currently SVP and Creative Director; Cheryl Rubin, SVP of Brand Management; and Steve Rotterdam, SVP of Marketing and Sales. This is obviously a major shakeup at the company Diane Nelson runs for Warner Bros. But with new movement on Batman 3, Superman 2, Green Lantern, and now Wonder Woman (neither Watchmen nor Jonah Hex were on her watch), the exec who led the Harry Potter franchise so successfully is putting her stamp on the DC Comic characters now after years of screwed-up development. This is terrible for departing DC personnel, but great for reanimated and rebooted and maybe even brand spanking new franchises."

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LEEE777 - 10/4/2010, 2:57 AM
Here we go again!!!!

Just watch 'em say FLASH and WONDER WOMAN ain't happening!

Any shake up gets the ripple effect! : (

This should be happening over at FOX studios dammit, [frick]ing h8 FOX lol!

marvel72 - 10/4/2010, 3:26 AM
@ leee777

you're right,about the ripple effect.

i want to see the flash & wonder woman but i can't see it happening.

any announcement coming from dc entertainment will be about films we already know that are on the way i.e batman 3 & superman.

three main charactors from the dc universe isn't enough.

dc are falling to far behind marvel,marvel studios is the future of the comicbook genre.
EdGross - 10/4/2010, 3:34 AM
The Flash script is currently being written and this is being done under the new regime that had already been set up, so the project shouldn't be affected by this.
RedDevil - 10/4/2010, 3:35 AM
First of all..........dgfdgfd...........GTMFO you Sack of troll balls and thanks for blessing us with your spam shit:)

@lee777 and deadpool

I agree!!! Even though the 3 main superheroes DC is pulling out; Superman, Batman, and Green Lantern, are my favorite DC characters, I still would love to see a Flash film. Flash is a very delicate property. The villains, origin, power, and so forth is a bit hard to establish and please many audiences used to the superhero genre. However, he is one of the ICONIC superheroes ever. It is necessary to bring him to the big screen ASAP to respect the comic book legacy.
LEEE777 - 10/4/2010, 3:50 AM
IronBro @ Hell yeah agree!

Deadpool @ Well I'm hoping it wont but it always does!

Yeah its a pity with WB/DC, they've been sitting on GOLD for decades, its a real shame their so slow with everything!

ED @ Lets hope so!

And @ dgfdgfd???? Where ever you've gone... goodbye! : D
jazzman - 10/4/2010, 3:51 AM

Marvel movies still have not won or nominated for any oscar ;) lol. we know DC loves Batman and Superman but they redefine comic book genre still.

but at less Marvel is trying to bring these characters on the big screen. DC Entertainment need to bring other characters outside of Batman and Superman
tazmaniak - 10/4/2010, 3:58 AM
What does being nominated for an Oscar have to do with anything?
jazzman - 10/4/2010, 4:03 AM

everything in the film industry
DDD - 10/4/2010, 4:05 AM
Hopefully this will cure DC's constipation
with bringing their characters to the big
DDD - 10/4/2010, 5:20 AM
Yeah, what boneheadness to not want to do
a JLA movie after Superman, GL and The Flash!

What is wrong with Warners? They just don't
get the potential for big money with the JLA!
DDD - 10/4/2010, 5:24 AM
Warners you IDIOTS! Bring a JLA to the big screen
with...Superman, Batman, GL, Flash, Wonder Woman,
Martian Manhunter, GH, Black Canary & Hawkman
and you got piles of money in da bank!

Damm, it's not rocket science!
DDD - 10/4/2010, 5:27 AM
The merchandise, toys, etc. from a JLA movie alone
would bring tons of money to Warners coffers!
superman7 - 10/4/2010, 6:03 AM
@ superguy1591:

I actually wouldn't want to see a Superman VS Batman movie. I would love to see a Superman/Batman movie, where they team up against some peeps like in pubic enemies. But a versus wouldn't do either of the characters justice. It would just make superman look like a Puss. And im really sick of seeing superman look a puss on the big screen. The guy killed doomsday with his bare hands for F*cks sake!
superman7 - 10/4/2010, 6:06 AM
But they really need to move their asses when it comes to a collective property like Justice league or team ups. Seriously, in the ABSOLUTE WORST case scenario, they'd still slightly profit.

for once i agree with grif, take the F*cking chance WB. I get that its a lot of money, but even the EPIC FAIL that was Superman Returns still brought it profit. Do they think a JLA movie wouldn't?
Minato - 10/4/2010, 6:24 AM
What kills me about WB is they act like they never put out a bad movie that barely grossed. With DC properties at least there is an established fan base to begin with. Ive never seen a dumber or more fearful company in this great country. Its unpatriotic not to put out JLA movie. I think WB wants the terrorist to win.
TheDarqueOne - 10/4/2010, 6:45 AM

CBMs are never going to be Oscar material. They are far too popular for that to happen. Heath was a fluke because of what happened to him.

nfarquhar - 10/4/2010, 6:59 AM
@TheDarqueOne. road to perdition and a history of violence are both cbm's and were nominated for an academy award.
jazzman - 10/4/2010, 7:00 AM

that mean Michael Jackson "This Is It" should of been nominated or won a oscar cause of his death also. its annoying people undermining Heath performace as the Joker.

"CBMs are never going to be Oscar material. They are far too popular for that to happen"

- Superman was nominated for 3 Oscars and won 1
- Batman won 1 Oscar
- Batman Returns nominated for 2 Oscar
- Batman Forever nominated for 3 Oscars
- Batman Begins nominated for an Oscar
- The Dark Knight nominated for 6 and won 2 Oscar
- A History of Violence nominated for 2 Oscar
- Road to Perdition won 2 Oscar

well i guess CBM aint Oscar material
marvel72 - 10/4/2010, 7:12 AM
@ jazzman

a film doesn't need to win a oscar to be any good.

most time,the film i think should get the oscar hardly ever does.
TheDarqueOne - 10/4/2010, 7:15 AM
Yeah Jazzman which Oscars? Best Picture? Best Actor? or Best Special Effects?

The Oscars have minor awards they give to movies like oh say Star Wars. But that is a far cry from Best Picture.

I did not say Heath did not deserve the Oscar. Jack did too back in the Burton film. The difference is that Heath died. If you don't believe me on this how about you go read the coverage before the Oscars. Everyone knew Heath was going to get it and they all agreed on why.

jazzman - 10/4/2010, 7:34 AM

didnt mean it need to be good to have a oscar but these CBM came along way to be taken serious by academy award. you would never see Twilight win a Oscar cause we know they aint Oscar worth lol.

anyway some people feel that cause we got loads of Marvel movies then DC film, that means Marvel is better then DC. personally i like both DC and Marvel but both studios have their own issues when making these comic book movies. WB/DC takes too long to develop these comic books movie Marvel sold all their important comic book characters to different studios and they getting butch very bad. Marvel Studio seems like they always having a dispute with actors and directors. WB/DC dont know what other comic book characters they going to use outside of Batman and Superman.


Star Wars winning a Oscars i would not called minor award and it did make sense it won Best Picture at the time.

they been nominated for alot its a long list. i give u this few.

Road to Perdition - Paul Newman nominated Best Actor in a Supporting Role.
A History of Violence - William Hurt nominated Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role. Josh Olson best writing. i hope u know these are DC movies also.
jazzman - 10/4/2010, 8:54 AM
Jonah Hex would of been good if WB hired Coen brothers.

if DC going to shake up the place please for crying out load fire Akiva Goldsman

TheDarqueOne - 10/4/2010, 11:47 AM

Let me be a bit more specific. SuperHero CBMS do not do well at the Oscars. To me something like Road to Perdition is not the same as Iron Man. Perhaps I will start using SCBMs since that is usually what I am talking about.

Basically if people don't know it came from a comic then it gets taken a lot more seriously.
LP4 - 10/4/2010, 11:56 AM
To all the haters saying they need to stop making Superman movies.


Superman Returns doesn't count because that movie was such a piece of snot. Before moving on to other heroes, WB needs to FINALLY give us the epic Superman film we've all been waiting for. Superman3 and Superman4= BAD

Superman Returns? = EVEN WORSE than Superman3 and 4.

Come on Warner Bros you [frick]ing assholes! GIVE US A GOOD GOD DAMNED SUPERMAN FILM FOR ONCE. - and not one where he deals with his baby-daddy issues or stalks women at their homes. I want a Superman film where he IS A GOD DAMNED HERO.
jazzman - 10/4/2010, 2:02 PM

i just name them one but if u look at Batman and Superman movies u can see how many they been nominated for.


we dont need another Batman reboot they can still carry it on. also Green Lantern is also set in it own universe right now.
DDD - 10/4/2010, 2:33 PM
Metropolisman@ I agree with everything you said except
the crack about crappy Marvel movies. Marvel has far
more good movies out than DC!

Iron Man, Incredible Hulk, and now Thor and Cap America
(which look to be very good).

DC'S got 1 good movie that is praised as good, TDK!
That's it! Superman Returns was the worst bunch of
Horse Pucky as a CBM I've ever seen! A hundred times
worse than even the dreaded Cat Woman. Chris Reeves'
Superman doesn't count cuz it was ages ago nor does
Keaton's Batman for the same reason! And Jonah Hex
was just deplorable!

I don't think Warners/DC will ever do a JLA movie!
What a bunch of morons and backwards thinking
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