EDITOR'S NOTE: CBM Book Club is a new feature we're rolling out where we bring the users into a Live Chat to discuss a specific topic of choice. You the reader will be able to vote and decide what the topic of discussion will be. And it won't be just limited to books, we'll tackle DVD's, new movie releases, and much more. Here's to a successful launch and the first of many more CBM Book Club Live Events to come!
It's my esteemed pleasure to roll out this brand new idea to the site, known as
CBM Book Club! We want to bring you guys together and focus on a particular topic and generate some active discussion in a live setting and I'm hoping that this is the vehicle to do it. As always, you (the viewers)will dictate what happens around here. While the Editors will be picking the "general" topic of discussion, it will be your vote that decides what we "specifically" discuss. Case in point, first up is the DCnU.
Obviously the world is buzzing right now about DC hitting the reset button on their entire universe and I can't think of a better topic for our inaugural Live Event. With that said, it will be up to your vote to decide which comic book will be discussed. Voting will be open from now until September 7th; at which time, the results will be posted and you will have a week to go out and read the top two titles, which will be discussed right here when we reconvene on September 15th, 7PM EDT. Be sure to sign up for your reminder below. Now go vote!
Oh, and you never know who might join us for the discussion. Come back and check out the article for updates!
UPDATE [09/03/2011]: The big Midnight release has passed and we've had a smattering of reviews come pouring in from various sources. I've collected a few to help you select the best title when you vote.
"Animal Man should be at the top of everyone’s Pull List, no questions asked. I don’t want to overhype it, but if you don’t love it from the very first page, you’re not human. Plus, gorgeous art and writing."
"Let's start with the book that surprised me the most and quickly became my frontrunner as the sleeper hit of the entire relaunch: Animal Man #1
Admittedly, I haven't read a ton of Jeff Lemire's work, and I wasn't too familiar with Travel Foreman. This book however has assured I'll be taking at least a second look at anything with their names on it for the foreseeable future. Animal Man as a character hasn't been very well-defined since Grant Morrison's Vertigo series, and in twenty pages is defined, placed in an absolutely essential role in the DCU, and given a supporting cast that does more than support, but really is part of his character.

"Action Comics #1 by Grant Morrison and Rags Morales takes Superman back to basics, and the beginning of his career. He's brash, he's bold, and he's actually a little over confident. That's an interesting concept, the idea of a man that can do these incredible things stretching himself beyond his limit, and one I can't wait to see more of. Most of the supporting cast is relegated to little more than cameos, but as this is the start of Superman's story, that can be forgiven. The book definitely lives up to its name, with plenty of action to start things off, and a tease of confrontations to come."

"A close second [to Animal Man] and a true achievement, though, is Stormwatch #1 from Paul Cornell and Miguel Sepulveda. Already a fan of both creators, it's great to see them step into a new level of confidence. Within the first half of this book, the team perfectly and seamlessly integrates the WildStorm universe of characters into the DC Universe. They make a perfect place and reason for Stormwatch's existence. They integrate WildStorm themes seen primarily in other books like Planetary. They create a huge backdrop to the last several hundred years of the DCU. They even take individual characters like Martian Manhunter, and make them more badass than ever before (not to mention explain why MM is with this squad of mostly WS folks in an expert manner). Add to all of this a fast-paced story with more than a couple fun twists, plus Sepulveda's artwork being about 10 orders of magnitude more fluid, detailed, and striking than anything he's ever drawn, and you have one incredible focal point for the new DCU. And yes, this is the book that the world will revolve around."

"The Flash, as mentioned, I only got to see the art for, but Francis Manapul is a stunning storyteller. Having flipped through the first three issues, Flash fans should breathe a sigh of relief that the character is 100% definitely in the right hands. Oh, and I will give my right arm for the first introductory splash page."
For a bunch of Justice League #1 Reviews, click
UPDATE [09/07/2011]: Well, it's September 7th and the deadline has passed and the voting is done! Out of thirteen titles, Batman #1 came in first followed by Justice League #1, Action Comics #1, and Animal Man #1. However, because of scheduling conflicts we will be discussing
Justice League #1, and
Action Comics #1 on September 15th at 7pm EDT. Right now, it looks like the Live Chat will be pretty full!
Batman #1 isn't released until September 21st so we will be discussing that one at a later date. Stay tuned for more announcements. May have a few surprises to announce before we all come together on the 15th.
The 2011 reboot of the DC Universe is an upcoming publishing event following the conclusion of the current "Flashpoint" crossover storyline. It will entail changes to both the publishing format and fictional universe. Publishing changes include same day release of physical comics with digital platforms, all DC Universe titles being cancelled or restarted at a new issue 1, the former Wildstorm imprint being rolled into the greater DC Universe, and a number of new titles being released to round the number of ongoing series being published on a monthly basis up to 52. It will be also accompanied by a number of in universe changes designed to make characters more modern and accessible, though the scope of the changes will vary from character to character.
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