Thoughts On WB/DC Cinematic Universe, New Castings And Hopes

Thoughts On WB/DC Cinematic Universe, New Castings And Hopes

Man, what a week, first NYCC, then Captain America 3 news, and now this! I love the 2010’s.So yesterday WB officially announced their movies from 2016 to 2020, plus we finally know that Jason Momoa is Aquaman, and that Ezra Miller will be The Flash. Let’s do this!!!

Editorial Opinion
By dcmarvel86 - Oct 16, 2014 02:10 AM EST
Filed Under: DC Comics
So here are my thoughts, ideas, speculations and hopes for the next few years in the DCCU:

March 25, 2016 - Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Well we knew about this movie ever since 2013’s Comic-Con. But I just wanted to say that I believe that WB are actually trying to make this cinematic universe work.
Many people hate on WB (mainly because most of the DC movies sucked), and many people lost faith in WB and the DC movies. But I don’t think that the people in WB sit and plan to make a horrible DCCU, I think they look over and see Marvel, and they really envy them, and saying “that should have been us!”. And yes, WB could have created a DCCU a long time ago, but that is the past, not I think WB seeing how much money and success Marvel has with their movies, and WB wants that, and I believe they are working hard to have that. They have some of the most popular and well known characters in the world, they have great cast and crew, they only need to find their way, and I think that in the last two years understood what they need to do in order for the DCCU to work, be good and be successful. This is a cold war between WB and Disney, and WB doesn’t want to be left behind (with Sony…).

I don’t like everything that WB is doing, and some things are making be go Hulk mode, but I keep saying to myself that until I watch the movies I can’t really judge them. Speaking in judging things, Judge Dredd, I was sure that 2012’s Dredd will suck, but it didn’t. Never judge anything just by its cover, or by what people write on the internet, some people just like to hate.

So, I think people should stop jumping on the hate train, and try to be little more open minded. I think that the internet got past the Ben Affleck casting by now and people are learning to accept the other castings.
I’m not saying that everyone should be a DC fan boy, but people, let’s be happy! We Are getting Batman vs Superman! We are getting a Wonder Woman movie! A Freaking Justice League movie! All in the next 3 years!

August 5, 2016 - Suicide Squad

To be honest, I don’t really sure why this movie comes out in 2016. If it was coming in 2018/2019 I wouldn’t have a problem with it, but 2016? Same year as Batman v Superman, why? It just feels like they throwing this movie out there. I think WB should concentrate first on characters that will be in the JL movies. I’m not saying that I won’t watch the movie, or it will suck. I’m just thinking that they should do instead Aquaman or Green Lantern, maybe even Shazam.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a big fan of Suicide Squad, but I just feel like WB should first establish the DCCU, and then start making movies like this. 
I like David Ayer, just watched “Fury” and it was really cool, and I’m a big fan of “End of Watch” (that felt to me like a lost episode from The Shield). I maybe don’t think that the movie should happen so soon, but I hope Suicide Squad will be cool. But I still think that WB should have used one of their more known heroes, to set up the JL movie.


Now before I touch on the other movies, I have to ask you guys and girls about the stand-alone movies. Will the stand-alone movies will be origin stories? Because the Wonder Woman movie takes place before Justice League, so maybe her stand-alone movie will be her origins story.

I think that this list of movies is not final, because I feel like WB isn’t taking into an account something very important: let’s say that the Wonder Woman movie will be a huge success, will they wait until 2021 or 2022 to make a sequel? Hell no! Same goes with other heroes. And when will we be getting Man of Steel 2? What about a Batman stand-alone movie? 

I think that some movies will be moved and this slate of movies will change one or twice, because nothing is set in stone and WB don’t know how the general audience will react to the movies.
Plus, what the hell does Justice League Part 1/Part 2 means? Is Justice League Part 1 is really just Justice League I, and Justice League Part 2 is just Justice League 2? Or is Justice League Part 1 and Part 2 are really just Justice League 1, and Justice League 2 will be coming in 2020/2021? Too much Justice League in this paragraph.

Who knows maybe Justice League Part 1 and Part 2 are really just one movie that was split into 2 movies. Part 1 will end on a cliffhanger, and then we will go back in time and have origin movie of The Flash, Aquaman and Shazam, and then in Part 2 we will see what happens next, and Justice League 2 will come later Maybe Batman v Superman will end on a cliffhanger, and Justice League part 1 will pick the story from there, and then part 1 will also end with a cliffhanger and the story will continue in part 2. Who knows, but – speculations! Mystery! Fan-Ficing!   
June 23, 2017 - Wonder Woman

I’m happy that we will be getting a Wonder Woman movie before the JL movie. I still don’t know what to make of the Gal Gadot casting, since she wasn’t that good in the Fast and Furious movies (but let’s face it, those movie don’t really shout acting…or gravity laws),  but I still believe that Gal could do a good job. I don’t think that WB casted her as the most popular woman superhero in the world with no reason. I hope I’m not wrong. And looking on the photo of her as Wonder Woman, I just feel like she fits into the role.

I hope that the Wonder Woman movie will be more about the Greek mythology, with Gods and all of that. Wonder Woman can be DC’s Thor. It will be interesting how they will make the Olympian Gods work in the DCCU, I just hope they won’t make them some weird aliens.

Maybe WB will be playing with time, and the Wonder Woman will actually take place (story-wise) before Batman v Superman. I want the Wonder Woman to focus on Themyscira and the whole Greek mythology thing. It will be refreshing from seeing yet another superhero movie fighting in a big city. Keep it in some other mythological world/dimension.

I want WB to tell her story, and it’s cool that their doing the New 52 version, I want to see Zeus, Ares and some other Amazons.    
I’m just very glad that we are getting a stand-alone Wonder Woman movie; this just tells us that WB has faith in Gal Gadot to star in her own movie.
November 23, 2017 - Justice League Part 1

3 years! 3 years until the Justice League will be on our big screen, holy shit!  This is like a dream come true.
I love the Avengers, and I love Marvel and their movies, but those old DC animated show were my interdiction to the comic-Book world, and that Justice League showed me that are more heroes out there then just Batman and Superman, so JL will always have special place in my heart. 

I don’t know what JL will be about, who will be in it, who will the heroes be fighting, and what the hell does “Part 1” means, all I know that a 1 and a half after Batman v Superman I’m getting a Justice League movie!
Some rumors say that Part 1 and Part 2 are just one movie that was split into two movies; I’m ok with that too.

Now, looking on the movie list, something tells me that Green Lantern won’t be in the first JL movie. I think that WB will first introduce heroes in movies like Batman v Superman and Justice League, and only then those heroes will get stand-alone movies. The Green Lantern movie is coming only in 2020, so maybe we will see him for the first time in Justice League 2 in 2019, and then in 2020 he will get a stand-alone movie. I think that WB wants to put as much distance as they can from that 2011 Green Lantern.

There were talks about doing a Flash and Green Lantern team up movie; I don’t know if that’s actually happening, so maybe Green Lantern will debut in the first Justice League, then in 2018 he will share the screen with Flash. I personally hope that the stand-alone movies will center only on one hero per movie, so I prefer that the Flash and GL movie will come later. I still hope that Green Lantern will be in Justice League, but something tells me that WB will keep him for Justice League 2.

So that means that the first Justice League movie will have: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Flash and Cyborg. We might also see Shazam there, but according to all the rumors the Shazam movie will not be connected to the DCCU, I hope not, because it will be just stupid. It’s also weird that WB announced that the Rock will be playing Black Adam, but it will be only in 2019, so maybe we will see Black Adam/Shazam in the Justice League movie. Who knows, maybe the Rock will be both Shazam and Adam.
If the rumors are true, Brainiac will be the main villain of Justice League, and that is perfect. Brainiac is a brilliant villain and he will be great as a massive threat that will bring the Justice League together. Keeping Darkseid to a later point in the DCCU is a smart move. If I do a quick fan-casting, I would cast Matthew Goode (he was Ozymandias in Watchmen) as Brainiac. Bryan Cranston, Zachary Quinto and Benedict Cumberbatch will also be great for the role.

March 23, 2018 - The Flash

Alright, this is the tricky one. First of all I’m happy we are getting a Flash stand-alone movie, and I’m happy it’s coming sooner than later. Like I said above, I don’t want Green Lantern to be in this one, this should be all Flash. I’m really happy that it will be Barry Allen. Now, I know many people want to see Arrow and The Flash shows to connect with the movies, I disagree. As much as I like Arrow, I think that the movie universe and the TV-universe should stay apart (I might do an article about why I think so).

If my theory about Justice League Part 1 and 2 is true, then maybe this will be an origins story movie that takes place before JL part 1. Like I said, it will be interesting to see WB go back and forth with the timeline, introducing the characters in their big crossover films and then telling their origins.
Plus, this movie is the first one after JL Part 1, so if JL will make tons of cash, it will affect this movie big time, and people will be even more excited about the Flash. 

And then comes the casting: Ezra Miller.

To be honest, I have no idea who is this guy, up until the announcement that he will be playing Flash I didn’t even knew that a man by the name Ezra Miller is even a human on the planet Earth. I’ve already read some of the comments on the casting; most are just your typical hate comments. Now I realize that the kid is gay, I personally have no problem with that, if a guy likes girl of boys, it is his deal, his sex life does not effect on his acting chops.
Ian McKellen is gay, and yet nobody complains about him playing Magneto and Gandalf. And from what I’ve heard Ezra Miller is a pretty good actor. Now since I never saw any movie of his, I can’t judge his acting. As far as how he looks, he looks to me like the emo brother of Adam Driver, but to be honest: first time I saw Grant Gustin I wasn’t really on board of him being the Flash, but now it’s changed, so same thing might happen with Ezra Miller – time will tell.

Just to tell the truth here, I’m not 100% sold on this casting yet, and Miller wouldn’t be my first choice, but the casting was already made, so now we can only wait and see how it turn out. 
I know some people are saying that his hair is black and he is too skinny. Well, they can always change his hair color, and I really don’t understand why every superhero must look like Thor? Why not have a little more skinny hero? Hell, where are my fat superheroes?

I hope that by Comic-Con 2015 WB will show us a look of Miller in the Flash suit, and I’m sure that if the suit will be cool, most people will be more positive on this casting.
It will be cool to see Gorilla Grodd in this movie, with some Planet of the Apes magic (please WB, call Andy Serkis!!!).  
July 27, 2018 – Aquaman

Yes! In the last 2 years I became a big fan of Aquaman, his stories in the new 52 comics are really great, and now that we know that Jason Momoa is playing the king of Atlantis I’m totally sold on this movie. There will be some epicness in this one for sure, and all the haters will finally know how bad-ass Aquaman really is. The only thing I have to say is that they really need to change the name. Calling a movie “Aquaman” won’t really work, even if after he will appear in Justice League.
They really most drop the Aquaman name, and call him Orin or something. It’s just embarrassing to have someone so bad-ass having such a dumb name, no wonder people make jokes about him.

And as I said on my Justice League Part 1 and 2 theory; WB might go back in time after Part 1, and tell Aquaman origin story, which is just great a really great story. Well actually there are so many different origin stories about Aquaman that it will be interesting to see where they go. I want this to be like the New 52, show us how Aquaman became the king of Atlantis.

And just like Wonder Woman, I want the Aquaman to take place under the sea, 90% of it in Atlantis and the deep depth of the waters. I think people will really like the fact the WB/DC are taking them into new cool worlds.    
April 5, 2019 – Shazam

I really don’t know what they are going to do. Is Shazam part of the DCCU? Is he on his own movie universe? Will we see Shazam in the Justice League? What will happen!?

Don’t know, but the Rock is in it, so that’s cool.  Just keep in mind that Shazam is coming out in the same year as “Justice League Part 2”, same thing like Wonder Woman and Justice League Part 1, so maybe Shazam will first appear in his own movie, and then will play a big role in Justice League 2, who knows.

Or maybe this is the same thing as Flash and Aquaman, they are just going back in time after Part 1, to tell Shazam’s origins. It will be cool to see that happen. I really do hope that The Rock will be playing both Shazam and Black Adam, because it will be so weird and yet so cool. 
June 14, 2019 - Justice League Part 2

Still don’t know what Part 1 and 2 means. I think that JL 2 might be coming too early. There are 3 years between Avengers and Avengers: Age of Ultron, but there are only 2 years between the JL movies. But who am I to complain? But I think that maybe JL 2 should be in 2020, this way they have a full year to do 2 other movies.

Anyway, we are getting 2 Justice League movies in the next 5 years, and it’s awesome.
But if it is just Part 1 and 2, then it makes much more sense. There are some talks about that Darkseid will be the main villain. I hope they will keep him in a later point, and not be tempted to use him just to counter Marvel’s Thanos. 

I hope that Vandal Savage will be the main villain, and it will be cool if Luke Evans plays the role. Toby Stephens from Black Sails or Pedro Pascal from Game of Thrones could also work. All 3 of these actors can also play Doctor Strange.      
April 3, 2020 – Cyborg

Really don’t know if I want this movie. But maybe by that time Cyborg will be popular enough to get his own stand-alone movie. But I’m calling in right now, this movie will move to a later date.

June 19, 2020 - Green Lantern

That’s a long time to wait for a Green Lantern movie. I hope we will see Green Lantern few times before he gets a stand-alone movie.
I really think that it should be Hal Jordan and not John Stewart, for the same reason that it’s Barry Allen and not Wally West.

I hope that the Green Lantern casting will also be some unknown good actor, because even in my fan-casting I tend to go and cast Chris Pine.
Same as Wonder Woman and Aquaman, I want the Green Lantern to take place in space. With Guardians of the Galaxy and Star Wars people want more movies that happening in space, and I want a Green Lantern that happens only in space.  
Other movies:

WB did announce that there will be Man of Steel 2 and a Batman stand-alone movie, but no dates. I think that WB just waiting for the next big news from Marvel, so they will drop yet another news-bomb a day later, stealing Marvel thunder.

I think that between 2018-2019 we will get Man of Steel 2 and a Batman movie. I also believe that if any of the other stand-alone movies will make really good money, WB will strike the iron while it’s hot, and do a sequel to the really successful stand-alone movies.

This is the problem with the Justice League. While only 3 members of the Avengers got their own movies, all the members of the JL are getting their own movies, and since there are 2 movies per year, it creates a scheduling problem. I hope that WB will find a way to make 3 movies per year.

All of these things just makes me thing the WB got their ducks in order, and they have a plan and they know what they’re doing. I really don’t think that WB will screw this up, because they know that if this won’t work, they lost, and all the money that they could have made of these money will be lost for another 10 years (by that time people might be little tired of comic-book movies).  

Anyway, this is my hopes and thoughts, hope you enjoyed this one. 

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McGee - 10/16/2014, 4:06 AM
kong - 10/16/2014, 4:14 AM
Meh article. Really repetitive. Also you say that by doing Suicide Sqaud they're not setting up the DCCU and that makes no sense. Just because these characters (possibly) won't show up in JL doesn't mean it's not setting up the JL. That's one thing I hate that Marvel inadvertently planted in fanboys' minds. That everything has to be leading to that first team up movie and then afterwards you can branch out. I say kudos to them for setting up a part of the universe outside of JL before it even comes out.
Pedrito - 10/16/2014, 6:22 AM
Is Suicide Squad part of the same universe? Or is it separate, like Shazam?
Pasto - 10/16/2014, 6:46 AM
None of the films are separate. How people jumped to the conclusion that Shazam is not in the DCCU is beyond me.
EhMaybeSays - 10/16/2014, 7:32 AM
All that I took from this article was MORE FAT SUPERHEROES!!!!!
GreenLantern519 - 10/16/2014, 9:57 AM
Maybe Suicide Squad will introduce the villains of the characters who will have solo films. Black Manta for Aquaman, Captain Boomerang or Captain Cold for the Flash, Harley Quinn and Deadshot for Batman!
GreenLantern519 - 10/16/2014, 10:00 AM
I think we'll still get GL in JL 1, they want us to completely get over the Ryan Reynolds version of the character, and by the time JL 2 comes out, we'll be BEGGING for a new GL movie, and they'll deliver one year later!
BlackIceJoe - 10/16/2014, 10:06 AM
The reason people hate Ezra is because there is better choices then him. Take Neil Patrick Harris, he looks more like Barry then this kid. Even Grant Gustin is a better choice then him. I wasn't a fan of Having Arrow and Flash apart of the DCCU, because the characters are younger then I'd like and then WB does this stupid move. It shouldn't have been that hard to find someone that was blonde and in their thirties like Barry Allen. Yet some how for WB it was.

I agree with you that WB is bringing out the Suicide Squad earlier then they should. Was it that hard to show the superheroes first? It will be nice to finally see Wonder Woman and hopefully they call the gods, Gods and not aliens. Aquaman should be really great. Shazam I'll see, but Captain Marvel really isn't a superhero I like. Cyborg in my own opinion can't carry his own movie. The reason why is he has no villains. His villains are also the Teen Titans and if it takes the whole team to take down Deathstroke, what can he do by himself?

I say add J'onn the Martian Manhunter. I say introduce him in Justice League 2. J'onn J'onzz has a reason he'd be in JL2. His brother Ma'alefa'ak J'onzz is a disciple of Darkseid and he's the reason Mars is a desert wasteland. So the Cyborg movie with J'onn J'onzz would work after JL2.

As for the Green Lantern movie, I hope it will be a Green Lantern Corps movie instead. Have Hal and John team up in a Lethal Weapon kind of way. Two intergalactic cops saving the universe. Then throw in Guy and Kyle as the other intergalactic cops that they team up with. I think it needs to take place in outer space or another planet. There's no need to have them ever on Earth. Because they are saving the universe and not just Earth. I think showing Mogo would be cool too. Have Mogo in the background show up at the finally battle and him being huge. He would look small, but it's only because he's trillions of miles away.

This site gives you an idea what Mogo could look like behind the GL members. The size of Neptune or Saturn could be cool. This way you get a chance to see his scope in size.
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