It seems everyone is getting a comic this summer, and KFC’s founder Colonel Harland Sanders is no different. Making his debut in an exclusive comic book one-shot titled KFC Presents: The Colonel's Adventure Comics. Part Biography, part origin, and touch of Marketing, KFC isn’t shy about its intentions. In a statement on their twitter page they say “If you love comics and fried chicken and subliminal marketing, then you’ll love this free exclusive #SDCC comic about me.”
Sanders’ who pasted away December 16, 1980 has been brought back from the beyond (or his image anyway) several times. Like a Marvel Movie character our hero lives to ride again in his quest to sell a 2 piece and a Biscuit. When the Colonel was asked on Twitter, “Why is this greatest thing I’ve ever seen?” KFC relayed this answer (presumably from beyond the grave), “Because it combines two of the greatest things on the planet: comic books and my delicious fried chicken.”
So look for the KFC booth and grab your copy of this comic next week at Comic-Con. While you’re there pick me up a biscuit with an extra packet of honey.