Writer Brian Michael Bendis confirms via message on his forum that MOON KNIGHT will be ending in April due to weak sales.
"I am grateful that we got to do our entire 12 issues. When you get to 12 you'll see we got to tell our entire story uninterrupted which is very nice. I do wish it sold better and I do wish it was continuing with another team. But I wish that about every comic on earth."
As writer Silver Fox points out in his article over at The OutHouse.com, this and other recent Marvel cancellations could be signs that Marvel is gearing up for a DC new 52 style revamp. Personally I think the recent Marvel cancellations and even the DC new 52 are signs of a more disturbing trend for comic books as a whole. I've talked with some of the local comic book shop owners here in New Jersey and they think that the new 52 was only a shot in the arm for the comic book industry. The general consensus among them is that when someone can buy a used video game for about ten dollars and get a longer, more immersive, and interactive story, why would that person pay four to seven dollars every month for a comic that takes ten minutes to read.