COMICS: First Look At Warren Ellis' New MOON KNIGHT Series

COMICS: First Look At Warren Ellis' New MOON KNIGHT Series

The second tier (but ever popular) character will get his own Marvel NOW! ongoing series from acclaimed writer Warren Ellis next year. After the jump you can see some stunning interior artwork from Declan Shalvey in a 3 page unlettered preview.

By MarkCassidy - Nov 22, 2013 06:11 AM EST
Filed Under: Marvel Comics
Source: Hero Complex

Speaking to Hero Complex, Ellis has a response for those that peg Marc Spektor as a "poor man's Batman". “The man is demented in more interesting ways than I think Batman ever was,” he says with a laugh. “[His] cape is actually a crescent moon and he goes out only at night and dresses in reflective white so you can see him coming. Now that’s nuts…. I like that.” Marvel have tried many times to make Moon Knight a big-money player, and although he is well loved by many, they've never really managed to make him a marquee character -- until now? We'll find out in March of next year when Moon Night #1 hits shelves. More at the link below.

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Brainiac13 - 11/22/2013, 7:19 AM
For a 2nd tier character.......wonderful stories. Looking forward to this.
Brainiac13 - 11/22/2013, 7:23 AM

Yeah.......would love to see a MK tv series. No [frick]ing comedy. ....make him dark like the comics.
Brainiac13 - 11/22/2013, 7:25 AM

Yes.......a Punisher series would be Bad Ass.
Tanngnjostr - 11/22/2013, 7:26 AM
I kinda loved the old look, but this could actually work...Go Ellis, give us your best psycho-pulp Mooney!
thewolveRAYne - 11/22/2013, 7:31 AM
I love the idea of Moon Knight....I hope they finally get him right.
ROMsnotdead - 11/22/2013, 7:32 AM
looks good!
i doubt there will ever be a series on Moon Knight though. Great character (the multiple personality business is great)but the look and overall tone of the stories is too reminiscent of another famous character from a rival publishing company...too bad because i like him better.
TheWolverine08 - 11/22/2013, 7:37 AM
Warren Ellis is an incredible writer.
ComicBookGoth - 11/22/2013, 8:03 AM
HeisenbergSaysRelax - 11/22/2013, 8:31 AM
I don't think we'll see a Moon Knight or Punisher TV series. They're too dark. Disney/Marvel wants to keep the movie universe PG-13 so parents won't hesitate to buy the kiddos merchandise. PG-13 also tends to do better financially since it's demographic is much broader. (I know PG-13 is a film rating and doesn't apply to TV, but I'm not 100% sure what the Internet TV rating equivalent of PG-13 is.)

I personally don't think a Punisher or Moon Knight series would work with the tone of the MCU films, unless it was severely watered-down and I'd rather have no Punisher or Moon Knight in the MCU than have watered-down versions of Punisher or Moon Knight in the MCU.
ColonelKilgore - 11/22/2013, 9:02 AM
I never read a solo Moon Knight comic. Sounds awesome though
TerminalVoyd - 11/22/2013, 9:24 AM
Warren Ellis... writing Moon Knight? OK, all I needed to know. Count me in!
Natetrix79 - 11/22/2013, 9:42 AM
The last Punisher had the Marvel Knights logo at the beginning (if I'm not mistaken, I only saw it once) I think & hope that the dark heroes are done under the Marvel Knights banner, but I don't know if that was a Lionsgate studio idea or a Marvel onerous do the opening that way. Fingers crossed that Marvel does this because not ever movie they do will make 500 Million or a Billion at the box office. I think with the right people & script you can do an amazing Punisher or Daredevil film for 50-60 million.
Natetrix79 - 11/22/2013, 9:50 AM
Plus Disney isn't scared to go dark with their movies their just smart enough to put it under a different studio name (Miramax studios which they sold) so they can continue making GAZILLIONS with the family stuff.
jlabatman - 11/22/2013, 10:04 AM
Love to see what Ellis can do with Moon Knight, loved Planetary and and Transmet!
crawley - 11/22/2013, 10:45 AM
If they got Ellis, they're definitely planning to give him the movie/tv treatment.

Maybe Marvel licenses MK to Sony for one of those ASM spinoffs?
Nomadic1 - 11/22/2013, 11:32 AM
Big MK fan. I have high hopes for this new series and like others, would love to see a MK cable series. It would be great to see him show up in the DD show.
PeterDarker121 - 11/22/2013, 11:56 AM
And for those who obsessively play Avengers Alliance on Facebook like I do, they just added Moon Knight and he's one of the biggest BEASTS in the game, seriously....

cosmicman - 11/22/2013, 1:03 PM
Sure to last about 5 issues...
rg7620 - 11/22/2013, 1:03 PM
Made my day! Nothing can destroy my joy today.
marvel72 - 11/22/2013, 4:25 PM
i might have to check this out,warren ellis is a fantastic writer.
Volthoom - 11/22/2013, 5:57 PM
3.99 but ill get it
AlphaFlight - 11/22/2013, 7:57 PM
Oh yeah, good news. Moon Knight is my favourite character, I will be getting this, especially with Ellis involved. I hope we can finally see him on TV or in a movie. There is such depth to this character that they can do many great things with his storylines.
loki668 - 11/22/2013, 11:14 PM
It would be fun to watch Moonknight and Batman play a game of "guess my neuroses". They'd actually be a great team, IF you could keep them from killing each other over their conflicting methodologies.
MightyZeus - 11/23/2013, 4:49 AM
I love that cover. I'm glad Moon Knight is back. Yes i do agree that Moon Knight deserves his own tv show or film.
NitPicker - 11/23/2013, 11:09 AM
Moon Knight is too epic for TV. It has to be a movie.

I hope they get some good villians for this series.
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