COMICS: Marvel E-i-C Discusses The Progression Of Cyclops And His Divide With Wolverine!

COMICS: Marvel E-i-C Discusses The Progression Of Cyclops And His Divide With Wolverine!

In a revealing interview with Alex Alonso, he discusses how they've built Cyclops up as a character over the past few years, how the divide between him and Wolverine came to be and the future of the X-Men after "Schism"...

By JoshWilding - Sep 25, 2011 02:09 AM EST
Filed Under: Marvel Comics
Source: Comic Book Resources

If you read X-Men: Schism #4, you know that things aren't good between Wolverine and Cyclops, and Marvel's E-i-C recently sat down to speak with Comic Book Resources about the development of both the event and of Cyclops as the leader of the mutant race. As usual, there's much more to be found from this interview over at the site, so be sure to click on the link below in order to head on over there to check it out!

On The Divide Between Cyclops And Wolverine:

The story that became "Schism" was one we work-shopped at one of our post-SDCC X-Men retreats, and went to that knowing that Jason [Aaron] would be the writer. The conflict between Cyclops and Wolverine is a philosophical one, but when two fellas get to the point of throwing punches, personal #$%# tends to emerge -- in the case of Scott and Logan, the dark undercurrents of a long and complicated relationship. Logan and Scott aren't fighting over Jean, of course, they're fighting over the future of the X-Men, but when Scott tells Logan, "[Jean] never loved you, you know. You always frightened her," he's not just stabbing his opponent, he's twisting the knife. That's something Scott probably thought for a long time -- now he's actually saying it. Ditto when Logan responds, "And if she were here right now, who do you think she'd be frightened of?"

On How Cyclops Has Evolved As A Character Over Recent Year:

When we sat down and plotted out "Messiah CompleX" several years ago, we knew we were about to send Cyclops down a long, dark road that would start when he took the reins as the unquestioned leader of the X-Men. When that blip came up on Cerebra, signaling a possible mutant birth, the stakes couldn't have been higher for the mutant race, so our first question was. "Who will lead them?" And we realized it had to be Cyclops. It wouldn't be Logan or Emma or Colossus. And it couldn't be Professor X -- been there, done that! [Laughs] It had to be Cyclops.

Even back then, we saw the general shape of the road Cyclops would be traveling. We knew that the tough decisions he'd be forced to make would take a toll on him. We didn't know exactly what that toll would be until we were sculpting "Schism," but we were already asking questions like, "What does it do to your soul when your responsibility to your species compels you to do things you never thought you'd do?" Back then, it was a whole different group of writers at the table -- Ed Brubaker, Craig Kyle, Chris Yost, Mike Carey, Peter David. After that, the story continued to evolve under the direction of a new group of writers -- Matt Fraction, Zeb Wells, Kieron Gillen, etc. Eventually, Jason emerged as the writer with the clearest vision for what the final story could be. When he ad-libbed the "Jean never really loved you" line at the table, we were like, "Oh yeah!"

On The Fallout Of "Schism" And The Future Of The MU:

After "Fear Itself," "Schism" and "The Children's Crusade" come to a close, all the various houses will be reorganized to some degree or another. We've already spoken about the X-Men, but without revealing any spoilers, I will say that the Avengers -- especially Cap, Thor, Iron Man and the Hulk, all of whom have huge crosses to bear after the events of "Fear Itself" -- will be profoundly affected by "Fear Itself." Those that survive the event -- and the shape they're in after they do -- will have great bearing on how the Avengers are able to respond to the next big challenge. "Fear Itself 7.1," "7.2," and "7.3" in stores in November, start the ball rolling.

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bellEND - 9/25/2011, 2:39 AM
Cyclops would destroy Wolverine.

Blasts him hard in the face ([frick] Im funny) till Wolverines face, eyeballs and brains melt to leave only his tin covered skull. Detatch skull from vertebrae and bury it, throw it in the ocean, whatever.

Repeat on all four limbs, bury all tin covered bones separately. Even when he regenerates he will have normal bones. GG.
croniccris - 9/25/2011, 2:43 AM
so whats happening to cyke to make him seem crazy??
norrinradd85 - 9/25/2011, 2:45 AM
"[Jean] never loved you, you know. You always frightened her,"

Good for Scott for getting that off his chest on Logan. Don't get me wrong I love both characters but Cyclops has and will always be my favorite X-man.
norrinradd85 - 9/25/2011, 2:48 AM
Poor guy got shafted in the movies......
Zombie137 - 9/25/2011, 4:12 AM

You do realize that Cyclop's power is NOT heat vision, its a concussive blast. So melting away anything will not happen.
bellEND - 9/25/2011, 4:17 AM
Whatever, his brains and eyeballs will vanish.
geoflash03 - 9/25/2011, 5:08 AM
Hey guys, I'm more of a DC comics guy, but I want to start reading some X-Men. I used to love watching the old cartoon back in the day. Any recommendations on where a good jumping on point would be? Any series in particular that would be good to start with? I'm more of a Cyclops fan, so anything that does him some justice would be good.
SCURVYDOG619 - 9/25/2011, 5:55 AM
As far as standalone issues go,"Wolverine:Alone" in particular was what got me into the X-Men...
weaponX2 - 9/25/2011, 6:08 AM
I've been an X-MEN fan since back in the early 70's and have probably read everything ever written about Wolvie and Cyke. Both are great leaders and great combatants and when it comes to hand to hand they are both quite formidible. Nightmare84 said that Scott is better than wolvie at hand to hand...he better go back and read wolvie's bio, because Wolverine has the martial arts prowess of a ninja, and has had this skill since before Cyke was born. Wolverine just chooses to fight in more of a brawling style because it works better with his claws, but I can guarantee that Logan would take Scott in any hand to hand contest. I know that Scott could take Logan down with his optic blast, but it wouldn't kill him, and it sure wouldn't stop him from coming...the only way Cyke could win is by keeping Logan at a distance and maybe collapsing a building on him. Wolvie has taken the full force of Scott's blast before and, yes it did damage, but he picked himself back up and came back for more. the reality is, Wolvie is nearly inmpossible to kill, and Scott isn't...if Logan gets within claw range and wants Scott dead...he's dead
areyouagod - 9/25/2011, 6:38 AM
@weaponX2...great comment, i couldnt have said it better myself.
MissMystique - 9/25/2011, 6:58 AM
Logan and Scott are both unique in their ways, with different abilities that are amazing. Their personalities are totally different and you simply can not evaluate their properties anyway. No one can be better than the other because they are so different, with few similarities (both are mutants, dahh).They are in different levels. So, both are good on their way :)

Weapon :), I agree with you - Wolvie is powerful with his gift and training skills, but since Logan has known Scott for ages I think he has enough feelings to (at least)avoid killing scott. I expect he has a sensitive side too :)
pinoyboy - 9/25/2011, 7:00 AM
@weaponx2, id have to agree with you bro! wolvie can take a beating from the hulk. and he's mastered almost every martial art. one way or another he's gonna get his hands on cyclops and finish him off.
geoflash03 - 9/25/2011, 7:32 AM
@ ELgUaSoN

Awesome, thanks a lot for the info. I will check those out once I can get a good amount of spare cash, and once I get back home from this job i'm working.
geoflash03 - 9/25/2011, 7:38 AM
And thanks SCURVYDOG619 for your suggestion as well. I'll look into all of those.
OtakuPapi - 9/25/2011, 7:46 AM
"How Can Cyclops Possible Beat Wolverine At Hand To Hand Combat"..For One Wolverine Has Adamantium Bones,Its You Make Contact With The Flesh But Its The Bone That Stops You,Ive Trained At Muy Thai So I Know.Wolverine Could Stand There And Let Scott Hit Him All Frickin Day,Scott Has No Super Strength,I Mean For God Sakes Logan Fought The Hulk.You People Give Cyclops Too Much Credit.Not To Mention In A Actual Fight To The Death Between The Two,Scott Would Have To Fight Logan At Long Distance.It Makes No Sense To Fight An Opponent With Frickin Metal Claws At Close Range.That Is Stupidity,Cyke Has No Healing Factor.So In Actuality The Fact We've Seen Them Close Up Fighting So Many Times Means Wolvie Is Holding Back.You Dont Frickin Fight Someone With Claws And Metal Bones And Expect To Win At Close Combat.People Are So High On Scott Combat wise, But Logans Has Decades Of Experience, Cyke Has Never Been On His Own Outside The X-Men Or Without Jean.So *FAIL*
Blagyver - 9/25/2011, 8:39 AM

Total respect to what Scurvy and Elguason suggested. Great issues.

However, the question to ask is if you just want some really good X-Men stories or stuff that is ultimately going to get you caught up with what's going on right now. I was in the same position as you (loved the characters, hadn't kept up with them in recent years) recently and decided to start with Whedon's run on Astonishing X-Men. That's a great gateway drug of sorts into the more recent events of X-Men. And then of course, there's the event that started this whole shit, House of M.

And as they said, as far as old issues, anything Claremont is required reading.
Ashamed to say this, but I'm actually just now making my way through the Dark Phoenix Saga, which is obviously incredible.
Blagyver - 9/25/2011, 8:42 AM

Well said. I think that Cyke VS. Wolvie is second only to Supes VS. Bats in terms of fanboy fantasy brawls. This one is a bit more clear cut though...really, if Logan gets within arm/claw-span of Scott, it's game over. And while Scott's optic blasts could definitely keep him at bay, Logan WILL get close enough eventually.
cable23 - 9/25/2011, 8:54 AM
Jean Grey is going to hook up with Logan. Cyclops [frick]ed it up by having that telepathic affair with Emma Frost.
skidz - 9/25/2011, 10:01 AM
I haven't had the chance to go to a comic shop in a while (mine closed down). Who is on what philosophical side now? Has Scott officially taken up the Magneto/Malcolm X philosophy? From what I'm hearing, it sounds that way.
MaddMonkk - 9/25/2011, 10:03 AM
Scott is a master tactician and excellent hand to hand combatant. I don't think he could take Wolvie in a just because I like Wolvie better, but he took out the whole team in X-Men 175 quite intelligently and that included Wolverine,Nightcrawler and Colossus.
MaddMonkk - 9/25/2011, 10:04 AM
take in a (fair fight)
geoflash03 - 9/25/2011, 10:06 AM
@ Blagyver

Hey thanks, that should definitely help me out. I need a little bit of both to get me started. All the current events seem like they would be a great read, but I have no idea what all has been going on with them lately. Thanks for giving me a good starting point to jump in and catch up to current events.
skidz - 9/25/2011, 10:10 AM
Any who want to know (officially) who would win in a fight read 'Old Man Logan'. Logan gets torn up REALLY bad, but still comes out on top very soundly.
Luis75 - 9/25/2011, 11:02 AM
Cyclops has the power and yield of a Nuclear weapon vs a guy with glorified kitchen knives through his fists.......hmm I wonder who wins?
Thunderkutfo - 9/25/2011, 12:06 PM
Nothing original nowadays, the whole scene with a sentinel trying to kill them plus their dialogue is a ripoff of Anakin and Obi wan's fight in episode 3, scott will probably lose a limb or 2 and turn bad while wolverine is the big hero blah blah blah, just remember you heard it here first. I couldn't get a job writing comics to save my a$$ and at least i have original ideas, the geeks writing this decided to do and x-men star wars ripoff stupid....
AlThor - 9/25/2011, 12:15 PM
Cyke's beam packs as much punch as the Hulk's fist AND it's a ranged weapon with up to a 180 degree arc. Wolverine aint dodging that. Let's even say Wolvergod doesn't die outright (which he should if not for PIS).... After Cyke's done pulverizing (into goo) and scattering Wolverine's flesh and innards like a huge splash of red paint over the landscape, he can take his time burying the skeleton. He doesn't need any particular aid from the surroundings. He can just dig a massive pit (done it before) with his optic blast that skews in at an angle and collapse it in on itself over the skeleton. Buried alive under several tons of rock and dirt. That's what I call a fate worse than death.
ICStoopedPeople - 9/25/2011, 12:26 PM
I don't care who would WIN the physical fight, I only care about who's going to win the philosophical battle.

I haven't read much of the run up to Schism, but COME ON. The breaking point is Wolverine not wanting Cyclops taking children into battle? Or not wanting children to possibly be forced to kill to defend themselves? Are you kidding me? What about Generation X? Or the original X-Men for that matter? I don't know their exact ages, but the original X-Men were all teenagers (with the exception of possibly Beast). Hope's team is full of late teens with the single exception of Idie/Oya (who's 14).

Hope is 17
Zero is 19
Transonic is 18
Velocidad is technically 16 but the way his powers work he's actually 18

Wolverine spazzes out about Cyclops telling Oya to "do what you think you must" -- this is not a blanket statement to go murderize the Hell out of everyone in sight. Neither of them would have gotten there in time (this is not up to debate, they literally speak like 15 words before the place blows up).
MaddMonkk - 9/25/2011, 12:34 PM
The breaking point is not the debate of the children fighting. It was the jean grey comment.
AlThor - 9/25/2011, 12:41 PM
Wolverine has been written so out of character, it's not even funny. The original x-men team were all teenagers. Why wasn't he chewing out Xavier? What about Jubilee? Shadowcat? X-23? Child soldiers? They've ALWAYS been child soldiers, including Cyke.

Hell, most of comics is all about teens and early 20s taking on the world. Wolverine is an anamoly of being an old man in the superhero community.
Oxion - 9/25/2011, 1:56 PM
You know, if everyone was so confident in Scott beating Logan, why hasn't he done it? I mean that's like everyone that keeps saying how easy it is to kill Batman, but no one has done it. Cyclops is a boy scout, always will be. If he were to step over the line into Wolverine territory, he wouldn't be a very good leader for the x-men or a good role model.
AlThor - 9/25/2011, 3:12 PM
@NextHero08 More proof that most ppl like you are talking out of their arse. If you actually read X-men, you'd know Cyke has beaten Wolverine several times. And a couple of them were pretty decisive. Go to comicvine and check archives for scans. It's a pointless debate because to date, Wolverine hasn't beaten Cyke once in any encounter they've had without being possessed or having help.
KingLing - 9/25/2011, 3:33 PM
Back in the day, I would have chosen Cyclops as the philisophical winner in a heartbeat. But after all the stuff that's gone on... Scott having that affair with Emma and the decisions he's had to make, it almost seems like Logan and him are switching idealogies. Logan is taking the more sane side.

I look at the layout for Cyclop's side versus Wolvie's side in the new X-books, and most of Cyclop's team just looks evil. I mean, Sebastian Shaw, Collosonaut, Danger, Zero, and there's plenty more. To me it seems almost too obvious which side is the good side in whatever philisophical split takes place.
Thunderkutfo - 9/25/2011, 3:37 PM
Does anyone think that Cyclop's recent behavior has anything to do with the Sentry's alter ego the void being locked in his psyche or did they already remediate that storyline?
Thunderkutfo - 9/25/2011, 3:44 PM
Btw wtf is Collosonaut?
AlThor - 9/25/2011, 3:59 PM
@KingLing While I don't agree about Cyclops being more "evil", I do agree that he and Wolverine are switching places. Cyclops is becoming more of the practical anti-hero and Wolverine is starting to become idealistic and naive. The former, I can buy. The latter is just ridiculous.

I've always liked Wolverine because of his shades of grey. Cyclops, the boy scout, has grown up. Wolverine regressed. Why is Cyke starting to win polls (which he wouldn't 10 years ago)? Because he's Wolverine, now. And Wolverine is Cyke. It's f-ed up. People who stick with Wolverine do it out of loyalty or haven't picked up an X-men comic since last century. It's also ridiculous to dislike Cyclops for doing douche stuff that Wolverine's always done. That's part of the devil may care attitude I liked about Wolverine in the first place.
Blagyver - 9/25/2011, 4:32 PM
Sidenote: I'm meeting Herb Trimpe at a convention next month. So excited.
Thunderkutfo - 9/25/2011, 4:35 PM
That's awesome Blagyver, Trimpe was the man! Otakupapi: I agree man, I like cyclops but no way can he beat wolverine!
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