COMICS: See The FANTASTIC FOUR'S New Black & Red Costumes In Full

COMICS: See The FANTASTIC FOUR'S New Black & Red Costumes In Full

Debuting in February as part of Marvel's "All-New Marvel Now" initiative, James Robinson and artist Leonard Kirk will bring us a rebooted Fantastic Four, complete with radically revamped duds. See some new images after the jump.

By MarkCassidy - Nov 18, 2013 08:11 AM EST
Filed Under: Marvel Comics
Source: Via Newsarama

Newsarama have provided us with the best looks at the team's new uniforms yet, with not only the cover for the first issue of the relaunch, but for issue #2 which will be with us next March. There's also a black & white design sketch from Leonard Kirk.

Here's some previous quotes from Robinson on the relaunch.

"What I hope to do is tie in their past without making it too referential and (touch on) how the past can affect the future. While I'm not reinventing the book, I'm certainly adding a side to it we maybe haven't seen for a while. We're going to see the fragmentation of the family due to villainous outside forces that are slowing picking at them and eroding them. The arc I'm going to be telling is basically the fall and the rise of the Fantastic Four, and especially the fall and rise of Johnny Storm. That whole world of superstardom and falling prey to the temptations and the travails of it will be an aspect of it based upon things that happen to Johnny as the Human Torch. Both things tie in with each other and are a part of the nefarious bigger picture. For me it really started to happen with John Byrne (in the '80s) where he started to really make Sue less of the Invisible Woman and, even though that's her name, give her this whole range of powers and abilities around her power — to make her in many ways the strongest and most versatile member of the team. They're all geniuses and all have superpowers and they come from exotic alien or underground locations but they're still kids.
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SageMode - 11/18/2013, 8:23 AM
So they go from NWO Hollywood to NWO Wolfpack huh?
JoshWilding - 11/18/2013, 8:27 AM
Bring back the blue. These are horrid.
Brainiac13 - 11/18/2013, 8:27 AM
Like the new look!
KeefNCookies - 11/18/2013, 8:31 AM

souhunter - 11/18/2013, 8:42 AM
why is sue on the silver surfer surfboard
Afro - 11/18/2013, 8:47 AM
Red is a more aggressive color.
Kyatollah - 11/18/2013, 8:48 AM
I like this look (had a similar design for a Robin custom awhile back.) I just don't like it for the Fantastic Four.
ATrueHero1987 - 11/18/2013, 8:48 AM
1 main thing I don't like about Marvel NOW is the costume changes for their characters. Seriously, F4 need to go back to Blue or B&W like the current run of F4.
jlabatman - 11/18/2013, 8:50 AM
Lol Yoss, true statement!
jlabatman - 11/18/2013, 8:50 AM
and yes, the costumes suck!
FantasticSpidey - 11/18/2013, 8:52 AM
Why would you ever change the main colors for the Fantastic Four to red?

The Future Foundation look was perfect.

Before that the Blue/White or Blue/Black was perfect.

This is unnecessary and ugly.

JoshBerger - 11/18/2013, 8:53 AM
Those costumes suck.
FantasticSpidey - 11/18/2013, 8:54 AM

Yeah the Hickman run was amazing.

Fantastic Four 570-588 Future Foundation 1-23 and then Fantastic Four 600-611.

Really brilliant stuff.
DEVLIN712 - 11/18/2013, 8:56 AM
Don't worry guys, it's just a mix up in the suit colours!
marcvader1 - 11/18/2013, 8:58 AM
WTF?! Are these their evil counterparts or something?
FantasticSpidey - 11/18/2013, 8:59 AM
It seems excessive to reboot this again already. How long until The All-New NOW!All-New NOW! All-New NOW! Fantastic Four NOW!?
Lizardking310 - 11/18/2013, 8:59 AM
Why does marvel have to screw with the costumes every few months?? Leave them alone !!! The FF costumes where fine !
ROMsnotdead - 11/18/2013, 9:02 AM
never mind the bollocks, here are the incredibles.
VictorHugo - 11/18/2013, 9:02 AM
huh? wasn´t Fing Fan Foom killed in "Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E.".

I recall his stomach was shredded from the inside. :P
ATrueHero1987 - 11/18/2013, 9:07 AM

m0th3r - 11/18/2013, 9:08 AM
Hope Fox Studios is paying attention..just in case they want to make that cluster fvck movie any worse they can go with these horrid costumes...
jlabatman - 11/18/2013, 9:09 AM

Better than JoeMomma's attempt at change! If you'll notice the nether region has something mysterious going on there!
FantasticSpidey - 11/18/2013, 9:15 AM
I'm pretty sure Ben Grimm is forever going to be Jewish. As a matter of fact have they ever changed someone's race without introducing a new character to be that specific hero or villain?

I don't recall an example where they took someone like Peter Parker, and made him black or asian or something. Or vice versa. They made Miles Morales and killed off Parker.
OdinsBeard - 11/18/2013, 9:28 AM
who decided everyone has to dress up in black and red in marvel now? spider-man, iron man, the fantastic four.. im surprised wolverine's new costume isn't red.
Shadowelfz - 11/18/2013, 9:28 AM
Wow come on Marvel! If it's not broke don't fix it. Red and Black may look more edgy but FF isn't supposed to be edgy. And are they rebooting the reboot? What's this 'All-New Marvel Now' shit?

Fangz- Mark Waid did a run about a decade ago that was excellent. You should check that out. Its the last time I actively read FF for obvious reasons.
TelaVizion - 11/18/2013, 9:37 AM
I like. It was time for a change
TelaVizion - 11/18/2013, 9:42 AM
I might start reading their books. Will at least check out issue #1

Wingding - 11/18/2013, 9:47 AM
Oh god this is Nightwing all over again...

Dear comic higher-ups,

Why do you hate blue so much?!!?!!!!
Space - 11/18/2013, 9:54 AM
Marvel NOW's relaunch within another relaunch!?
CPBuff22 - 11/18/2013, 9:56 AM
@SageMode - Yes because if WWE & TNA can steal stories from WCW why not Marvel.
Rescue08 - 11/18/2013, 9:59 AM
they need to go ahead and make Human Torch African American so it isn't such a shock when the movie comes out!
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