So, the final part of Origin of Species is out. The question is: does it deliver the heartbreaking conclusion it promised? Read on.
Before I say anything else, I will say that I felt that this issue was a bit of a disappointment. It just doesn't feel like an "heartbreaking" conclusion. However, it still is a good issue.
There are two big plot-twists in this issue. The first one was really unexpected, and the second one was also something a bit unexpected. Lizard in this issue was one of the highlights. The battle between him Doc Ock was good. (Way too short though.)
The art has been lackluster for Origin of Species. It's the same in this issue. Not bad, just not great. The dialogue was great, and the pacing is good.
Like ComicCritic87 pointed out, Venom does not appear in this issue, which is kind of outrageous since he Spider-Man's greatest enemy. Sigh, perhaps for the finale of Brand New Day.
In closing, this issue, while not the conclusion I was hoping for, was still a good issue.
I give this issue a 3.5/5. The conclusion of Brand New Day will be out in one week.