So, the long-awaited end to Brand New Day is here. The question is: does it deliver a satisfying conclusion?
Read on.
Alright, when I finished reading this issue, I thought "Five bucks for this?" No offense to the issue, but it just didn't feel like.....something big.
Anyways, the main story itself was not bad. I was a bit surprised to see Overdrive. I guess using him pays homage to the very first issue of Brand New Day. The dialogue was fine, and the pacing is good.
The art for the main story was very good. As for the backup-stories, the art wasn't as good.
The backup stories I felt were kinda boring. The only entertainment I saw was the cameo of, you guessed it, Venom. (Even though I can't stand Mac Gargan. Where on earth is Anti-Venom in all this?)
In closing, this issue does a nice job of giving Brand New Day closure....just not in an epic way.
I give this issue a 3/5. Big Time begins next week.