EDITORIAL: Why I Am Finished With The X-Men...

EDITORIAL: Why I Am Finished With The X-Men...

What would make a reader of 20+ years give up on a treasured book?

Editorial Opinion
By BenOrion - Dec 05, 2011 11:12 AM EST
Filed Under: Marvel Comics
Source: afronerd.com

Hi ComicBookMovie Readers! Once again, I am back with my own level of dementia involving comic books, television, and science fiction. As promised, I will relay to you folks the reasons why I am deciding to stop collecting my favorite comic book series of all time: The X-Men.

Don't get me wrong. I have a fondness for all of the characters. They were my "family" when I felt like an outcast to the rest of the world. You saw from my favorites list how high I regard Nightcrawler and Iceman in particular. But there comes a time when a man must move on from the trappings of his youth. When an act becomes one of repitition rather than love and it all feels like a chore. If doing something you love feels like a chore, I view it as time to stop the addiction. Cold Turkey...

To me, a major hook on a comic book, or any literature / piece of entertainment, is the connection you have to the characters. Part of the allure of literary entertainment are the sensations you feel living through the hero / protagonist as he / she along the journey. With the X-Men, you felt every mistake, every difficult moral choice, every hard decision members of the team made as they strove to get a handle of their powers while fighting for their rights. Jean Grey's first death, Magneto originally joining the school, the departure of the first class, Wolverine's inner struggle with his beast, Juggernaut's hatred of Charles, Beast's yearning to be normal and storylines of the like were touchstones for the reader which, for lack of a better term, made these powerful heroes seem human and relatable.

Now? The books simply have become a Wolverine - Cyclops pissing contest over control and this has leaked onto every satellite X-Book there is. Outside of Emma Frost, Rogue, and to a lesser extent Colossus (much lesser), it is hard to come up with well defined mutants that you identify with and relate to. Sure, this is happening in books like X-Factor and New Mutants but let's be real here: within the major two books of the franchise: Uncanny and Legacy.. character development has become a lost art. Which leads to the other major reason I'm jumping off this ship....

This is a superhero comic book when all is said and done. A good one has heroes you can get behind with AND villains that are intriguing which bolster the quality of the heroes.


Magneto, like it or not is now a part of the team. So are The White Queen, and now Sebastian Shaw. Sentinels have been done to death and they have just gender swapped Mr. Sinister just to have an antagonist. Apocalypse is tied up with X-Force and every book seems to be the X-Men infighting with each other. I want good kicka$$ villains again. I crave to have my heroes use their minds and intelligence to try and win imaginary battles over the city / world / universe. If I wanted to see no resolutions from people with power, I'd watch news channels 24/7.

Maybe that's the problem. I've gotten older and the new age wants this. Their version of world building would involve all this minutae while mine would involve various plots building over time as fights would be happening. All I know is that somewhere along the way X-Men lost me and I lost the passion to hop back on the bandwagon.

Thanks for reading my fanboy rant ComicBookMovie Readers. Next Week, I'll have links and fun but now, between the Penn State stupidity and this emptiness, I in a melancholy mood. So until next time, Keep Fantasizing!
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Hilton - 12/5/2011, 12:38 PM
I agree with a lot of what you said, but I still find the X-Men comics intriguing. And in Wolverine and the X-Men, they appear to be planning some big things for Iceman.
er101 - 12/5/2011, 12:47 PM
I also agree, I gave up on x men comics some time ago, for a loner Wolverine sure is heavily used in these x men books
BigK1337 - 12/5/2011, 2:04 PM
This editorial is so right on many levels. To me, the X-Men stop being interesting after that Second Coming story arc; the X-Men definately went down hill from there.
marvel72 - 12/5/2011, 2:19 PM
good editorial mate.

chris claremont was the best writer ever to grace the pages of the uncanny x-men,they went downhill after he left.

but saying that i still read them,the uncanny x-force is worth reading even if you don't read the main x-men books.
shadow314 - 12/5/2011, 3:12 PM
uncanny x-force is the shit right now

wolverine adn the x-men looks like it is going to be very good.

They others are just "meh" even though I read almost all of them.
skidz - 12/5/2011, 3:22 PM
You'll probably come back to them, I stopped collecting Xmen comics after the godawful Onslaught garbage, the latter X-Man stories and the horrifying train wreck that Generation (my favorite title, in the beginning) suddenly became. Until Marvel and the guts to part ways with 'Comics Code' and started bringing in writers nobody'd ever dreamed of, I couldn't stand most of the material coming out of Marvel for any of their titles.
skidz - 12/5/2011, 3:23 PM
'Generation X' suddenly became.
astromerc - 12/5/2011, 3:34 PM
Great editorial I have been off this book for years.

@ marvel72 You are so right! I have heard a lot of people, a lot! Dis Chris Claremont and his dialogue but, after he left and to a greater extent, Jim Shooter was forced out of Marvel.

WOLVERINEDECADE - 12/5/2011, 3:41 PM
Very well said,

the article wasn't that long but got straight to the point.

i love to read articles like these... brief and concise
skidz - 12/5/2011, 3:49 PM
@Wolverinedecade: Okay, it's well written, but do you have an opinion about the content itself?

@TheNeedler: I agree with you 100%, but you should probably tone that down a little. Isn't this site comicbookMOVIE.com?
xinstituto - 12/5/2011, 3:51 PM
I agree as well.. for example: Angel broke up w/ Betsy in a couple of days before her "death".. then he started flirting w/ Paige (they took a short relationship) When the X-Men moved to San Francisco all those 3 met each other.. but they just behave like nothing happened =/
Many other characters have issues to care about.. but they just say good morning to previous enimies like Toad.
headlopper - 12/5/2011, 3:51 PM
Buy X-Force/ Uncanny X-Force. If you don't like it , I'll refund the cover price...it's brilliant.

Well written Editorial BTW.
comicb00kguy - 12/5/2011, 3:55 PM
A fine editorial, and trust me, I understand what you're going through.

I quit the X-books after House of M. I only wanted to buy Uncanny after bills went up and I had to cut back on my books, but at least six months out of the year, it was unreadable because it was part of the "event du jour". Individual issues had no connection with the issue before it unless you bought ten other books to know what was going on. I can't afford that. House of M had also happened, and I absolutely HATED it and HATED the end of it.

The worst thing was the 'events'. Some high-up suits had decided on where the story needed to end up, and told the writers "make it happen". The stories felt very contrived, whereas one of the things that made the X-Men great for so long was that the stories just had this natural flow to them that made them and the characters in them feel more 'real'.
skidz - 12/5/2011, 4:07 PM
Marvel as a whole has done the semi-annual 'event' to death lately that it's become white noise and a gimmick, well written or not.
Wildaniel - 12/5/2011, 4:20 PM
Dont give up.

RyanLantern77 - 12/5/2011, 4:31 PM
Good write-up. Gotta agree for the most part
marvel72 - 12/5/2011, 5:24 PM
wolverine was great when we didn't know so much about him.
headlopper - 12/5/2011, 5:29 PM
@WesleyGibson- Yeah , 'Origin' was solid. Had a nice twist to...a good read.
gunner - 12/5/2011, 5:30 PM
Good editorial , I quit buying comics about 6 or so years ago period , too many of the same story lines and way to many Death's of heroes that come back a year later.
As for the X-Men ? It was hard to give up possibly the most coveted of them all , I'm 50 years old as i write and i've seen it all in Comics , Chris claremont was the best hands down when it came to a good story line.
The Biz has changed and i for one kinda grew up i guess and now it all seems to contrived to sell bad stories and crappy Art.
Still love the Movies and collect the Toys i Like.
The end for me was the Unslaught story line ( which i liked )and we all have our breaking point, you've found yours .
Sincerly Gunner .
marvel72 - 12/5/2011, 6:03 PM
@ wesleygibson & headlopper

i've never read that book is really that good,the last good wolverine book i read was old man logan.
PoPcornDude - 12/5/2011, 6:13 PM
the thing that bugs me is:
too many freaking titles and the continuity jumps from one book to another...

the stories still good, not as great as before but entertaining.
Mugwamp - 12/5/2011, 6:20 PM
I quit reading FF for the same reason. It just strayed too far from the source material to be enjoyable. Plus just about the time they get a good writer/artist on a comic they split them up to drag readers to more titles which usually causes the book you enjoyed to go downhill. Good read mate. Well said.
Ghostt - 12/5/2011, 6:31 PM
Nice editorial. We cant always get into the story arcs that our favorite characters go through, and X-Men have been through a lot. You'll come back, bro.

oh, hey @Needler, pretty intellectual comment you wrote there. Bet you make your whore of a mother proud.
Shadowelfz - 12/5/2011, 7:08 PM
Good article and I mostly agree. X-Men are my favorite comic book property but the writtings seems substandard thesedays. Claremont was the best. 90's X-men rocked it wasnt until until Whedons X-men that the comics took a dive (though Whedons work itself was really good that just seems like the time period).

TheNeedler- WTF man? Just because YOU don't like this article doesnt mean others wont.
GiftedYoungster - 12/5/2011, 7:21 PM
I sorta kinda wish they'd reboot the X-men. Take it back to the the original 5. I had so much fun with the X-men First Class comics. I long to feel that again. Also because my favorite, Angel, has been dragged through mud.
mctrinket - 12/5/2011, 7:31 PM
Good point about the lack of decent X-baddies. I also feel there are just too many mutants to keep track of, despite the M Day events.
AGENTJAY1130 - 12/5/2011, 7:52 PM
batmanrises - 12/5/2011, 7:58 PM
Marvel sucks these days. I stopped reading the X-Books and Spider-Man years ago.
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