If you’re like me you want to have all of the official tie-in comics going with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it allows you to see EVERY LITTLE THING that Marvel has made of their universe. The real question is, with the tons and tons of comics made that are supposedly “Tie-ins”, which ones are actually marvel Canon? Well after spending way to much time trying to figure out, I’ve found out the one way to know for sure, besides contacting at Marvel via twitter which some people have done with Will Corona.
Before the Avengers there were 13 different comics that were considered “Marvel Comic Tie-ins”. Although some of them contradicted movies in different ways. So Marvel came out with the collector’s editions to certain comics that tied up all of the different comics that are actually Canon. Now there are still a few collectors editions that are not canon, but the difference is a seal on each one. There’s a red ‘A’ on them that reads “Marvel Cinematic Universe official”. Ah finally, the real ones. So without further ado here are the official Marvel Comic tie-ins. I would recommend them to anyone, all of them are fun to read and most have small little editions that close up some small plot holes in the movie universe.
(this picture shows, see the red 'A' that's the logo you're looking for)
(this one isn't canon, even though it appears to be, there is some contradicting information and no 'A' on it)
Iron Man: I Am Iron Man.
Iron Man 2: Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Includes Phil Coulson Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Nick Fury: Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Black Widow: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.)
Iron Man 2: Public Identity
Captain America: First Vengeance
(All of the above can be purchase in the “Road to Marvel’s the Avengers” collector's edition)
Next is
The Avengers Prelude: Fury’s Big Week
The Avengers Prelude: Black Widow Strikes
(Keep in mind, The Avengers Initiative collector’s edition is not officially canon which can be confused with the two Avengers Preludes)
Iron Man 2 (movie adaption)
Iron Man 3 Prelude
(both of the above come in the "Iron Man 3 Prelude" collector’s edition)
Thor (movie adaption)
Thor: The Dark World Prelude
(Both of the above come in the "Thor: The Dark World Prelude" collector’s edition)
Captain America: The First Avenger (Movie Adaption)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier Infinite Comic
(Both the above come in the "Captain America: The Winter Soldier Prelude" collector’s edition)
That’s all of them! Keep in mind the
Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy Prelude is going to be canon. Please note the
Captain America: Homecoming is NOT canon (Doesn’t have the seal, and was already said to be “Inspired” by the movie universe, not canon with in it). Also there are a few other comics that come with these collectors editions, such as Iron Man (2005) #1 which is the start of the extremis storyline (and the first appearance of Aldrich Killian in the comics) Obviously these aren’t canon, but are fun reads to go along with the tie-ins as well. Any of these comics they created that aren't officially canon would end up being canon at one point and time. If they add it to a collector's edition that states it is then who knows, but until that point they can't be considered canon. For instance there is one called "The incredible Hulk: Fury Files" that shows Fury meeting banner at a bar and starting an attack from the hulk. it doesn't directly contradict anything from the universe, but if they wanted to make it canon they would have added it to the "Marvel's road to the Avengers". Lastly you can find just about all of these on Amazon, that's were I got all of them, and they are all pretty fun indeed. Thanks all hope this helped you out if you were wondering!