Punisher Max: Kingpin has been out for months now and you should read it…
I like the story. Jason Aaron re-introduced the world to Kingpin. Mr. Fisk has it all: intelligence, wisdom, brute force and the all too important fire in is belly needed to rise from being a bodyguard to a powerful don.
From page one to the end Jason snatches the reader by the collar and punches them with a fist full of entrainment. Jason gives you a first class education on what it takes to get revenge and survive in a room full of vultures.
Oh yeah, the Punisher makes a cameo too. Frank “Punisher” Castle was his usual shoot first ask questions later – self.
If you are a Punisher fan, I highly recommended this. So there you have it.
Eddrick Dejuan
Some people may say that Enis punisher is better, but I’ll let you be the judge. Let me know what you think.