Steven Spielberg Clarifies 'Hollywood Implosion' Comments But Still Thinks Superhero Movies Don't Have 'Longevity'

Steven Spielberg Clarifies 'Hollywood Implosion' Comments But Still Thinks Superhero Movies Don't Have 'Longevity'

Whilst promoting Bridge of Spies, Jurassic World producer Steven Spielberg has denied predicting a 'Hollywood implosion,' but his stance on the superhero genre boom remains. Read on to find out more from the 3 time Oscar winner...

By ScottishSummers - Oct 05, 2015 03:10 AM EST
Filed Under: Marvel Comics
Source: USA Today
During an interview back in 2013, Steven Speilberg and Star Wars creator George Lucas predicted a 'Hollywood implosion' brought upon by the failure of multiple blockbuster movies. Two years down the line and Speilberg's dystopian Hollywood has yet to materialize.

In a reccent promotional interview with USA Today, Speilberg appeared to back track on his comments that superhero films will be the death of the movie industry. “To clarify, I didn’t ever predict the implosion of the film industry at all,” said Speilberg, “I simply predicted that [with] a number of blockbusters in one summer – those big sort of tentpole superhero movies – there was going to come a time where two or three or four of them in a row didn’t work. That’s really all I said. I didn’t say the film industry was ever going to end because of them.

Despite his comments, Speilberg still believes that superhero movies will one day crash and burn and he even used the now tried and tested 'way of the Western' cliche. “I also was simply saying that that particular [superhero] genre doesn’t have the legs or the longevity of the western, which was around since the beginning of film, and only started to wither and shrivel in the 60s".  

And the debate rages on... But Speilberg's comments are not to be entirely dismissed. His own production, Jurassic World, topped the box office this year whilst facing competition from Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron and Ant-Man. Let's not forget the Fantastic 4, which reportedly lost 21st Century Fox $60 million dollars. The real test will be next year, when seven comic book movies battle it out at the box office, surely a flop is inevitable? Let us know what you make of the whole debacle, are you team Speilberg or team superhero?



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grif - 10/5/2015, 4:24 AM
lmfao trying to take shit back now. such bullshit.
RextheKing - 10/5/2015, 4:25 AM
How many times do it have to be said? As long as studio continue to release quality and unique films, the "cbm genre" will never die. Fans of comics and cbms will continue to watch no matter what and the GA just wants something entertaining to watch, so as long as cbms continue to good for the majority, there is nothing to worry about. Cbms have ties to so many different genres that Westerns didn't so they can continue to be fresh, and not just the same movies with different titles.
Baka - 10/5/2015, 4:31 AM
Like any genre shit comes to a peak, declines and then repeaks its the circle of hollywood.
SuperCat - 10/5/2015, 4:36 AM
Shut up and just direct a CBM, Spielberg.

billnye69 - 10/5/2015, 5:02 AM
Westerns suck.
Greengo - 10/5/2015, 5:18 AM
I hope the next Sherlock Holmes with RDJ is a western.
Jazzy4 - 10/5/2015, 5:28 AM
How can an intelligent director as him can say something as ignorant as this ?

CB story telling on any format didn't start today. It just shifted to a better more modern platform that made it available to many more poeple around the world than it was before.

CB live story telling started 60 years ago on the TV format, in every north american and european householdS, longer when it comes books, and 4 decades ago when it hit theaters to expose it to every potential consumers throughout the world.

That's already a long period of time !

Sure their successes wasn't linear during these decades, but no genre success is and no genre has a 100% profitable year with each movie.

To justify a potential CBM flop with the decline of the entire genre is hypocrital when every genre has flops every single month of every year without its expiration date being brought up !

Fact is, CBMs have already shown more longevity than the western genre as they were able to adapt themselves through times by embracing other genre within their CB specificity but also by shifting easily from one format to another one, expanding their lifespan and fanbase in every continent.

They have different forms, different sbgenres, different tones, their TV shows, their animation spread in a number of markets. They are able to be embraced equally by a lot more different people despite the cultual difference.

Few genres can pretend today as being as cosmopolite trenscandal as the CB related genre is.

CB predate the grand modern sci fi adventure types of movies Spielberg himself is notorious of and yet, they are today better represented than those despite the increasing competition !
TomSolo - 10/5/2015, 5:31 AM
Let's face it: Mr. Spielberg has been making and producing successful films since before most if us were born. He's one of the few relevant directors still around from the 70's, so my guess is he knows more than most of us when it comes to movie trends. Now, that said, I'd like to point out a few things:

1. The GA will always go see big blockbusters if they are quality... CBM or not.

2. An over-saturation in any marketplace usually results in a "thinning-of-the-herd" effect, where only the strong survive.

Now, who will be left if the GA grows tired of having 6-8 CBMs in a 10-month period? Well, Marvel would be the only studio that needs to go all in. The other studios can just make other movies and wait it out. Which brings me to my last point...

Marvel needs to diversify if they want to survive another 20 years. Things are great now. But they should really try and branch out a bit. Make a different branch studio that makes kid films or something. The GA is fickle, and CBMs may not be this popular forever.
Shroombeast - 10/5/2015, 5:43 AM
Spielberg himself "went the way of the western" after the '90s. Thanks a lot for Jurassic Park Steven, but you don't know what the [frick] you're talking about.
TomSolo - 10/5/2015, 5:50 AM
@Jazzy4... I love to watch CBMs. Just wanted to say that, because what I am about to write may upset you. I'm going to have to be the guy who tells you that not everything you said is true.

The Western predates movies. The genre was told in the form of books and the precursors to comic books that could be bought at the local general store. And you could include "word of mouth" tales if you wanted to as well. And the Western was adapted so many times in the form of tv shows and movie serials that predate any comic book tv show or movie. Same goes for sci fi. Books, small picture books that eventually became comic books, movie serials. There were many huge sci fi movies before any comic book movie. I could make such a huge list, but I hope you see where I'm going here.

Please... I know you're being passionate about something you love, and I know I sound like a huge turd, but a large chunk of what you presented as fact was, in fact, not.
thunderforce - 10/5/2015, 5:51 AM
People may get too spoiled and single super hero movies and those may not do well but the team of super heroes movies will still kick ass movies like GOTG , Avengers , JLA , Annihilators , I would also like to see some group movies of lesser heroes too .
Lem1 - 10/5/2015, 5:57 AM
@TomSolo speaks the truth.
TomSolo - 10/5/2015, 6:02 AM
@AlexanderLykins... Hell yeah! But they should do something non-superhero-y. How about this:

Create an on-going series of animated films starring a group of youngsters that somehow end up in classic sci-fi and fantasy books and end up playing the roles of the main characters in those stories. Books by Jules Verne and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and such. You could have a revolving cast of kids, but keep 2 or three for a few films and rotate new ones in and old ones out. The source material is endless.
13echo - 10/5/2015, 7:11 AM
Superhero movies fizzled out before we just were not around at that time. This is nothing new,it's just been rediscovered and repackaged. The same way your trying to repackage the dinosaur films you made that went flat a few years back Mr.Spielberg.
Darktower - 10/5/2015, 7:34 AM
Respectable old c U N T!!!
poppercherry - 10/5/2015, 7:50 AM
His ass don't got Longevity, he's like 70
DrKinsolving - 10/5/2015, 7:55 AM
He does make some good points, I don't think CBMs will ever completely go away but we are definitely in the era of CBMs right now, CBMs will always be around and as the technology gets better and better, it will also make it easier to make them, reduced costs, etc, it's crazy the stuff you can do with a just a macbook today, I can only imagine what studios will be able to do in 10 years

I feel like that's one of the major reasons, aside from great storytelling and mythology, the technology has finally reached a point that we can bring all of these comics and panels to life

I think they'll always be around, not sure if they will always be this popular though

As long as the stories are good, then they'll be an audience, or I'll definitely be there, it'll be interesting to see what happens after 2020
marvelstudios - 10/5/2015, 8:04 AM
CBMs will be alright, as long as we don't get anymore flops like Fantastic Four.
DarkGrifter - 10/5/2015, 8:07 AM
BoneSawIsReady - 10/5/2015, 8:15 AM
Slippery slope Señor Spielbergo. Pretty soon you'll run out of "true" stories to "adapt" because they'll go the way of the Western. Nobody wants your non-fiction or any more of your ET meets Grandpa Jones, Ph.D.
crawley - 10/5/2015, 8:22 AM
My guess is only Gambit will flop.

Dr. Strange and Suicide Squad could go either way, but I think they'll both certainly be profitable.
JamesMann - 10/5/2015, 8:23 AM
Said by the same man who has his named slapped onto the Transformers franchise.
thor2273 - 10/5/2015, 8:29 AM

BoneSawIsReady - 10/5/2015, 8:35 AM
In 2011 he put out that Tintin movie based on a comic
GhostDog - 10/5/2015, 8:46 AM

neihofft - 10/5/2015, 8:48 AM
I love you Steven, but youre stupid on this. Comics have done nothing but get more popular over 80 years. They can adapt. Westerns cant adapt, that is a point in history that is over. We now have the technology to bring these stories to life. People don't get tired of good movies, if they continue to make good movies, it doesnt matter. You can tell the story of Superman in 1940, 1960, 1980,2000, and 2011. Whatever it may be, thier stories arent really bound by time.
Jazzy4 - 10/5/2015, 9:01 AM
Look at this way, 60 years ago, westerns were also on the small screens so were some of the first Batman TV shows.

60 years later, CBTV shows are more alive than ever unlike the western genre. That's longevity to me.

50 years ago CB spread into the animation form through TV, today, there are still on TV. That's longevity to me.

40 years ago CB movies made their entry with SuperMan. They had some hit and misses but 40 years later, they are more alive than ever. That's longevity to me.

Why would longevity be proven on TV and NOT on the big screen when everyday, new bigger markets are eMbracing this genre more ?

And the biggest part : CB have invaded MORE formats for story telling than any other genre ! FACT !

They are CB animations spread all over the world.

They are CB TVshow spread all over the world.

They are still CB on paper formats spread all over the world !

CB characyer are kept alive and popular through massive merchandising more than any other propertues !

They are put in game platform more than any other genre.

Basicly there are no other genre than the CB today that have invaded any formats so successfuly all over the world.

And for anyone a bit observer, it has been going on for years.

That kind of hegemony doesn't just disappear and doesn't sustain the claim that they this genre will suddenly disappear or doesn't have longevity when it has been going on for decades.

Today that genre has literally exploded thanks to the technology enabling a better representation of superhero action scenes but also thanks to more markets becoming richer, more exposed to that material and more in demand for it.

You don't see Asia suddenly embracing more drama or romantic movies like they do CB. They won't suddenly stopped to consume them while they still growing as an economy enabling more of their people to have access to that type of products.

CB is just a genre like animation that is easily absorbed and consumed by any culture.

The more markets will get richer, the bigger CB will likely grow in popularity with the addition of those new fans.

This isn't the world of westerns when it was mainly North America and Europe as main consumers.

This is a more international market were the main center of consumption slowly but definitely shifted to expanding markets for which those products are relatively new and have a long longevity ahead of them.

CB have a long life ahead of themseves because regardless of their quality, they are released more and more in new increasingly dominant markets.

Add the fact that there are the most fitted product for technology and you have a genre that is the most in phase with those two dyamic phenomenons, a genre that is the most likely to adapt inself in line with technology, upgrade and survive taking muliple new forms unlike the other more 'traditional' genres.

2BOOKOO4U - 10/5/2015, 10:30 AM
Spielberg and people of the same mind set
are like the the people back in the day who said
that Rock N Roll and hip hop is just a passing phase.
Superhero movies are here to stay.
No "superhero movie fatigue...."
Don't believe the hype.

Next topic.

Bring on some more Batman V Superman news and pics!!!!! :)

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