There's something big on the way in Nick Spencer's Amazing Spider-Man, and it all ties into Peter Parker's deal with Mephisto during "One More Day." Harry Osborn/Kindred is clearly up to something (likely because he was resurrected when Peter and MJ's marriage was wiped from history), which was teased during an epilogue in today's issue #64.
Back in 2019, Otto Octavius, a.k.a. the Superior Spider-Man, made a deal with Mephisto that saw him sent back to his old body. Doctor Octopus (who has gaps in his memory and no longer remembers Spidey's secret identity) finally returned today, tearing a grave apart to find an empty, unidentified coffin.
Kindred then used one of his centipedes to taunt Otto, and the issue ended with him collapsing to the ground and Marvel Comics announcing that this July will see the release of "Sinister War."
This appears to be a new take on the Sinister Six, likely led by Kindred. What he wants with Doc Ock remains to be seen, but this missing body could have something to do with what Carlie Cooper discovered a few issues ago (that there were one too many bodies at the villain's twisted dinner party).
We're still left with more questions than answers, but this is an undeniably intriguing development...