This July, Marvel Comics is taking us aboard Starship Hulk to crash-land on Hulk Planet (not Planet Hulk), an entire world of Hulk-like creatures thriving under the heat of a gamma star.
Hulk writer Donny Cates and artist Ryan Ottley will take us to this exciting new locale in a new story arc beginning in July's issue #9. The saga will explore what a society built by Hulks for Hulks would operate like and will introduce a host of new gamma-fueled characters including the planet’s ruler, Monolith.
Thoroughly shaken by his battle with Thor in "Banner of War" and by Titan’s impact on his friends, Bruce Banner decides that his best company is himself – and only himself. As he sets Starship Hulk on a far away course, he begins to reckon with what it means to be healthy – and encounters an alternative to isolation he’d never thought to dream of. Bruce finally found what should be the ultimate paradise but he can’t shake thoughts of the past, or the nagging suspicion that Monolith isn’t being totally honest about what she wants from the Hulk. Needless to say, it's an intriguing premise!
"Donny is the kind of writer that feeds the artist what they are best at and pushes them to new heights with what they can do," Ottley says of creating Monolith. "He’s the type of writer that writes as if he has a billion dollar budget. Which is fine with me! I get to stretch my art skills and go all out."
"I’ve been designing and creating new characters with Donny on this run and issue #9 will be some completely new faces, with the most impactful being Monolith," the Amazing Spider-Man artist continues. "She is a tall hulkish woman that became leader of this strange world our Hulk showed up on. And I can’t wait to show you all what we’ve made, the smashing shall be insane!"
Check out Ottley's cover and Monolith design below and keep checking back here for Hulk updates!