Hello Kinghulk back again with a new Editorial, this time with details of my plans for what was planned to be an Online Alternate Universe that us fans would post on CBM. The initial idea was thought up by Devlin712 and many others joined to recreate their favourite characters in new ways but sadly it never took of due to a lack of artists and the only issues that were released was silver surfer #1 and hawkeye #1 both drawn by the talented Doopie.
When I joined the OAU I took on the character known as Iron man everyone’s favourite genius billionaire playboy philanthropist. I set out to incorporate elements from the MCU version and the various comic’s versions and attempt to give a boost to iron man’s rogue’s gallery. For this version of iron man in the opening pages I had his father killed in a 80s style stark tower by Aldrich Killian who as we all know committed suicide in the comics but was the main villain in iron man 3. This version of killian worked at Stark industries but killed Howard after Howard pulled the plug on his research (Extremis), then fast forward to 20 years later and Killian has been released from jail on a technicality and tony decides to take the law into his own hands only to find Killian has vanished without a trace.

Tony goes to AIM international where after threatening a few powerful people to find out where killian has disappeared to he returns home and gets drunk. Then Tony is taken by the 10 rings and goes through the usual escape story after being forced to build weapons, and in the process of escaping he scar’s Raza and almost kills Eric Savin the character known as coldblood from the comics who also featured in iron man 3. So once home Tony decides to find out what the 10 rings are after and goes on various missions to gather intel and put a stop to their activities. The Mandarin is displeased with this and orders Raza to set a trap in Singapore where the 10 rings “newest weapon Coldblood will show Mr stark what happens when you attack the ten rings.”
In Signapore after a while the epic battle between the now Cyborg Savin and the MKII spills out onto the streets of Singapore which will be the world’s first real look at iron man. Tony later celebrates the success of the MKII’s test drive “well I’d say the Mark II has had a successful test drive after all it managed to take down a cyborg terrorist. Wow there’s two words I never thought I’d use in the same sentence”.
Later on the Mandarin scorns Raza for his failure and introduces us to his newest ally the now youthful looking Aldrich Killian who informs the Mandarin of the success of his testing and that a test subject has finally entered phase 3 of the process, the subjects name Mallen. After some character moments between characters like tony and pepper and Rhodey stopping by the Mandarin’s assault begins on Stark tower. Several armed men enter the building from the sewers while Mallen and another 5 men land on the roof courtesy of a Helicopter disguised like the ones in Iron man 3. JARVIS informs Tony of the armed men entering the building, tony suits up and tells Rhodey to get to pepper. Tony takes care of the chopper and begins taking out the gun men before being attacked by Mallen who mashes him through, while Rhodey protects Pepper from the gun men and gets her out of the building. And while the battle rages on Ghost steals files from stark’s computer. Tony damages the device on Mallens back that was keeping the extremis stable and he explodes which causes the building to collapse.

So I then end the first part of the story with the ending of the film iron man with tony telling the world who he is. This part ends with a few panels with the Mandarin to set up the next part of the story and what was my proposal for the OAU’s first Avengers storyline.
My iron man story then continues a few months later with the mandarin releasing the MK2 designs that ghost stole to several of stark’s competitors and governments to keep stark preoccupied. Stark is then called out by a group of mercenaries test piloting clunky prototype armour’s calling themselves the raiders. Tony takes them down after a brief battle and is then approached by a news crew and he makes his intentions clear that he plans to take down these cheap knock offs and attempt to prevent the spread of his technology. Afterwards we briefly meet Obadiah stane and his son (who is not mentioned by name tony just bumps into him) before heading off to India to introduce one of my original characters the Ghurkha.

Tony arrives at the site only to find MACHETE (basically a mini indian shield) are already on the scene being led by Gandira (means hero) the Ghurkha. His fighting style was inspired by the metal benders and Lin beifong from the legend of Korra. Ghurkha and Tony help each other and throw a few jokes at each other’s expense before being attacked by a prototype Hammer tech exo suit. After the battle tony talks to Ghurkha before being informed by JARVIS that the US government just revealed their newest asset the war machine.
Tony rushes in without repairing or recharging the MK3 not expecting the war machine to be much of a challenge. The war machine struggles but eventually tony loses the fight and leaves after war machine was ordered not to kill Tony. It is then revealed next that Tony intentionally lost and simply took the MK3 for its last fight so tony could access files related to the war machine. Tony discovers that rhodey is the pilot and confronts him and I even throw in a reference to the iron patriot “look at the patriot serving his country I’m surprised you aren’t parading around in red, white and blue”.
After some more story and character moments Obadiah stane and his temporary partner Anton Vanko prepare to attack tony stark using the iron monger and the Crimson dynamo armours. The Iron monger is very bulky and heavily armed while the crimson dynamo armour is more sleek and designed for speed and manoeuvrability. Tony has to hold the 2 of them off waiting for war machine to show up. Tony damages Stanes armour which then explodes and kills stane and during the explosion Vanko escapes. Tony then agrees to aid in the maintenance of the war machine armour and gives it an upgrade and in return the US government promises not to attempt to mass manufacture the armours. This part of the story then ends with Tony heading off to india having a lead on the 10 rings and the Mandarin finding a powerful object of legend.
When we started talking about an avengers story I when in with the attitude of wanting a more diverse group which resulted in me creating 2 new characters Ghurkha and Boudicca. Boudicca was made mainly because we didn’t want to use carol Danvers without doing her origin story first and there weren’t any other females that IMO felt right for the part (like spider woman). I struggled to come up with a big story for Boudicca but Ghurkha on the other hand I enjoyed writing and came up with a big story.
For Ghurkha I took inspiration from Arrow and The winter soldier, from arrow I took the idea of using flashbacks and from the winter soldier the whole SHIELD secret mission sort of thing like the on the boat in the beginning of the film. Ghurkha was a soldier years ago in the flashbacks and got lost in Afghanistan after being attacked who was then found by Taskmaster/swordsman (both where considered but Taskmaster was most likely to be used) who decides he would come in handy for his mission. While in the present Ghurkha is faced with leading his team while the leader of MACHETE Malik has a lot of dangerous secret’s and plans. Eventually they come across the 10 rings and extremis which make’s things difficult. Malik with the help of her number 2 Jack a former SHIELD agent and Scientist who’s motives are unclear attempt to use Extremis which ends badly when an anomaly in the test Subjects DNA causes his to transform into a deadly villain I named Bloodburn. After a battle in which the MACHETE base is crippled and hundreds injured they attempt to rebuild only for the events of the avengers storyline to intervene.

Now the idea for the avenger’s crossover is pretty big and it involves taking what in the comics is pretty much a minor villain and giving him a big boost. And of course that character is the Mandarin iron man’s arch enemy who has found the 11
th ring/stone a shard on an ancient asgardian/nine realms object which hold more power than the other 10 combined. Not only is he backed up by the 10 rings, their legion of followers, corrupted governments and the 10 death generals. Each general has been given one of the former 10 rings and has now been enhanced with their powers the generals include,
Temugin (the mandarin’s son) – mento intensifier ring
Aldrich Killian – Flame blast ring
Coldblood – electro blast ring
Raza- black light ring
Ghost – white light ring
Absorbing Man – Matter rearranger ring
Whirlwind – Vortex ring
Blizzard – ice blast ring
Klaw – impact ring
Unicorn – disintegration ring
Each general will lead 10 rings forces to several cities across the world to cripple the defences of the great powers making eliminating them as a true threat. The Generals are accompanied by Extremis soldiers to make their tasks easier and in some places on the world whole armies of governments being manipulated by the Mandarin. When the story starts Cap and his team (hawkeye, BW, Falcon) are in DC, tony is on his way to Delhi, Fury (war machine and mockingbird) in the UN preparing for a mission to Wakanda, wasp and Pym are on their way to London overlooking the unconscious body of Bruce banner and Boudicca is in pursuit of the Hulk. And this is when the attack begins Fury’s quinjet is shot down approaching wakanda and Boudicca attacks the hell carrier in an attempt to capture the Hulk.
Wakanda has come under siege from Ethiopian troops armed with 10 rings weaponry and lead by Klaw, while Boudicca’s battle with Hulk is interrupted by 10 rings attack and Tony and Ghurkha are being overwhelmed in Delhi. Raza is killed in London by Boudicca as Temugin battles Cap in the triskelion while manipulating others to do his bidding. After being defeated in India tony and Ghurkha go to Wakanda after hearing rhodey was on his way there, while Pym analyses the Ring and discovers it gives of an energy signature and similar ones are coming from across the globe.
Eventually the death generals and the heroes converge on wakanda, Black panther comes face to face with Klaw the man that killed his father all those years ago and the wakandian offensive against the 10 rings fails on the outskirts of the city and War machine and BP is saved by Iron man and Ghurkha arriving the wakandans then retreat back into the city. Temugin arrives in wakanda with Intel and a machine part that Klaw needed to destroy the wakandan defences so that they can eliminate the only remaining threat to their forces. While the 10 rings prepare their offensive the heroes bicker over what to do, and Boudicca informs Pym of the Asgardian origins of the ring. BP battles Ghost, iron man battles temugin and war machine battles Unicorn as Klaw moves the weapon into position before it then breaks through the outer defences of Wakanda.
As the 10 rings begin to push forward Cap, hawkeye, BW and falcon arrive and aid in the battle against the generals who retreat after the death of Unicorn. Cap and BP formulate a plan to defeat the 10 rings as a fresh offensive starts the next day emphasising the need to defeat the Generals. The wakandans with some of the heroes cut of the 10 rings retreat only to be themselves outflanked by Temugin, then suddenly the Hulk rampages through hordes of troops surprising Temugin. Boudicca, pym and Wasp arrive and Temugin reads Boudicca’s mind and is shocked at what he finds and after a while the offensive is called off. We then see the Mandarin in Hong Kong a city in ruins being rebuilt with 100’s of machines below where the mandarin has been gathering strength growing in power as others join his cause out of fear of his power.
So eventually the avengers go to hong kong knowing they have to face the threat the Death generals cause. Iron man, falcon, boudicca and wasp go in first to thin their defences to make it easier for the hell carrier to get through, then as the hellicarrier get’s in range cap and the others will land to support them from the ground. Once the hellicarrier is in position it will open fire on the 10 ring forces, then the death generals attack raining wind, ice and lighnigh down on the city. The avengers work together and slowly begin to defeat the death generals as the mandarin stands watching the chaos before joining then with a huge blast as he lands on the ground.
cap tell them to stop attacking wildly and coordinate’s them into an attack, he tell’s tony, wasp and falcon to keep him busy, hulk, widow and Ghurkha to prevent the other death generals from attacking, and asks Boudicca if she can get her sword to redirect the energy he’s fireing. So cap is protecting Boudicca with his shield so she can get in close enough to strike the final blow, as the others distract him and the other death generals, Boudicca get’s in close enough and re directs the energy he fires at her in his direction sending him flying into a building while also knocking her back.

Cap asks if they did it but then the mandarin walks towards them his eyes begin to glow purple and his hands have a purple aura around them, suddenly all ten rings are drawn towards him and rotate around him in a circle. He laughs at their feeble attempt to defeat him, he sends smaller blast which the hulk blocks most of but it still knocks most of the others out. He begins to charge another blast taunting them saying “there is no man strong enough to defeat me!!!! Is there no one among you able to stand against me”. Then he hears a cloaked man behind him say “I shall”. There is a flash of lightning which blinds the mandarin, we see a panel of Boudicca on the floor looking up who say’s “Thor”. Suddenly before the mandarin can react thor hit’s him with a huge thunderbolt which rips through his hand (which has the ring on) and charges at him, they both suddenly disappear as thor knock’s him back with his hammer into the bifrost. We then see the 11th ring lift up on the ground as the others then orbit around it and then there is a large blast of energy as all 11 rings disperse.

Ok so that pretty much sums up all my plans that I got to paper, although I had a lot more in my head that I hoped to do in the future if the OAU worked out. If you have any questions, complaints or you just liked it let me know in the comments section thanks for reading.