New Moon Clips from Comic-Con ... They won't be up long

New Moon Clips from Comic-Con ... They won't be up long

Oh, you naughty Twilighters! Didn't they tell you that you aren't allowed to take video of the Comic-Con clips in Hall H? Just listen to those fanatical 14-year-olds scream!

By ComicBookMovie - Jul 24, 2009 08:07 AM EST
Filed Under: Comic-Con

This is the scene where Edward is going to commit suicide by exposing his sparkly self in the square of the Italian city. Oh, how romantic! Urp... I just threw up a little in my mouth.

The second one is Jacob teaching Bella to ride her motorcycle. In both of these scenes, the boys just have to get their shirts off. It must be hot outside or something.

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MarkCassidy - 7/24/2009, 8:37 AM
Im dying inside here, i really am:(
Shaman - 7/24/2009, 8:43 AM
OH COME ON!!!!!!!! [frick] i hate this marketing shtick!!! HE HAD TO TAKE OF HIS [frick]ING SHIRT OFF AS IF THE LITTLE ITTY BITTY DROP OF BLOOD ON HER FOREHEAD NEEDED IT!!!!! This is beyond [frick]ing pathetic!!!!

Oh, and apparently, it wasn't a director's mistake in the first film... Rossum still has that "my farts smell weird" face on the whole time.
dizzle716 - 7/24/2009, 8:44 AM
I'm with you Ror. I decided to see what all the fuss was about so I broke down and watched the first Twilight. All I can say is wow..... I never felt more like gouging my eyes out since I saw the trailers to Titanic and Brokeback Mountain. I really don't see all the acclaim that these movies are getting....well, unless you're a tween-age girl :P
loganoneil - 7/24/2009, 8:46 AM
Like I said before, unless this is a movie about Blade sneeking up behind Edward's sparkly @ss and running him through with that silver sword, I could care less... about EITHER!
sicksuperman - 7/24/2009, 8:51 AM
Seriously whats up with him taking off his shirt ..... this movie is only for little girls who want vampire and werewolves for boyfriends

I think I'm gonna puke now
CaptainAmerica - 7/24/2009, 8:55 AM
@Logan, Then why are you here talking about it?
GUNSMITH - 7/24/2009, 8:59 AM
MarkCassidy - 7/24/2009, 9:02 AM
Cap [frick] off into some traffic will ya? The "Me against the world" attitude is getting boring now.

Its not my type of movie, and i get that im far from its target audience and all, but did they have to make it so downright bad? I mean i just can't understand how even teenage girls can be convinced by any performance, any line of direlogue, any character beat, any special effect! Its quite possibly the worst movie ever made.
loganoneil - 7/24/2009, 9:09 AM
Hey guys, I think we've got a closet fan. Cap, if you LIKE the film, I've got no problem with that - that's YOUR opinion, you are entitled to it (just like I am entitled to mine). In my OPINION, I'm with Ror - I believe it COULD have been a MUCH better film. I actually PAID to see the first film. I took my then 12 year-old goth god-daughter (can you say 'TARGET AUDIENCE'?), and even she thought it SUCKED! In my OPINION, I would have put my $20 to better use using it as TOILET PAPER! In my OPINION, it DESERVES to be ridiculed from high and low... from glen to dale... from mountain-top to mountain-top! But hey, that's just my OPINION (and judging from the responses, it looks like I'm not alone...)
BOOK552 - 7/24/2009, 9:15 AM
What I want to know is why is this shit polluting Comic Con? [frick] Twilight!
DonkeyPuncher - 7/24/2009, 9:17 AM
teabag- that picture rules
kamizzle710 - 7/24/2009, 9:35 AM
if yall dont like the movie let it be. it obviously isnt for you. its for teenage girls. these girls love it so much cuz they read the books and what not and they love seeing it come to life. i dont see why this movie has to be dissed when its clearly not made for the older age males and maybe even teenage men. i understand its your opinion but u dont have to watch the movie you dont have to care about it just let it be lol why waste your time dissing a movie that ur u dont want to watch lol why even put it on the site lol
MarkCassidy - 7/24/2009, 9:45 AM
Why diss any bad movie? If you read my above post you would see i already stated that im aware im not the target audience. Im not the target audience for Monsters Vs Aliens either but those guys made an entertaining movie! There are lots of movies aimed at teens and even kids that i can appreciate and even enjoy. A pooly made film is a poorly made film whether its aimed at kids, adults or Smurfs!
Shaman - 7/24/2009, 9:45 AM
The "movie" might not be for us however this website is!!! If this [frick]ing waste of film ever lands a toe anywhere near this website, IT WILL BE DEALT WITH ACCORDINGLY!!! If our comments regarding this sack of shit called a "feature" aren't for you, why aren't you devoting all your time, love and passion on a "Pro-Twitshit" website???

This is "comicbookmovie" dot [frick]ing COM!!!

Not "SlitDripOverSparkleTeens" dot CRAP!!!
dizzle716 - 7/24/2009, 10:08 AM
@kamizzle710: I'm sorry if we hurt your feelings :(

We "diss" (I didn't know people still said that) bad movies because that's what people do. People like to voice their opinions and what better place to do it then on the internet. Get over yourself. If we choose to watch a movie, then the movie's for us, because we paid for it. My girlfriend didn't like it either. Only her emo sister liked it, but of course, "the books are better" as they all say.

If a movie's crap, someone's going to point it out. Critics don't HAVE to see a movie either but they do. Does that mean if they don't like it, it's not for them. And why waste your time to bother sticking up for the movie? Isn't that just as much of a waste as you claim dissing the movie is?

I'm sorry to yell at you, I know how sensitive you emo-types are. No need to go cut yourself.
Shaman - 7/24/2009, 10:30 AM
Dizzle kamizzle in tha shizzle.
Superman4 - 7/24/2009, 10:32 AM
They need to have Blade in the next movie so he can kick Edwards and everyone elses ass!

loganoneil - 7/24/2009, 10:36 AM
kamizzle710 (and any others out there that feel the same way) - Okay, I'll agree to keep my trap shut, if everyone else can agree not to say anything about "bad" comic book movies... like (oh I dunno)... Dolf Ludgren's 'Punisher'... 'The Fantastic Four'... 'Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD'... 'Steel'... 'The Spirit'... Joel Schumacher's Batman: Death of a Franchise... etc. Do we have a deal?
dizzle716 - 7/24/2009, 10:36 AM
@Shaman: Couldn't resist, huh? Haha:)

@Teabag: Cute. But very true. At least goth kids stick to themselves. Emo kids are all whiney and bitchy and want everyone within ear's shot to know it.

But if we ever run short on clowns, we know where to look.:P
SirJediFrank - 7/24/2009, 10:37 AM
CBM: please please BAN the fuc$% of "Twilass" out of this site!! C´mon!!
kamizzle710 - 7/24/2009, 10:39 AM
hahahaha emo type lol im probably the complete opposite from emo. lol im emo cuz i have a different opinion that you. "im sorry to yell at you" hahaha you get worked up over what someone thinks. but i said what i said cuz thats how i feel. you guys are gonna diss someone cuz they have a different view. come on but oh well thats the internet for you. lol
loganoneil - 7/24/2009, 10:50 AM
Superman4 - You mean like this...?

funny pictures
moar funny pictures
Shaman - 7/24/2009, 10:51 AM
kamizzle710- You complained about our comments and so we complained about yours. What are you not getting here??? I'd use sign language or brail but... i fear you'd actually try to decipher it.
dizzle716 - 7/24/2009, 10:51 AM
Kinda the point. No one's saying you can't have a different point of view. Just don't tell us not to because we choose to lambaste a movie you may not agree with.

And no, you're emo(acting) because you started to cry a little because people were making fun of the movie you love (I can't say that for sure, but what the hell.)

@Logan: My god!!! That is fricken sweeeeettt!!!!!
Shaman - 7/24/2009, 10:55 AM
Yes yes, you're right dizzle. He does fully qualify as an emo. It's not cause you don't wear the patch, that it's not in your blood. "Boohoo" means the same thing in any language.
dizzle716 - 7/24/2009, 10:58 AM
Who said he (or she, guess we don't really know, but what's the difference at this point) doesn't wear the patch? He just keeps it sewn on the inside of his satin underwear.
InstigatorGIRL - 7/24/2009, 11:01 AM
I have read all but one book and I think the series is over rated and the movies suck. True Blood is way better!!
dizzle716 - 7/24/2009, 11:03 AM
@InstigatorGIRL: I'll agree, but barely. Not that you care, but at least it has some nudity :P jk. Oh wait! Twilight has nudity too. Only bad thing is it's those femmy looking pastey girly boys with their shirts off. Now I know why kammizzle likes the movie so much.

There does seem to be a better plot for True Blood.
loganoneil - 7/24/2009, 11:12 AM
I totally agree with InstigatorGIRL - (gratuitous sex aside) 'True Blood' RULES THE NIGHT! 1. It's got a better plot. 2. The characters are more developed. 3. The acting is TOP-NOTCH! 4. The timing is nearly-perfect. I could go on...
MarkCassidy - 7/24/2009, 11:27 AM
True Blood is everything Twilight is not! The only thing they have in common are the word Vampire..i don't even class those little piss ants from Twishite as vamps.

Instigirl, Logan, did you see ep 5 yet? I watched it last night. That bit with Eric thinking back to his Viking days was class!
Phoenix9109 - 7/24/2009, 11:31 AM
The reason he uses his whole shirt for the blood is because one of the vampires wouldn't be able to control himself and would go crazy and attack her.
I know this because I read the book. In fact, I read the first three, and let me say this: they are all awful pieces of crap that are a disgrace to both literature and all vampire-related fiction. I've seen fanfiction on the internet written by thirteen-year-olds that was written better than those books.
And somehow the movie managed to be worse. :D

Also, I don't know why you guys think True Blood is "way better". I've only seen two episodes, but I did give it a fair chance. Unfortunately it still seemed like Twilight mixed with Desperate Housewives to me. Saying the acting is "TOP-NOTCH" seems ridiculous to me. I was laughing because of it quite a lot.
riddlemethis09 - 7/24/2009, 11:35 AM
simple reason why people like these movies: they want to see what their characters that they love in books will be portrayed as on the screen. does that get some angry? yes. but are some characters, scenes, or plots just perfect? of course. those are the moments are loved and enjoyed.
as for this video, it is to get older teenage girls to enjoy it, which i know quite a few who practically worship the books. ok, exaggeration.
Phoenix9109 - 7/24/2009, 11:39 AM
I'm an older teenage girl and I do not enjoy it.
But I CAN tell you the real reason lots of other girls DO enjoy it.
Because the main female character was written so horribly bland, it is easy for lonely boy crazy teenagers to put themselves in her place while reading/watching. And since Edward is so perfect and amazing (*gag*) it makes for a great romance fantasy.
The end.
dizzle716 - 7/24/2009, 11:42 AM
I really don't understand what happened to the bad-ass vampires. I thought they were supposed to be the immortal, super-human, body-morphing, woman seducing beings. Why do they need to have romantic relationships? I don't wanna see a vampire having a candlelight dinner. I want to see him chugging some blood and kicking some ass.

If that's how vampires were supposed to be, then Monster Squad would have been a much different movie (eh...Monster Squad? Remember that movie? There I go going old school on ya.)
loganoneil - 7/24/2009, 11:43 AM
Phoenix - by your own admission, you've only seen 'two episodes' (and I'm willing to bet they were early on in the series when they were still setting everything up). How can you judge a SERIES based on that ?
WulfComicFan - 7/24/2009, 11:47 AM
Why is it that there 4 minutes of Twilight footage, on COMICBOOKMOVIE.COM, and none of the COMIC BOOK MOVIES? Am I the only one who is confused by this very obvious hostile takeover? WTF?!?
WulfComicFan - 7/24/2009, 11:48 AM
@ Dizzle....Sweet, I have that movie, thought I was the only one who remembered it!
InstigatorGIRL - 7/24/2009, 11:51 AM
@Dizzle. Monster Squad was and still is the shit! Wolfman has nards??? Priceless line!
@Ror I have watched every episode of this new season. I was annoyed at the background they showed for Eric. It wasn't accurate. Godric was not his maker in the books it was this older man who turned Eric then rapped him and made him do many disturbing things. Until he was killed.
Shaman - 7/24/2009, 11:56 AM
Roar- The Twitshit characters aren't vamps... they're daywalking light-brights. Look at my avatar, NOW THAT'S A VAMP!!!


Phoenix9109- You haven't read the last one where fart face gets her baby girl and the italians want to kill it cause it's this brand new species which is supposed to be super powerful but they can't cause the italians big guns are twins that have mental powers which don't work cause Fart Face's power (since she's a vampire now or else she would have died from giving birth) is to cancel everyone's mental powers and that indian werewolf boy discovers it's Fart Face's baby that he'll devote himself to for the rest of his life as if he was Michael Jackson??? I left out a few shirts being taken off but you get the drift. I just saved you a few weeks of agony.

Teabag- I felt Supernatural did exactly that. Hopefully True Blood will too cause i'll probably buy the box set soon.
Phoenix9109 - 7/24/2009, 11:57 AM
loganoneil- Well, it was two full hours. And if two full hours of anything doesn't at least make you a bit curious then why would I want to watch more? I'll amdit that I don't know when in the series it was, but still. I'm not saying the whole series was bad. I am saying that in those two episodes it failed to make me care, but it did let me know that some of the acting and writing is horrible. Not ALL of the acting and writing, but some of it.
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