Is THE FLASH Director Andy Muschietti Still Set To Helm THE BRAVE & THE BOLD? Conflicting Reports Emerge

Is THE FLASH Director Andy Muschietti Still Set To Helm THE BRAVE & THE BOLD? Conflicting Reports Emerge Is THE FLASH Director Andy Muschietti Still Set To Helm THE BRAVE & THE BOLD? Conflicting Reports Emerge

Conflicting reports have emerged about the status of The Flash director Andy Muschietti as it pertains to helming the DCU Batman: The Brave and the Bold movie...

By MarkCassidy - Jun 20, 2024 07:06 PM EST
Filed Under: The Brave and the Bold

Around this time last year, we got confirmation that The Flash director Andy Muschietti had been enlisted to helm the Batman: The Brave and the Bold movie for DC Studios.

“We saw The Flash even before taking the reins at DC Studios, and knew we were in the hands of not only a visionary director but a massive DC fan,” DC Studios co-heads James Gunn and Peter Safran said in a joint statement at the time. “It’s a magnificent film – funny, emotional, thrilling – and Andy’s affinity and passion for these characters and this world just resonates through every frame.

So, when it came time to find a director for The Brave and the Bold, there was really only one choice. Luckily, Andy said yes. Barbara signed on to produce with us and we were on our way. They’re an extraordinary team, and we couldn’t have better or more inspiring partners as we embark on this thrilling new adventure in the DCU.”

Then the movie came out!

Though The Flash does have its share of defenders (it sits at a "fresh" 63% on Rotten Tomatoes), it did not perform well at the box office (to say the least), and hying the film up as "one of the best superhero movies of all time" backfired spectacularly in the eyes of most fans.

Rumors soon did the rounds that Muschietti had been taken off the project, but nothing concrete. Gunn assured fans that this wasn't the case, but the reports have persisted.

In their report on today's new trailer for The Penguin, Deadline mention that Muschietti is still on board. But during tonight's episode of The Hot Mic, co-host John Rocha said he'd heard that the filmmaker had parted ways with The Brave and the Bold, but the studio simply hasn't made it official yet.

We're obviously more inclined to go with Deadline, but keep in mind that the trades will keep saying Muschietti is still attached until they are told otherwise, and several reliable sources have now claimed otherwise.

For now, all we can do is take Gunn/DC's word that the project is moving forward smoothly. The GOTG director recently debunked a report that casting is underway, but we have heard that the studio may have someone in mind.

Along with a new take on the Dark Knight, The Brave and the Bold will introduce a very different Robin in the form of Damian Wayne, a "murderous tween raised by assassins who also happens to be the son Batman never knew he had."

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HermanM - 6/20/2024, 7:38 PM
Watch Gunn come shoot the conflicting reports down
HappyMan1 - 6/20/2024, 7:58 PM
@HermanM - Name ONE good film Andy Muschietti has directed.

And don't say "It", as that was Cary Fukanaga's project that WB handed over.

Name a good film HE has made.
vectorsigma - 6/20/2024, 8:29 PM
@HappyMan1 - the flash is great.

Inspite of bad cgi and the ezra controversies, it is a great cbm
Ryguy88 - 6/20/2024, 8:44 PM
@HappyMan1 - the flash and It are both good. Cary left It before filming began, no?
HermanM - 6/20/2024, 8:46 PM
@HappyMan1 - I don't think he's got one. However, he was the least of the problems with The Flash, considering he was stuck with the worst casting in superhero movie history (Ezra Miller) and adapting the worst Flash story in history (Flashpoint/Rebirth with the murdered mom and framed dad retcon.... basically, Flash has the Hulk's childhood trauma origin from the 80s now).

I'd give him a chance. I'd have liked to have seen what he would do with Flash if he had total creative control divorced from the snyderverse. It probably would have been much better.

Fortunately, it has become pretty hard to [frick] Batman up now given the abundance of good movies he's had in live action, everyone knows how Batman is supposed to be, whereas characters like The Flash and Green Lantern get blamed for the cinematic disaster instead of the terrible films they're in. I trust that Muschetti understands Batman well enough to get him right.
UniqNo - 6/20/2024, 8:56 PM
@HappyMan1 - but he did direct IT. Fukanaga for sure helped developed it but he didn't shoot it. Flash being shit wasn't his fault imo. The parts that were decent I put down to him and his directing..
Patient2670 - 6/20/2024, 9:38 PM
@Ryguy88 - He did. ANd there were several drafts of the script in between.
dracula - 6/20/2024, 10:13 PM
@HappyMan1 - Mama is pretty good
Brondern - 6/20/2024, 10:51 PM
@vectorsigma - The Flash is trash!
HappyMan1 - 6/21/2024, 12:30 AM
@Ryguy88 - The first film was written by Cary. Yes, they made a few changes but overall it was still his script. You can see this because he's still credited as a writer. But It Chapter 2 - the one that didn't have Cary's influence - sucked.

Muschietti is getting praise for another man's effort.

It's like Peyton Reed getting praise for the first Ant-man movie when really it was Edgar Wright that teed it up. But then you see Ant-man 2 and 3 - without Wright - and they suck!
videovac - 6/21/2024, 12:52 AM
"the flash is great.

Inspite of bad cgi and the ezra controversies, it is a great cbm " - @vectorsigma

Wait a minute - hold the phuck on: this is the third-highest-rated comment on this article? Am I in The Twilight Zone? Jesus phuckin' Christ....are y'all serious!?!
CaptainFlapjaks - 6/21/2024, 12:53 AM
@HermanM - or better yet, just start saying yes to everything so that no matter what you cant trust what he says until you actually see the trailer and movie. It would completely mess with the twittersphere
vectorsigma - 6/21/2024, 1:31 AM
@videovac - yeah, because a lot of us enjoyed The Flash and didnt go with the sheep herd who believes it is bad because of Ezra's life choices
Ryguy88 - 6/21/2024, 7:49 AM
@HappyMan1 - writing the script isnt the same as making the movie. Muschetti made It, and Cary was one if the many writers who touched the script at some point.

And the first Antman was not good. I doubt Edgar Wright wants his name anywhere near that.
HappyMan1 - 6/21/2024, 11:32 AM
@Ryguy88 - YES, I know the first Ant-man movie wasn't good. I'm one of the few people to say that movie fkn sucked. However, it's undoubtably the best out of the three.

If Edgar Wright had directed his screenplay, it would've been much better.

I also think the first It movie sucked. The reason I say these movies are "good" is because that's the general public's overall opinion of them. But I personally think they both suck.

also, im gay and i love yu...
HappyMan1 - 6/21/2024, 11:35 AM
@Ryguy88 - im always here if yuu need someone to love
Ryguy88 - 6/21/2024, 12:29 PM
@HappyMan1 - lol you're all over the place man, happy pride month
TheJester187 - 6/20/2024, 7:40 PM
Get on with this so I know who my new new Batman & Joker are. Still can’t wait for the Batman 2 it’s just sick how long it takes to make these films. I said it before they should shoot 2& 3 back to back.
HappyMan1 - 6/20/2024, 7:58 PM
@TheJester187 - Name ONE good film Andy Muschietti has directed.

And don't say "It", as that was Cary Fukanaga's project that WB handed over.

Name a good film HE has made.
BaddestOptics - 6/20/2024, 8:50 PM
@HappyMan1 - Jesus, dude. Did this guy put his finger in you?
HappyMan1 - 6/21/2024, 12:36 AM
@BaddestOptics - He did, actually. And it gave me all types of anal pleasures (pleasures, pleasures, pleasures)
CaptainFlapjaks - 6/21/2024, 12:58 AM
@TheJester187 - i wouldnt be surprised if he will keep it secret for a cameo in the film. Would be a cool way to do some world building and showing this world is already well lived it.
ObserverIO - 6/21/2024, 5:02 AM
@TheJester187 - Your new Batman is Robert Pattinson. Your new Joker is Joaquin Phoenix (but also somehow Barry Keoghan).
TheJester187 - 6/22/2024, 2:38 PM
@ObserverIO - Whose my B&B Joker this is new DCU? What Joker exist in Superman?
TheJester187 - 6/22/2024, 2:40 PM
@CaptainFlapjaks - That’s all we want for now. I mean the Barry Joker cameo was alright but we didn’t get a full costume or clown paint. We shall see how they do this. Next Joker fast for this universe should sign a big deal with DC for films & shows.
TheJester187 - 6/22/2024, 2:41 PM
@CaptainFlapjaks - *cast
TheJester187 - 6/22/2024, 2:43 PM
@HappyMan1 - Welcome to Derrry wil be his best to series. I’ve only seen his recent films and they aren’t bad. So if your asking me It! That’s why he gets hired and you’re at home. Visually and his storytelling is why he gets jobs.
ObserverIO - 6/22/2024, 5:41 PM
@TheJester187 - Um how about Bill Skarsgard as Batman and Austin Butler as Joker? Or the other way around actually. Works either way
TheJester187 - 6/23/2024, 3:48 PM
@ObserverIO -I prefer seeing them in the Reeves casting. I like the Reacher guy for Bruce. I can see Cillian Murphy as Joker in B&B.
TheLight - 6/20/2024, 7:46 PM
"Is THE FLASH Director Andy Muschietti Still Set To Helm THE BRAVE & THE BOLD?"

User Comment Image
HappyMan1 - 6/20/2024, 7:58 PM
@TheLight - Name ONE good film Andy Muschietti has directed.

And don't say "It", as that was Cary Fukanaga's project that WB handed over.

Name a good film HE has made.
TheLight - 6/20/2024, 9:56 PM
@HappyMan1 - ......

User Comment Image


I got nothing😂.
RolandD - 6/20/2024, 10:04 PM
@HappyMan1 - Wouldn’t you rather troll on Reddit? Most users here don’t post the same exact comment over and over.
HappyMan1 - 6/21/2024, 12:34 AM
@TheLight - For James Gunn to say that The Flash is one of the greatest superhero movies of all time makes me question his competence... And then to see that suit reveal.

And this is coming from someone who LOVED Peacemaker
BaddestOptics - 6/23/2024, 5:07 PM
@HappyMan1 - yeah, I would really have expected a studio head to come out and say how terrible a movie was right before release. What planet do you live on, my man?
HappyMan1 - 6/23/2024, 5:53 PM
@BaddestOptics - I come from the planet where guys like myself get beeches. You must come from some other planet
TheVisionary25 - 6/20/2024, 7:47 PM
Honestly , I’m cool with it either way…

I haven’t seen The Flash but I would be willing to give Muschietti a shot regardless even if I’m 50/50 on him as a director (liked the first IT , the sequel not so much).

However , if he has indeed parted ways with the project then I would also be interested to see who they could get then aswell.

Regardless , fingers crossed and hoping for the best!!.
BraxtonHicks - 6/20/2024, 7:52 PM
They have to stop looking at these movies as summer Hollywood blockbusters that'll knock the socks off the general audience come in with a different mindset.
lazlodaytona - 6/20/2024, 7:56 PM
I'm glad he's in. Yeah, the CGI was terrible in a lot of places and the lead is garbage, but I absolutely loved the story, Keaton's Batman and Sasha as Supergirl. Total rageful and her kicking Zod's ass before he cheap-shotted her was awesome.

I trust Muschietti and he's gone produce the most comic accurate version of Bats yet.
HappyMan1 - 6/20/2024, 7:59 PM
@lazlodaytona - Name ONE good film Andy Muschietti has directed.

And don't say "It", as that was Cary Fukanaga's project that WB handed over.

Name a good film HE has made.
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