3 Actresses Up For CINDERELLA Role; Cate Blanchett Will Play The Evil Stepmother

3 Actresses Up For CINDERELLA Role; Cate Blanchett Will Play The Evil Stepmother

Disney's Cinderella movie is coming together under director Mark Romanek. Cate Blanchett is the villain, and Saoirse Ronan, Alicia Vikander & Gabriella Wilde are in the mix for the title role.

By MarkCassidy - Dec 01, 2012 04:12 AM EST
Filed Under: Disney
Source: Variety

Cate Blanchett was announced as being in final negotiations for the role of the evil stepmother a few days ago, and now Variety report that three young international actresses are vying for the lead role in Mark Romamnek's Cinderella. Saoirse Roanan is definitely the most experienced, having starred in the likes of The Lovely Bones, Hanna and will also take the lead in the big-screen adaptation of The Host next year. Vikander has garnered acclaim for her performance in Anna Karenina, she's also in the Danish Oscar foreign language contender A Royal Affair and will appear in The Seventh Son with Jeff Bridges and Julianne Moore next fall. Wilde currently has a bit of a lower profile, featuring in The Three Musketeers and will pop up in next spring's Carrie remake. Which one do you guys think best suits the role?

Chris Weitz (About a Boy) wrote the script, which will be produced by Simon Kinberg (Elysium). No word yet on when cameras will roll, and there has been no release date set.


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wearethewalkingdead9 - 12/1/2012, 5:34 AM
please dont tell me that they're making an american version of The Host? i will [frick]ing destroy a small town if that happens.
Jolt17 - 12/1/2012, 5:40 AM
Wait, are there any other details regarding the project? I swear I've never heard of it before. Is it, like, a classic, faithful adaptation, or the Snow White and the Huntsman-ish take on the tale?

wearethewalkingdead9: Chill, it's the other The Host...well, another book of Stephenie Meyer's, actually, and maybe you still want to destroy a small town for that.
antman73 - 12/1/2012, 5:41 AM
Saoirse Ronan all the way
i dont know the others actress but she is had great performances in Hanna and mostly in Lovely Bones
AC1 - 12/1/2012, 5:45 AM
@wearethewalkingdead9 destroy a small town anyway, it's based on a book from the writer of Twilight...
AlexDeLarge87 - 12/1/2012, 5:52 AM

Rather see scary Beauty and the Beast movie.

To bad Romanek didnt get to made his version of The Wolfman. Could have been great.
Jolt17 - 12/1/2012, 5:54 AM
Anyway, I guess I'd go with Wilde. Saw her in The Three Musketeers, and she's undeniably lovely and is quite a nice actress - that should suffice for a Cinderella, I believe.
shamo - 12/1/2012, 6:16 AM
Cate Blanchett? i'm sold.
StrangerX - 12/1/2012, 6:32 AM
Im guessing a live action Aladdin will be next.
jazzman - 12/1/2012, 6:40 AM

they wont do that cause they have to cast middle eastern people and you know how Hollywood are :P lol
JohnTom88 - 12/1/2012, 6:51 AM
This is why Disney need Marvel films,

.. all Disney do is rehashing (girlie) tales.

itzayaboy - 12/1/2012, 8:04 AM
Shit actresses. All of them.
StrangerX - 12/1/2012, 8:06 AM
Well there's always Tom Thumb :)
Super12 - 12/1/2012, 8:37 AM
If its in the vein of Snow White and the Huntsman, I'm not gonna lie I'd be down. I'm kinda digging the "realistic" live action Disney remakes
valeriesghost - 12/1/2012, 8:42 AM
@jazzman, don't worry about that, they'll just cast a white person as Alladin and call it good. See the last Airbender for reference.
Preston - 12/1/2012, 8:48 AM



On looks alone, I would go with Gabriella Wilde:


On ability, I would go with Saoirse Ronan. She has the acting ability, she can clean up nicely, and she has pretty eyes.
^^^ With Cate Blanchett on-board, she has a solid chance at getting the role (see: Hanna)

Alicia Vikander looks nothing like Cinderella.
^^^ She does have a few scenes in 'A Royal Affair' worth checking out.

SugarYumYum - 12/1/2012, 10:50 AM
I don't like any if these choices honestly.... But it is pretty hard to find actresses these days that have the classic timeless beauty needed for these type of roles.
Shades - 12/1/2012, 1:43 PM
Cate Blanchette could play anyone. Warner Bros could cast HER as Batman in Justice League, and she'd still be amazing. FACT!
CharacterAssassin - 12/1/2012, 10:14 PM
I'm surprised nobody approached Cate Blanchette to play Princess Diana rather than Naomi Watts.
Rubbers - 12/2/2012, 11:41 AM
Alicia Vikander has the symmetry/look of a super model. Gabriella Wilde probably looks more the part if only because her blonde hair gives her the unfair advantag; and I know the other two have been blondes in the past as well. Roanan's resume speaks for itself but I don't see her fitting this role. Of the three, Alicia gets my rod...I mean nod. She's beautiful!
ChromeToaster - 12/2/2012, 11:27 PM
@strangerx i would Love a live action Aladin! If done properly! As nd the cast actualy being the right race. -Cough- Batmen Begins, Wanted, -Cough- :)
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