THE ETERNALS Will Reportedly Feature Marvel Studios' First Openly Gay Male Lead
Some intriguing new details on Marvel's plans for The Eternals here, as it looks like the studio is looking to cast an openly gay actor to play one of the movie's main characters. More past the jump...
It looks like Marvel Studios is preparing to make good on Kevin Feige's recent promise to give an LGBTQ actor/character a prominent role in an upcoming MCU project.
According to That Hashtag Show, the studio is currently searching for an actor in the 30-49 age range who “physically looks like a superhero” to fill one of the main roles in The Eternals. Apparently, they're open to performers of any ethnicity but "would prefer the role to go to an openly gay actor."
The report doesn't offer any hints as to which member of the team this actor would play, but it doesn't sound like it'll be Ikaris. Could it be Makkari or the hedonistic Starfox, perhaps? We'll just have to wait and see, but we should get a better idea once casting is underway.
THS does point out that director Chloe Zhao has expressed interest in casting Cameron Britton (The Umbrella Academy) as Ikaris, and may also have her eye on Polish actor Tomasz Kot (Cold War) for a "physically imposing" supporting role.
What do you guys make of this news? Any particular actors spring to mind for the role? Drop us a comment in the usual place. The Eternals is scheduled to commence production this September.