Hello CBM’ers this is kinghulk here to show of a character that I have made for the OAU (online alternate universe) and some character designs courtesy of CBM’s finest artist Doopie ;). So since day one I have been pro diversity in comic books but I don’t like it when they change the ethnicity/nationality/gender/identity of already established characters cough Thor cough. I personally would much rather they simply create a brand new character rather than piggybacking of an older characters popularity but I digress.
So this character that I created is called Ghurkha, for those of you who don’t know who the Ghurkha’s in history are take a look if you like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gurkha . My character Ghurkha is half cast he is half British and half Indian although he spent a majority of his life in India. This character also served in the British and Indian armies before being recruited by an organization named MACHETE. MACHETE stands for (Militaristically Advanced Combatants Handling Extreme and Tactical Emergencies), it might not be as good as JARVIS (just a rather very intelligent system) but I like it.
MACHETE is basically a mini SHIELD that is tasked with handling special ops, espionage and any potential threats to India’s security. And one more interesting before I show you doopies designs, Ghurkha’s real name Gandira means hero :D.

I hope you like the pictures and the sound of the character, but I do have one other motive to show these over than show off doopies awesome artwork and that is to let people know that I need an artist to draw the comic as doopie is too busy with other OAU work and other stuff. So if any of you are interested please let me know down in the comments section. Thanks, and once again thanks doopie for the designs.