Bob Garlen Presents: DCEU's SHAZAM! Fan Cast

Bob Garlen Presents: DCEU's SHAZAM! Fan Cast

My take on the Dwayne Johnson/DC Expanded Universe's Shazam!

By BobGarlen - Dec 19, 2015 10:12 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic
Source: Bob Garlen


Production Designer: a production designer or P.D is the person responsible for the overall look of a filmed event such as films, TV programs, video games, music videos or adverts. Production designers have one of the key creative roles in the creation of motion pictures and television. Working directly with the director and producer, they must select the settings and style to visually tell the story.
Martin Liang [Notable Works: Terminator Salvation, Clash of the Titans, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows]: He’s done a mystical realm that looked beautiful, his take on Mount Olympus is purely beautiful and Iconic compared to any other, and having seen him take some Darker aspect projects and more family friendly projects he absolutely perfect for this film. He’d tonally get the feeling of the script and put that into the environment.

Costume Designer: A costume designer is a person who designs costumes for a film or stage production. The role of the costume designer is to create the characters and balance the scenes with texture and color, etc. The costume designer works alongside the director, scenic, lighting designer, sound designer, and other creative personnel. The costume designer may also collaborate with hair stylist, wig master, or makeup artist. In European theatre, the role is different, as the theatre designer usually designs both costume and scenic elements.
Mayes C Rubeo [Notable Works: Avatar, John Carter, Thor: Ragnarok]: Her work in this was sold to me strictly on seeing her doing alternate civilizations and other cultures, sometimes doing multiple cultures in one film. Seeing that It was exciting to hear she’s working on Thor Ragnarok and the idea of her working on Shazam fits perfectly, I could have full confidence in her capture a unique feel for Khandak, Adam, Shazam, and Billy.

Cinematographer: A cinematographer (usually credited with the title director of photography, or DP) is the chief over the camera and lighting crews working on a film and responsible for achieving artistic and technical decisions related to the image. The study and practice of this field is referred to as cinematography.
Peter Menzies Jr [Notable Works: Clash of the Titans {2010}, Incredible Hulk, Shooter]: I enjoyed his work, he's a smart D.P. And really captures the conflict of its setting, it's characters, and it's tone. He could really do a wonderful job at setting the distinct lensed tone of the Film.

Film Editor: Film editing is part of the creative post-production process of filmmaking. The term film editing is derived from the traditional process of working with film, but now it increasingly involves the use of digital technology.
Eric Zumbrunnen [Notable Works: Being John Malkovich, John Carter, Her]: Editing is a tricky art, editing is putting a highly complicated puzzle together using different versions of the same piece to give the best possible picture. The best Editor acts as an extension of the director. Eric is one of the few that can do that. When an editor can help drive the emotion of a scene home without forcing it really shows some standout talent and that’s the best way to describe his editing on John Carter, standout talent. He’s absolutely the guy I’d want in the editing bay.

Composer: A film score (also sometimes called film music, background music, or incidental music) is original music written specifically to accompany a film. The score forms part of the film's soundtrack, which also usually includes dialogue and sound effects, and comprises a number of orchestral, instrumental or choral pieces called cues which are timed to begin and end at specific points during the film in order to enhance the dramatic narrative and the emotional impact of the scene in question.
Michael Giacchino [Notable Works: Star Trek Trilogy, John Carter, The Incredibles]: Scores to Films need to blend in, enhance the ambience and tone of the film. Michael has become an expert at that so much that his music can actually help set up proper tone and movement. He’s done fantastic work creating a Fairy-Tale inspired Sci-Fi score for John Carter and his work with Star Trek is pure excitement. He’s absolutely wonderful and would create an Iconic Shazam Score.

Screenplay: A screenplay or script is a written work by screenwriters for a film, video game or television program. These screenplays can be original works or adaptations from existing pieces of writing. In them, the movement, actions, expression, and dialogues of the characters are also narrated. A play for television is also known as a teleplay.
Steve Kloves [Notable Works: Wonder Boys, Harry Potter Franchise, The Amazing Spider-Man]: A good majority of his career has been telling the tale of an Orphaned boy gaining more power than they could imagine and putting it to good use. On one franchise it spawned an Eight Film Series where he was present for 7 of them, the other was taken out of his hands and reworked tirelessly. He’s a great writer and he gets the idea of youth, power, good, and evil. There’s no doubt he could craft a Shazam Script worthy of the Silver screen, and being very familiar with Warner Bros, he’d be given plenty of room to breathe without constant objections from a higher production staff.

Shooting Script: A shooting script is a final draft, locked for ongoing production. This is often a doctored version of the screenplay smoothed and polished to have all the kinks worked out and have a very thorough story and dialogue set for the actors.
Andrew Stanton [Notable Works {As A Writer}: Finding Nemo, John Carter, Finding Dory]: His script for John Carter is one of the greatest Sci-Fi Films of the 21st Century, it’s also one of the greatest family films of the 21st century. He’s very in control of his vision and he working with Kloves to lock a shooting script would result in the best Shazam Script ever.

Director: Directors are responsible for overseeing creative aspects of a film under the overall control of the film producer. They often develop the vision for a film and carry out the vision, deciding how the film should look, in other words they make their vision come to life. They are responsible for turning the script into a sequence of shots. They also direct what tone it should have and what an audience should gain from the cinematic experience. Film directors are responsible for deciding camera angles, lens effects and lighting with the help of the cinematographer and set design with the production designer. They will often take part in hiring the cast and key crew members. They coordinate the actors' moves, or blocking and also may be involved in the writing, financing and editing of a film.
Andrew Stanton [Notable Works {As A Director}: Wall-E, Finding Nemo, John Carter]: His films look amazing, and are breathtaking to watch. He’s a director with a distinct heart. He gets the core characters he gives us and it really drives home the spectacle nature of each film he does. His films have such a great family vibe and great levity but also heart. And Heart is something a movie like Shazam would need. His style, as ever changing as it gets, is perfect for this type of spectacle and his core focus on character would help make it a beloved Family Classic, the likes of Princess Bride or the Original Clash of the Titans.


Billy Batson [Height: 5' 4", Age: Early Teens]: Billy Batson is a teenager who becomes SHAZAM! The world's mightiest mortal. Granted access to incredible powers by the Wizard Jebediah he speaks the wizard's name and is struck by a lightning bolt that gives him the powers of the gods.
Max Charles [Height: 4’ 9”, Age: 12, Notable Works: Lab Rats, The Amazing Spider-Man, The Strain]: For a younger actor Max is actually pretty good. He’s shown some heart to his roles on T.V. and I think he’s the right age to play a character like Billy. He’s got the appropriate boy-ish charm look too him and he could certainly grasp the overall fun and adventure to it.

Shazam [Height: 6' 2" {Estimated} Age: Teens {His Appearance is that of a man in his early 30's}]: When Billy speaks the magic word "SHAZAM!" He transforms into The World's Mightiest Marvel Shazam, protector of Earth. While still having Billy's Mind, he has a mature teenager attitude but still in many ways is a manchild as Shazam.
John Krasinski [Height: 6' 3", Age: 35, Notable Works: The Office, Promised Land, 13 Hours {Forthcoming}): Now I know this isn't a traditional choice, but I bet you'd be hard pressed to disagree with it. He's an excellent actor with a strong Comedic Background as well as a toned physique. He's making the Jump into action (with a Michael Bay Political Thriller, so the action skills will be showcased) and he was strongly fighting for a Marvel Movie role, having Auditioned for Both Captain America and Star Lord. I figure Shazam would be a perfect fit since it mixes action, humor, and a tiny bit of drama. It's also fitting being that he's around the same height as the Actor portraying Black Adam, so John with his current muscular physique is perfect to oppose Dwayne Johnson's overmuscled powerhouse image. John replaces Channing Tatum as my prime choice, as the former is committed to the X-Men Movie Universe as Remy LeBeau/Gambit.

Mary Batson [Height: 5' 6", Age: 18-20's]: Billy's Older Sister, Working as a waitress and doing duty over at Whiz Studios trying to support her little brother, having promised to take care of Billy after their parents died.
Jodelle Ferland [Height: 5' 2", Age: 21, Notable Works: Silent Hill, Case 39, The Tall Man]: Jodelle is one of my favorite up and coming actresses. I think she could really capture the take on Mary Batson I'd love to see. She's probably not as popular as many other actresses for the role, but no doubt she could really pull this role off without a hitch.

Freddie Freeman [Height: 5' 9", Age: Early Teens]: Billy's best friend, an Orphan like Billy Who has taken refuge in the Projects of Fawcett City, Living with a crooked Uncle, having fallen for Billy's sister, and often a distraction to keep Billy from remembering the poverty they both live in.
Mason Cook [Height: N/A, Age: 15, Notable Works: Spy {T.V. Movie}, The Lone Ranger, Legends]: Mason is a good actor, he’s keeping himself in work and he’s shown some real fun moments. He’s certainly has what I’d like to see for Freddy, going from typical best friend too more of a Big brother-esq vibe would be my main goal with Cook’s performance an character.

Uncle Dudley [Height: 5' 8" {Estimated}, Age: 60's]: Marylin Batson's Youngest Uncle,  Billy and Mary’s maternal Grand-Uncle, the Super of a rundown apartment complex where Billy and Marilyn live, moonlighting as a janitor over at Fawcett Junior High, Allowing him to keep a keen eye on his Nephew.
Jim Beaver [Height: 5’ 11”, Age: 65, Notable Works: Deadwood, Supernatural, Crimson Peak]: Jim is awesome and when casting this in a different light it felt right that Jim would play a role like Dudley. The role of a surrogate father to orphaned siblings isn’t a role he’s particularly new too.  He’s got a strong voice as an actor and I think in an environment like Shazam’s world he’d be great as Uncle Dudley. He’s got the heart and the right attitude to make the character a memorable person.

Sterling Morris [Height: 5' 10" {Estimated}, Age: 50's-60's]: Sterling Morris is a businessman and a supporting figure to SHAZAM. He is the owner of WHIZ Radio, living in Fawcett City. This makes him the boss of Billy Batson, who is secretly Shazam.
Jeff Daniels [Height: 6’ 3”, Age: 60, Notable Works: Looper, Newsroom, The Martian]: Jeff is a hell of an actor. Having been more committed to showing a serious career over a comedic one he’s shown that he’s a little better than a jack of all trades. He’s got heart and can definitely be funny, but he can be serious and have an edge to him that gives his characters a presence.

Tawky Tawny [Height: 6' 3" {Estimated}, Age: Unknown]: The Wizard's Oldest Friend, A Tiger the Wizard embedded power with, using him more as a moral guide for choosing the next Marvel. Tawny has watched Billy from afar and his sure that Billy is the right person to save the world.
Jeffrey Wright [Height: 5’ 11”, Age: 50, Notable Works: Hunger Games {Franchise}, Casino Royale, Cadillac Records]:  Jeffrey has the exact thing I was looking for in Mr.  Tawny, a calm demeanor. Tawny too me was never a very boisterous person, he was always a reserved ear for personal troubles and very calm. Jeffrey has that type of voice to him and He’s got a certain air that makes his characters often the most reasonable and coolest head in the room.

Jebidiah of Canaan/The Wizard of Shazam [Height: 6' 0", Age: Unknown]: Chosen as a child by the 6 Gods of Good, Jebediah was transformed into a Marvel, a mortal being empowered with Magic, he became the Champion Shazam! But when his age began to get the better of him he sought out a new Champion, and the tragedy of his Champion left a mark on him, until he found Billy, he empowered him with the Living Lighting as he was once given, hoping his new Champion would be what he hoped for.
Ernie Hudson [Height: 6' 0", Age: 70, Notable Works: Ghostbusters, The Crow, Dragonball Evolution]: Yep going with a more New 52 looking Wizard, historically it's more likely that he'd be black than white if he is a Canaanite. But honestly this is not about race, this is because Ernie Hudson is a wonderful actor, could play this role magically {pun intended} And he has a very wise and spiritual sense about himself. He did well in the Dragonball movie, where even though the movie was critically panned, he did pretty well for the small amount of time he was in it. He'd be a great Wizard.


Dr. Thaddeus Sivana [Height: 5' 6" {Estimated}, Age: 60's]: Doctor Thaddeus Bodog Sivana, Sr. is SHAZAM's arch nemesis. A brilliant evil mastermind, he is arguably the archetype for the "mad scientist". Sivana was the first to figure out Shazam's identity, and has been a constant pest to the Big Red Cheese (as he prefers to call the Captain). He has been associated with the Monster Society of Evil and the Secret Society.
Hugh Laurie [Height: 6’ 2”, Age: 56, Notable Works: Tomorrowland, House, Veep]: Hugh Laurie as a comic book villain is something a great many fans want. A character live Sivana could use the attention of such an actor. Giving Laurie carte blanch on how to play a character like this would be absolutely beneficial. He’d certainly be the character from the Comics in a more sinister form but he would also bring new elements to keep the character interesting.

Black Adam [Height: 6' 3", Age: Unknown {He appears to be in peak physical condition}]:Black Adam is a super-villain and sometimes anti-hero originally written as the evil counterpart to Shazam, an ancient Egyptian prince who was given incredible powers by the Wizard and survived into the modern era. His legacy would eventually expand to include the Black Marvel Family involving his wife Isis and her brother Osiris protecting their native land of Kahndaq.
Dwayne Johnson [Height: 6’5”, Age: 43, Country of Birth: United States of America Notable Works: Scorpion King, Rundown, G.I.Joe Retaliation]: I’ve always been a fan of the idea of Johnson as Adam, He’s a decent actor who I think can seriously add something to the role. He's also a fan, he was approached for both roles and while he could have just taken the role of the hero and probably have gotten it made, he let the fans choose which role is better for him. I’m glad the Shazam movie is getting off the ground so he actually can play Black Adam.

Mr. Mind [Height: Various, Age: Unkown]: Mister Mind is an evil telepathic space-worm from the planet Venus who is an enemy of Captain Marvel in Fawcett City. His incredible mental powers allow him to mind control his victims, taking advantage of and replacing anyone he needs to impersonate. Despite his diminutive appearance, he is an extremely formidable opponent and has gone through several monstrous transformations over the years. He is the leader of the Monster Society of Evil, an appropriately named organization that fights the Marvel Family.
Kelsey Grammer [Height: 6' 1", Age: 60, Notable Works: Frasier, Boss, Toy Story 2]: Kelsey has a very intelligent and sophisticated person. He has a voice that reads it. I think he could play something better than the old Fawcett Mr. Mind. I think he could really play the Mister Mind you could see as an inhuman monster in a psychological sense. Mr. Mind represents something different out of Shazam's villains and Kelsey is the right type of actor to give a voice to it. He's played villains before, and he could without a doubt play this role with a very venomous sense to him creating an Iconic Mr. Mind.

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TheSoulEater - 12/19/2015, 11:09 AM basically perfect....though I don't know if I'd ever see John Krasinski play someone like Capt. Marvel SHAZAM
MikeZ - 12/19/2015, 12:11 PM
- I've also had Max Charles in mind for Billy Batson back when Mr. Peabody & Sherman was out in theatres.
- I've still got Armie Hammer in mind for the big red cheese. That seems to be the only superhero role I see him in the most. I did like Myths-of-Genesis' (for people, that was our own tweeeeenkies(?), before he left for greener pastures) choice for Krasinski as Hal Jordan.
- You have Freedie Freeman, but no King Shazam? Then again, looks like your cast is what you imagine for the first movie, so I shoulda let that slide.
- Great choices for Uncle Dudley and Sterling Morris.
- Jeffrey Wright did fantastic in The Good Dinosaur; he'd be just as great as Tawky Tawny!
- Hugh did fantastic in Tomorrowland. I'd be down to see him play Dr. Sivana!
- I'll be happy to see Kelsey play a role like this. It'll remind me of Frankenollie from that Mickey Mouse short Runaway Brain!

Another stellar cast! Right now, I'll continue to work on my Batman anthology cast, and get that off the ground before year's end.
Peel - 12/19/2015, 1:57 PM
I think I've seen John Krasinski fancast a lot for Shazam actually. I know he is personally my pick for the character. He's talented, very tall, has the potential to get seriously jacked to rival the Rock, and I think given his career atm, would be up for signing on to a multi-pic contract.

Good picks here, missed having fancasts on the same high standard as yours Bob.
TucksFrom2015 - 12/19/2015, 3:12 PM
Not a lot of people seem to grasp how a Shazam! origin film would need to be structured for it to work, your main character is this kid who deifies Superman and is suddenly imbued with Superman's power set, and Captain Marvel is that same character's residual self image/power fantasy come to life and not a new character or a new performance unto itself. When you cast the guy from The Office as Captain Marvel you're turning the dynamic away from your main character, and suddenly it feels like I'm watching Big with Tom Hanks, arguably one of the best movies of all time, but not at all what this film should try to emulate. If it's working correctly, Shazam! should feel like a Schwarzenegger film, think Last Action Hero meets Terminator, Dwayne Johnson is the big selling point here and like Arnold he's just a charismatic bodybuilder who found his place on the big screen, but instead of teaming up with the Last Action Hero kid he's trying to destroy him. Dwayne's performance as Black Adam is the default mode for that character, but the default mode for Billy Batson is this coming of age archetype in a red sweater who occasionally transforms into a Superman knockoff, so the Superman knockoff should be played by a charismatic bodybuilder that no one's ever heard of before instead of a scene-stealing funnyman.

I used to say Sean Maher would be good as Captain Marvel, but it probably needs to be a swollen nobody who resembles a jingoistic parody of Hank Cavill's Superman. As for an anthropomorphic tiger in the DCEU? Not happening, although realistic Life of Pi-looking tigers are easy to come by in the SFX industry.
UltimateCookie - 12/19/2015, 3:32 PM
So much yes
FlixMentallo21 - 12/20/2015, 10:41 AM
Your prior Shazam cast was good, but this one is just as good! Lightning struck twice with this one.
TheRockmore - 12/20/2015, 1:35 PM
@Robert Garlen

Love the casting except for Captain Marvel/Shazam himself...ever consider Derek Theler?
FlyntCoal - 12/21/2015, 7:22 AM
I'm so down for this. Thumbed.
BlackIceJoe - 12/21/2015, 1:47 PM
I really like who you went for as director. John Carter was a great film and the movie failed, because Disney wanted it too. I could comment how great this casting is, but I'll just thumb it up so more people see it instead.
ager - 12/21/2015, 6:30 PM
I'm a bit all over the place when it comes to Shazam! The idea of Theo James is growing on me; I've also considered Zachary Levy recently. It's just such a polarizing character and very hard to cast. As for the wizard, I am completely on the side of middle eastern to black actor. That idea seems to being more popular.

When it comes to the movie, I believe it should create the mythology. It should appear as though their is zero connection to the DC movieverse until the end. It should begin with the wizard disowning the mantle after being tricked by Lilith. After the initial 15 minutes, the movie should be all about Teth-Adam and lead into his eventual fall. The end (if not after-credits) should be the present where the Batsons discover the tomb...

The sequel is all about the birth of the new Shazam and taking down Adam

It would be easy to build around the Rock.

Your thoughts?
theultimatefan - 12/22/2015, 8:41 PM
@ager - Zachary Levy was going to be my Shazam
theultimatefan - 12/22/2015, 8:42 PM
Great great great fan cast. I am a little jealous because it is so good. I really enjoyed how detailed you were, but not in a boring way. This would be a really good movie based off your vision.
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