The original Injustice League was the brainchild of the interplanetary conqueror, Agamemno. Bored of his dominion, he set out to conquer Earth and their champions, the Justice League. Aided by Kanjar Ro, Agamemno contacted Lex Luthor and they recruited other villains to their cause.
Agamemno then engineered a switch wherein the villains' minds switched with those of the JLA. In the true JLA's absence, other Silver Age heroes came to clash with the now seemingly evil heroes. Eventually, Green Lantern used the power of the Oa's Central Power Battery and a Thanagarian weapon called Absorbascon to reverse the mind-swap.
Having spent time in their enemies' bodies, the villains knew their heroic counterparts inside-out. To regain the edge, the JLA used the power of Robby Reed's alien H-Dial to transform themselves into totally different heroes. Then using his power ring through the Absorbascon, Green Lantern removed all knowledge of the heroes' secret identities from the villains' minds.
So here's The Injustice League:
Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor:
Lex Luthor is the archenemy of Superman. The character was originally depicted as a mad scientist who in the vein of pulp novels, wreaks havoc on the world with his futuristic weaponry. In his earliest appearances, Luthor is shown with a full head of red hair. Despite this, the character later became hairless as the result of an artist's mistake. (Bet you didn't know that I didn't.) Anyway Lex has always been a thorn in Superman's side, and it's got to be Kevin Spacey.
Crispin Glover as The Joker:
Throughout his comic book appearances, the Joker is portrayed as a master criminal whose characterization has varied from that of a violent psychopath to a goofy trickster-thief. He is the archenemy of Batman, having been directly responsible for numerous tragedies in Batman's life, including the paralysis of Barbara Gordon, and the death of Jason Todd, the second Robin.
Throughout the character's long history, there have been several different origin tales. They most commonly depict his falling into a vat of chemical waste, which bleaches his skin and turns his hair green and his lips bright red, giving him the appearance of a clown. Well what can I say, got to be Crispin Glover!
Hugo Weaving as Sinestro:

When Hal Jordan joined the Green Lantern Corps, Sinestro was assigned to be his instructor. Jordan was horrified at his new mentor's totalitarian methods, though Sinestro maintained that his iron-fisted rule was necessary to protect his people from alien forces. During his training, Jordan helped Sinestro repel an attempted invasion of Korugar by the alien warlords known as the Khunds. When Jordan called for help from the other Green Lanterns, Sinestro's dictatorship was exposed and he was forced to appear before the Guardians for punishment. Katma Tui, the leader of a Korugarian resistance movement who felt that Sinestro's "protection" kept her people from growing as a society through contact with other alien races, was recruited as his replacement in the Corps. Though Katma Tui eventually grew into one of the most respected Green Lanterns, she and the rest of Korugar initially resisted her appointment to the Corps; due to Sinestro's actions, Korugar had come to consider the symbol of the Green Lantern Corps an emblem of terror and oppression, similar to the swastika of the Nazi regime on Earth.
Hugo Weaving is Sinestro!
Bob Hoskins as The Penguin:
Penguin is a short, rotund man known for his love of birds and his specialized high-tech umbrellas. A mobster-type criminal, he fancies himself a "gentleman of crime." His nightclub business provides a cover for more low-key criminal activity, which Batman tolerates as a source of underworld information. According to co-creator Bob Kane, the character was inspired from the then advertising mascot of Kool cigarettes which was a penguin with a top hat and cane.
Bob Hoskins would make the greatest Penguin. Heck he's even got the perfect voice too, good quality actor for the role.
Michael Ealy as Black Manta:
In his origin, the boy who would become Black Manta was an orphan who has autism and was placed in Gotham City's Arkham Asylum. He felt comfortable in freezing cold water, while cotton sheets were excruciatingly painful. Because the attendants at Arkham didn't know how to deal with autism, they would restrain him to the bed as he struggled and screamed whenever they tried putting him there. The boy was also fascinated when he saw Aquaman on television.
The boy would end up being subjected to experimental treatments. One treatment seemed to clear the boy's head, but left him violent. He killed the scientist who had administered the treatment and escaped from Arkham.
Robert Knepper as Doctor Light:
The Silver Age Doctor Light was a criminal physicist named Dr. Arthur Light, who first appeared in Justice League of America #12. A retcon introduced in Secret Origins #37 revealed that this character was actually the second Dr. Light. According to the retcon, his predecessor was his partner at STAR Labs, a scientist named Jacob Finlay. Finlay created a technologically advanced suit to control light as a minor superhero, but was accidentally killed by Arthur Light near the beginning of his heroic career (though Finlay's death may have been caused by hiding his costume in a computer console, causing it to malfunction). Light took the suit and the "Doctor Light" codename, using them for selfish, criminal means. He has been periodically haunted by Finlay's ghost through the years, but could use the light generated by the suit to drive off this spirit.
Again Knepper is the perfect Carnage, but again, this is the DC Universe and he makes the perfect Doctor Light too!
Lauren Cohan as Catwoman:

Catwoman's origin — and to an extent, her character — was revised in 1986 when writer Frank Miller and artist David Mazzucchelli published "Batman: Year One," a revision of Batman's origin. In this version, Selina Kyle is reintroduced as a independent and more modern minded woman. She is a prostitute in order to survive and wants to break away from her abusive pimp (and former boyfriend). She witnesses his crimes and because of an event which occurs to her (nun) sister, fears for her sister's life and begins to study self defense and martial arts. Her teacher inspires Selina to become more than what she has been. She realizes that prostitution is no life for her or for "Holly." Holly Robinson is a young runaway who idolizes Selina, but is much too young to be on the streets as far as Selina is concerned. Selina shares her home with Holly,. As the story progresses Selina is led to burglary. She dons a catsuit costume that her now former pimp gave to her the day that she told him she was out of the business. After costuming, she gets a taste for burglary and begins to do it in more of a Robin Hood way than complete thievery.
Lauren Cohan you go, well she has been in Supernatural and if DC wants an unknown, she's a really good pick for the role. She screams Selina.
Megan Gale as Cheetah:
The original Cheetah, Priscilla Rich, was established as still existing post-Crisis when Queen Hippolyta became the Golden Age Wonder Woman. In the present, she was seen as an elderly woman when she was murdered by Barbara Minerva (the Modern Age Cheetah; see below). It was also established that she had never become an invalid post-Crisis, as Minerva mentioned how Priscilla had written books condemning her when she became the Cheetah. Rich was murdered in her home by Minerva, under the urging of Zoom. Zoom theorized that if Minerva killed Rich, she would solidify herself as the one true Cheetah and thus be a better villain.
Megan Gale, Wonder Woman no, but Cheetah hell yes!
Steve Buscemi as Doctor Alchemy:
Albert Desmond suffered from multiple personality disorder where, like Two-Face, one side was a harmless citizen, the other personality was a dark criminal. Utilizing his knowledge of chemistry, Desmond began his criminal debut under the guise of Mr. Element. After being sent to jail by the Flash, Desmond discovered the Philosopher's Stone, which has the ability to transmute one element to another. After using the Stone to escape, Desmond renewed his criminal career under the new moniker of Doctor Alchemy and clashed with Flash many times, but was defeated every time.
Steve Buscemi could do justice to a character like this easy and bring many levels to him.
Kristen Bell as Killer Frost:
Crystal Frost first appeared in "Firestorm." While Crystal Frost was studying to be a scientist in Hudson University. She fell in love with her teacher, Martin Stein. While working on a project in the Arctic, Frost was upset to learn that Stein didn't reciprocate her feelings. Frost accidentally locked herself in a thermafrost chamber, but somehow survived. She was transformed in a way that she is able to absorb heat from a living being and project the cold and ice. Now calling herself Killer Frost, she began her murderous crusade against men and has clashed with Firestorm on many occasions. Frost died after she absorbed too much energy from Firestorm.
Crystal has been identified as one of the deceased entombed below the Hall of Justice. Bell is perfect for Killer Frost.
Andy Garcia as Chronos:
Arch-nemesis of the Atom (Ray Palmer), Chronos started his career as petty thief David Clinton who attributed his consistent incarceration to his timing, or lack thereof. To improve his timing, he studied the rhythm of time pieces and by practice learned to synchronize each of his actions with the beat of the prison clock. By the end of his sentence he had developed an extraordinary sense of timing which he resolved to use in furthering his criminal career. He then adopted the colorful costume and alter ego of Chronos, the Time Thief. Clinton had acquired an unhealthy fascination with time and he developed a series of gimmick weapons and deathtraps based on time pieces (clocks with blades as hands, flying sun dials).
Well I thought Andy Garcia. Yeah, not sure why, but I reckon he could pull the part off. As yet I haven't seen him cast as a comic book character.
Naveen Andrews as Felix Faust:
The first recorded whereabouts of the mighty sorcerer known as Felix Faust is from circa 5,000 BC. At which time he appeared in the legendary African empire of Kor. The king of Kor was Nommo, the prime wizard of his time and the guardian of the mystic power called the Flame of Life. The evil sorcerer battled Nommo, attempting to use the Flame's power to his own corrupt ends. Nommo then called the Flame of Life into himself, defeating the sorcerer by banishing him to another dimension.
Naveen, great actor, can pull this character off in spades. Just watch Lost.
Emily Blunt as GIGANTA:
In the current DC Universe, Giganta is Dr. Doris Zeul (a name that tips its hat to Professor Zool, a key figure in the Golden Age Giganta's origin). Appearing in the modern continuity for the first time in 1997 in "Wonder Woman" #127 (volume 2), Zeul captures a comatose Wonder Woman and holds her at a secret research facility. Suffering from a fatal blood disease, Zeul plans to use an experimental machine to transfer her "life-essence" into Wonder Woman's body. Interrupted by Wonder Girl halfway through the experiment, Zeul seemingly dies. Her assistant Branson discovers that Zeul is not dead, but instead had her essence stored in the transference machine's buffer module, which then channeled her consciousness into one of the lab's test animals, a gorilla named Giganta.
Desperate to return her mind to a human body, Zeul/Giganta then abducts a comatose circus strong woman named Olga. Though the subsequent events have never been detailed in the comics, Zeul apparently succeeds in transferring her mind into Olga's body, and, presumably, Olga's mind into the body of the gorilla.
Well Emily Blunt, hey who wouldn't want to see her blown up in a giant goddess?
Oh, here are some others I wouldn't mind if they got the part, too:
Angelina Jolie as Catwoman:
I reckon if DC wanted a name, her name is the best of the crop. She'd make a fine sexy Catwoman!
Nikki Cox as GIGANTA:
Just see LAS VEGAS television series, she could pull the off role.
As for Agamemno, the Villain behind Injustice League, I'd like you to throw a couple of names out there to see who's best to play him?
LEEE777 - Well hope you enjoyed it, it killed me doing it! ; )