So I've been sitting around and reading articles on upcoming movies and I thought to myself, "I could do this", so I decided to write one myself based on a movie that doesn't exist but should. At first I had to decide which team I should use. At first I wanted to go with the original team but ultimately I think the new X-Force team would be a great movie. It would obviously have to be more along the lines of an R rated movie due to the fact that they are the team Cyclops calls on as his covert ops team. Plus they definitely get their hands dirty. I think they should even use the first few issues to use as their story as well. It took me a little bit casting wise but I think this would be the team.
First off I would obviously pick Hugh Jackman as Wolverine because lets face it, he IS Wolverine. I can see Jackman doing this because he seems to love the character and plus his new movie is going to rock, nuff said bub!
Secondly, I was thinking about who I would like to cast as Archangel/Warren Worthington III and a few names came to mind. At first I thought Ryan Phillipe but I as good of an actor as he is, I just couldn't see it. And I know a lot of people liked Ben Foster as Angel but I think he looks to young for the part. Finally I decided on Paul Walker. I know people think he's not the best actor but I actually like most films he's done. I think he has the look and can pull off the role of Warren Worthington III/Archangel.

The next role is for the part of Domino/Neena Thurman and my one and only pick is Lena Headey. She show's everyone on a weekly basis in the Sarah Connor Chronicles that she is a chick you don't mess with. Plus Domino is an older woman who is a veteran at what she does.
The third one I had a little trouble with which was X-23/Laura Kinney. I had a couple actresses I wanted to use for this role and one of which was Devon Aoki but I decided not to use her because she is older than I picture X-23. So for my pick I went with Megan Fox because she is around the perfect age, she could pull off that X-23 attitude and let's face it, she's downright hot.
Next up is the role of Warpath/James Proudstar and I had a tough time coming up with a 7'2" Native American actor that could actually act so I decided to go with Rudy Youngblood from Apocalypto. He might not be very tall but I think he could pull off the role of Warpath. If not, I can settle with an unknown actor for the role.
Next up is Wolfsbane/Rahne Sinclair and Keira Knightley seems like she would be a good fit for the role. I know she's British but it's not too far off a scottish accent.
Lastly for the role of Elixir/Joshua Foley, I chose Sebastian Stan from The Covenant and his new role in NBCs Kings which might turn out to be a good show.
I know the movie will probably never happen but if did that is my casting call.