Reed Richards was a scientist and the inventor of the first spaceship capable of reaching planets beyond our moon. After much planning, expense and hard work; the ship was built and was nearing its launch date. However, as the launch neared, the federal government was about to cut funding for the flight. Reed decided there was no choice but to launch the ship before the whole effort was scrapped and wasted.Reed invited his girlfriend Susan Storm along for the trip and her brother Johnny Storm insisted on coming along in order to keep her safe. Wanting a pilot with both the ability and the guts to make the flight, Reed turned to his former college roommate and very close friend Ben Grimm, a highy accomplished former test pilot for the United States Air Force. The crew now set, everyone was ready for launch when Reed received a warning from the authorities concerning the effects of the cosmic rays on human bodies so far out in space. Reed's request for launch was denied and the mission aborted.More desperate than ever to make the flight, Reed's crew waited until the changing of the guards that night and then sneaked onto the ship and launched before any planes could be scrambled to intercept them and/or shoot them down using missiles. Successful in leaving the Earth's atmosphere, they were halfway along on their mission when they entered a sub-space storm and were bombarded by intense cosmic rays both before they expected and stronger than they expected. This unexpectedly intense cosmic ray storm had strange and disorienting effects on the crew, making them unable to continue the trip.

They turned back, returned to Earth and crash-landed in a small opening in a forested area.
Luckily, they survived the crash but were radically changed. Ben felt his body become heavy and found he'd turned into a monster. Reed tried to calm him down and restrain him when he realized that he'd reflexively stretched and wrapped his body around Ben; he now had elastic stretching abilities. Johnny burst into flames while Sue panicked and turned invisible. Gathering their wits, they soon managed to calm themselves and agreed to use their newfound powers for the good of humanity and stay together as a team. Johnny called himself the "Human Torch," Sue took the name "Invisible Girl" (and later changed it to the Invisible Woman). Ben chose the name "Thing" and Reed decided to call himself "Mr. Fantastic." Thus, the Fantastic Four were born
Hayden Christensen as Reed Richard/Mr.Fantastic
Reed Richards is the leader of the Fantastic FourAfter he was done with school he used his inheritance and government funding to finance his project. He began building his spaceship in Central City. Sue Storm would move to this same area and eventually found herself dating Reed again. Reed would ask Ben to pilot the ship for him. The government denied the flight into space so Reed, Sue, Ben, and Johnny decided to sneak onto the ship and they took the ship into outer space. Reed miscalculated and forgot the abnormality of the radiation from the cosmic radiation. The rays destroyed the ship and they crash-landed back on earth. After the crash Reed found out that he could stretch his body like elastic at will. Reed adopts the name Mr. Fantastic and convinces the four of them to use their powers for good.
For me Hayden Christensen is brilliant choice.He is body is perfect for this character,and I don’t see anyone as Mr.Fantastic except him.
Yvonne Strahovski as Susan Storm/Invisible woman
The Invisible Woman is a founding member of the Fantastic Four. It's been said she's the most powerful member of the Fantastic Four; being able to create invisible force fields of any shape she conceives and being able to turn invisible. Her potential power has only barely been seen.
She is a great actress,I would want see her as invisible woman,she will manage it like none.
Lucas Till as Johny Storm/Human Torch
Johnny Storm is the Human Torch; member of the Fantastic Four & brother of Sue Richards. Due to an accident caused by Cosmic Radiation in space, he can manipulate fire, turning his entire body into a fireball & fly.
I know tha he has pled role of Havok in “X-men:First Class”,but I don’t see anyone else as human torch,because he is ideal for role:he has similar look and his acting was great in film.
Sam Wortington as Ben Grimm/Thing
The Thing is the quintessential tough-guy of the Marvel Universe, but, because of his transformation, he's also the unfortunate member of the Fantastic Four. His exterior may be harder than stone and his gruff disposition might fool some, but inside he has a heart of gold.
One moment I wanted Geoff Stults to be Thing,but after analyzing roles of Sam Worthington in “Avatar”, “Terminator:Salvation” I understood that Worthington is than what I need.
Jonathan Rhys Meyers as Victor Von Doom/Dr.Doom
The very mention of his name makes lesser men tremble! The once brilliant scientist with the iron mask and the twisted brain! Master of science and sorcery, Victor von Doom is the monarch of Latveria, the eternal nemesis of the Fantastic Four!
After seeing his acting as King Henry VIII in “Tudors” I will say that he is much more Dr.Doom than Namor.
Maggie Grace as Alicia Masters
Alicia is a great friend to the Fantastic Four and a blind sculptress. She is the girlfriend of Ben Grimm, the F4 member known as the Thing, and the stepdaughter of the F4's enemy, Puppet Master.
I just think that she suits for role.
Tahmoh Penikett as Namor
Namor the Sub-Mariner is the ruler of Atlantis, Royal Prince-of-the-blood of a mighty, almost legendary race! His strength is the strength of many surface-men, and his fighting heart and courage make him an indomitable foe! He has been both a hero and a villain to the surface world!
There can’t be any comment about this guy,because even if you want you can’t find ayone else who can play this character like Tahmoh Penikett.
Keanu Reeves as Norrin Radd/Silver Surfer
Norrin Radd is the Silver Surfer, an alien from the planet Zenn-La with the power to manipulate cosmic energy granted to him by his former master Galactus. He travels the stars on his trusty surfboard with superhuman speed.
I you have seen film “The day when the earth stopped” you will understand why I have given him this role.
Ewan Mcgregor as Mar-Vell/Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel rebelled against a racist tyrannical empire. Fighting for Earth, The original "Protector of the Universe" is comics' most heroic figure if not it's most intriguing. Perhaps killed off prematurely in a graphic novel. A new generation of readers STILL champion Mar-Vell's return to this very day.
I like this actor and I think that he needs a serious and great role liek in in films of Star Wars and this role is role of Captain Marvel.
Tyson Beckford as T’Challa/Black Panther
T'Challa is the Black Panther,the super genius warrior king of the African nation of Wakanda, the most technologically advanced nation on Earth. He is one of the smartest men in the Marvel Universe, a former Avenger, and Storm's husband. Black Panther was the first mainstream black Marvel superhero.
I think that I have just made a good choice.
Matt Bomer as Tony Stark/Iron man
After being gravely injured and pressured under the threat of death to create a weapon of mass destruction, Tony Stark instead created a powered suit of armor to free himself and protect the world as the Invincible Iron Man.
What about Iron man,I like acring of Robert Downey Jr,but I would want see someone younger in role,so I think that Matt Bomer just can replace Downey Jr after a few years.
Sharlto Copley or Colin Hanks as Bruce Banner/Hulk
Dr. Robert Bruce Banner was accidentally irradiated by Gamma Radiation by an experimental Gamma Bomb test and was turned into The Incredible Hulk. The Hulk and Bruce Banner are now two separate individuals.
After seeing results in previous fan cast,I understood that CBM fans prefer Sharlto Copley as Bruce Banner,but then I have found out Colin Hanks and he is a good choice too.Advice me once more which is the best.
Henry Cavill as Blackagar Boltagon/Black Bolt
King of the Inhumans, Black Bolt is blessed and cursed with a power so great as to tear whole planets asunder. He must never utter a sound, for even the slightest whisper will cause untold destruction.
At first I thought to choose Brandon Routh as Black Bolt,but then I preferred Henry Cavill,because of his acting in film “Tudors”.
Amanda Righetti as Medusalith Amaquelin/Medusa
Medusa is the Queen of the Inhumans and their sole ruler following her husband Black Bolt's death. Medusa is best known for her long, thick head of red hair, which she can psychokinetically wield like countless extra appendages.
Amanda Righetti will play role agent Sharon Carter in film “Avengers”,but I hope that one day she will have chance to introduce herself in some series of Fantastic Four film.There she may perform role of Medusa.I think this is a great choice.
Rachel Hurd-Wood as Crystal
Crystal is a member of the Inhumans and the younger sister of Medusa, Queen of the Inhumans. She has the power to manipulate the four classical elements of earth, air, fire, and water.
This role suits her like none.
Jason Momoa as Gorgon
As a result of being exposed to the Terrigen Mist when he was an infant, Gorgon developed hooved feet and a powerful lower body. His legs are so powerful that with a single stomp, he can create shock tremors to disable his opponents.
After his performance in “Conan the Barbarian”,he will be a brilliant candidate for this character.
Matthew Fox as Karnak
Martial Arts trained member of the Royal Family of the Inhumans. He has the extrasensory ability to find the weakness or fault in an object or person.
Matthew Fox is a good actor,all what he needs is to train a bit.
Benedict Cumberbatch as Triton
A member of the Inhuman Royal Family, Triton was exposed to the Terrigen Mist when he was a year old and emerged with a number of aquatic mutations.
This actor has deep voice and sharp look which will bring this character great luck.
Joaquin Phoenix as Maximus Boltagon/Maximus the Mad
Maximus is the genius and insane brother of Black Bolt who often plots against the Inhuman Royal Family. Recently, he has been cooperating with the Royal Family under Medusa's rule.
This actor has once proved that this role is privately for him,in Gladiator”.
Tamuera Morrison as Uatu/Watcher
The Watcher is many times the superior of any mere man. All he does is travel his lonely route, stopping from time to time to look about him. It is as if his only mission is to watch. His home planet is at the furthest end of the known universe, a planet containing the greatest scientific wonders of all time. If one was to seize some of these scientific treasures, he would have power such as no human has ever dreamed of possessing.
Chris Carmack as Richard Rider/Nova
As a member of the Nova Corps, Richard Rider is empowered by the Nova Force. At present, Richard Rider is the Nova Prime.
Paul Giamatti as Harevy Rupert Elder/Mole man
The Mole Man! Nearly blind inhabitant of the nether regions of Earth! Using his strange "radar sense" instead of eyesight, aided by an awesome group of underearth monsters, this bitter, brooding man years ago left Earth's surface because of his hatred for mankind, and set up an underground empire!
Paul Giamatti will have great look as mole man!
Alan Tudyk as Annihilus
Annihilus, a native of the planet Arthos, is the ruler of The Negative Zone and a longtime foe of The Fantastic Four. He is a nihilist who is obsessed with constantly finding different ways to extend his lifespan and destroying all that which he sees as a threat to his existence.
Bryan Thompson as Galactus
Galactus is the famed "Devourer of Worlds" in the Marvel Universe. His powers are nearly omnipotent. He has appointed a number of entities as his Heralds, imbuing them with the Power Cosmic. He uses energy from the core of planets and universal sources to sustain himself.
His voice is great for Galactus.
James Marsters as Super-Skrull
A skrull artificially augmented and given each of the abilities of the Fantastic Four by the Skrull Emperor Dorrek, who wanted revenge against them.
John Malkovich as Phillip Masters/Pupeet master
Stepfather of the lovely, blind Alicia, this sinister figure possesses a power which seems to surpass even that of the Fantastic Four! Using a unique form of radio-active modeling clay, he can fashion puppets which somehow control the living persons they are modeled after!
John Glover as Esteban Corazon de Ablo/Diablo
Diablo is a 9th century alchemist with aspirations of world dominance. He is able to produce any number of amazing potions that defy scientific analysis. Diablo does not seem to age
Guy Pearce as Bentley Wittman/Wizard
Bentley Wittman grew up possessing near-superhuman levels of genius and was a child prodigy and chess champion. As an adult, he became an inventor of great renown, selling his futuristic inventions to the wealthy and becoming quite rich. He became known as the Wizard by legally assuming this stage name and using his advanced scientific inventions to perform feats of "magic" as a stage magician and escape artist.
Alan Rickman as Red Ghost
Instead of testing his theory on humans, Kragoff decided to use two great apes and a monkey that he trained for the mission. Blasting into space the same day Fantastic Four had embarked their journey, Kragoff and his apes headed directly into a cosmic storm that transformed them into the infamous Red Ghost and his Super-Apes.
Rodrigo Santoro as Simon Utrecht/Vector
Once a wealthy industrialist, Simon Utrecht wanted more power and conduct an experiment similar to what gave the Fantastic Four their powers. With a group of his friends, he gained the power of Telekinetic repulsion and formed the team U-foes.
Malin Akerman as Ann Darnell/Vapor
Ann Darnell was a life support specialist and love interest for a millionaire named Simon Utrecht. The American industrialist had plans to expose himself to cosmic rays in order to gain super powers like the Fantastic Four. Ann agreed to accompanied her love Simon Utrecht, along with her younger brother, Jimmy Darnell who was the fuel propulsion engineer and pilot Mike Steel.
Jamie Bell as Jimmy Darnell/X-ray
X-Ray is an original member of the U-Foes and is the younger brother of Vapor.
Geoff Stults as Mike Steel/Ironclad
Ironclad is a member of the U-Foes, a small group of criminals that tried to duplicate the crash that gave the Fantastic Four their powers. Ironclad never accepted that Hulk is stronger than him
Sean Bean as Nathaniel Richards
Nathaniel Richards is the loving husband of Evelyn Richards and father of Reed Richards who would later become the famous superhero, Mr. Fantastic. He lived happily with his family, noting his son's intellect at a young age and trying his best to encourage it along with his wife. Unfortunately, around the time Reed was 7 years old, his mother had passed away.
John Laroquette as Franklin Storm
Franklin Storm was married to Mary Storm and was the father of Susan (The future Invisible Woman)and Johnny Storm (The future Human Torch), who in the future would become world famous explorers and heroes.
That's all about Fantastic Four.