FANCAST: Fantastic Four
Say Marvel Studios owned the Fantastic Four. This is who I would cast and what I would like to see as part of the story.
I'm a huge fan of the Fantastic Four, I love Marvel's first family. Everything about the new reboot annoys me, mainly because we will never get to see Dr. Doom, Silver Surfer, or Galactus in the films. We will never get to see Reed Richards and Tony Stark interact and become science-buddies. So this is my fancast, and at the end is a bit of my idea of a plot. For Reed, Sue, and Johnny I had two choices, so the first choice for each goes with the first choice and the second choice goes with the second. I tried to keep Sue, Reed, Ben, and Dr. Doom over 30 and Johnny under 30. My first choice castings are the better of the two (probably)
Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic-
First Choice: Patrick Dempsey
Age: 48
Known For: Enchanted (2008), Grey's Anatomy (2005-now)
Why: He looks like a scientist, and is a great actor. Grey's Anatomy is an amazing series, and this guy just screams "Reed!". I can picture this Patrick having grey's hair like Reed and spouting all the science information that Reed does.
Second Choice: Rider Strong

Age: 34
Known For: Boy Meets World (1993-2000)
Why: I understand Rider, having played Shawn Hunter, would've made for a better Johnny. But I just think he looks like Reed, maybe not the best choice but he would be damn good at Reed. He just looks like he could be a scientist, and the last time Marvel cast an actor who is most notable for more cocky characters the end result was, surprised a lot of people.
Susan Storm/Invisible Woman-
First Choice: Maggie Grace
Age: 30
Known For: Taken (2008) Taken 2 (2012) Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Parts 1&2 (2011 and 2012)
Why: First, she looks like she could be Sue, she has that pretty yet motherly look. In addition, she is an amazing actress, having starred with Liam Neeson in the two Taken movies. She could put on that motherly feeling Sue needs to have, and I think she would be a great Sue.
Second Choice: Clémence Poésy
Age: 31
Known For: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 1&2 (2010 and 2011)
Why: She is very pretty, like Sue. Plus she is a good actress and could do the maternal feeling Sue needs to have.
Johnny Storm/Human Torch
First Choice: Hunter Parrish
Age: 27
Known For: 17 Again (2009) Weeds (2005-2012)
Why: Hunter Parrish was born to play Johnny. He's amazingly hot and is an amazing actor. In 17 Again he played a jock, a basketball player. This guy was just born to play Johnny Storm, he has everything to be him.
Second Choice: Alex Pettyfer
Age: 24
Known For: Beastly (2011) I Am Number Four (2011) Magic Mike (2011)
Why:This guy is, in my opinion, and underrated actor. I think he is another actor who was born to play Johnny, he is hot and he can play the cocky character. If you don't believe me, just watch the trailer for Beastly. This one:
Within the first six seconds, his character acts just like Johnny would, urging people to vote for him because he's rich, popular, and good looking.
Ben Grimm/The Thing
Only Choice: Gerad Butler
Age: 44
Known For: 300 (2007) Phantom of the Opera (2005) Olympus Has Fallen (2013)
Why: If anyone has ever seen 300 they know how good Gerad Butler is. He's a great actor, and played King Leonidas really good. I could see him as a human Ben then with mocap similar to the Hulk from The Avengers they could make The Thing and Butler would use his "Leonidas" voice, how he spoke as King Leonidas.
Victor Von Doom/Dr. Doom
Only Choice: Mads Mikkelsen
Age: 48
Known For: Hannibal (2013-now) The Hunt (2012) The Three Musketeers (2011)
Why: He has that creepy evil-guy look Doom needs to have. He just, looks like what I would imagine Doom to look like. I'm not the only person to want Mads as Doom, quite a few people want him to play Dr. Doom.
I want the film to have a slightly similar story to the first two Fantastic Four films, with having the Reed, Sue, Ben, and Johnny going to space, not for space travel, but to find some cure for diseases. That's all I really have in idea for the story, but I do know that once Dr. Doom has his suit I want him to look like this:
And the suits for the Fantastic Four themselves to be unique but still close to the comics, possibly similar to the older movies' suits.