While the majority of the active roster of the Avengers were kidnapped and forced to participate in the Secret Wars, longtime member The Vision declared himself chairman in Chairwoman Wasp's abscence. He had detected a great threat to come, the Dire Wraiths, and in order to better combat the threat, decided to establish a second active team of Avengers. He requested and received permission to do so from the U.S. government, which had begun to take a more active supervisory role towards the Avengers. Recently returned veteran member Hawkeye was appointed as chairman of the West Coast roster. Selecting his team and a headquarters, the bowslinger set to the task. The Vision would also go on to attempt the creation of a third Avengers team, but was turned down by potential Midwest Avengers Chairman Doc Sampson.
The original lineup included team leader Hawkeye, his wife Bobbi a.k.a. Mockingbird, the animalistic Tigra, industrialist-turned-superheroic actor Wonder Man and the invincible Iron Man. Unbeknownst at first to the others, this Iron Man was not the original, but a substitute. Stark would, however, soon reclaim his Iron Man identity and join the group himself.
I am big fan of marvel and the avengers and i loved all the avengers spin-off, and west coast are one of this spin off i love I red one issues of west coast….this my cast for the original members hawkeye mockingbird and tigra so wonder man and I didn’t cast members like moon knight and darkhawk and living lighting because they were guest star but I cast firebird because she still an active member and hank pym
I didn’t strect with movie cast just like Jeremy renner as hawkeye.

Since this is just fan cast i did what i want i wanted jensen ackles as hawkeye because he is perfect for role he has all capacity he cocky a play boy and funny as heck just like hawkeye thought Jeremy is great too but too old to get him a mockingbird and match with scarjo
Clinton Barton was an orphan, and ran away from the orphanage as a pre-teen to join the circus as a carnival performer, where he was trained in the use of the bow and arrow by the Swordsman and Trickshot. When he discovered that his mentors were both criminals he rejected them, leading to a beating by Swordsman which left Barton badly injured and hospitalized. Years later, he saw Iron Man in action, and was inspired and decided to become a costumed hero called Hawkeye. However, there is a misunderstanding on Hawkeye's first outing and he is believed to be a criminal, accused of theft.
While she has no superpowers, Mockingbird is a trained S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who graduated at the top of her class and as such she can be expected to be proficient in several forms of hand-to-hand combat and familiar with a wide range of weapons. The character usually uses a pair of batons which can be combined to form a single bō-staff in combat, weapons which she has been shown to be an expert with.[54] She also possesses a PhD in biology.
i picked because almost the same height as mockingbird not that she is also got some matrial arts over her body Jaime king seems to have a great range and shows that in sin city and funny spirit and she showed that too gary unmarried and that what our mockingbird need it too
Tigra (Greer Grant Nelson) is a fictional American comic book superheroine in the Marvel Comics universe. Introduced as the non-superpowered crime fighter The Cat in Claws of the Cat #1 (Nov. 1972), she was co-created by writer-editor Roy Thomas, writer Linda Fite, and penciler Marie Severin. She mutated into the super powered tiger-woman Tigra in Giant-Size Creatures #1 (July 1974), by writer Tony Isabella and penciller Don Perlin.
Josie maran had some acting credit in movie black book and van hansiling and short movie with wentworth miller she is real life tigra without acting her face her attitude is just tigra plus tigra is vixen and type of model chick so need it much act
Simon Williams grew up as a bit of a nerd, liking books, chess and jazz music. His father would beat him and his brother Eric if they got worse than straight A's. Eric drifted into crime, but Simon instead inherited the family business. He made some poor decisions since he was inexperienced and embezzled some money to invest in his brother's business (which turned out to be illegal activities with the criminal Maggia). Simon blamed Tony Stark and Stark Industries for his downfall. Before being sentenced, Baron Heinrich Zemo paid his bail in return for Simon helping the Masters of Evil. Zemo gave him some ionic rays which gave Simon super strength and invulnerability. However, Zemo tricked Simon so that he would be loyal, telling him that without a weekly antidote the rays would kill Simon. He was to infiltrate the Avengers to destroy the team from within. Simon followed through with the plan to a point, but when he realized that the Avengers were going to be killed he switched sides, and seemingly died just after saving the Avengers from the Masters of Evil.
It turned out that Simon really went into a deep ionic coma while his body was evolving and was revived by his brother,
I use this actor for my pic simon simon is also cocky and actor and should be hot scott played miss universe in castle and really cocky was really good in men in tress and he used to be my sups pic till thought he fit for simon better
The team take on Henry Pym as a scientific advisor and compound manager. La Espirita came to the mansion just on time because Hank Pym was about to commit to suicide. La Espirita convinced Pym to not commit suicide and gave him a new lease on life. After Espirita has helped Hank Pym, they went looking for the rest of the team who had had been kidnapped by an evil alien computer called Dominus. Together, Espirita and Hank Pym defeated him and rescued the team. Espirita then left the team, but was still considered a member.
Those both still consider as member I thought the living lighting and moon knight and darkhawk were a member for short so no need to cast them
Patrick Wilson as hank pym
Pym has adopted other aliases over the years, largely based around the properties of his size-altering "Pym Particles". These include Giant-Man, Goliath, Yellowjacket, and the Wasp.
No need to explain why
Catalina Sandino Moreno AS FIREBIRD
La Espirita came to the mansion just on time because Hank Pym was about to commit to suicide. La Espirita convinced Pym to not commit suicide and gave him a new lease on life. After Espirita has helped Hank Pym, they went looking for the rest of the team who had had been kidnapped by an evil alien computer called Dominus. Together, Espirita and Hank Pym defeated him and rescued the team. Espirita then left the team, but was still considered a member.
I love this actress she has a major talent first time i’ve seen her in eclipse oky oky she has small part but she is tottaly bad ass and cool and can be very soft just like firebird dangerous and soft
However, most active members of the West Coast team (Scarlet Witch, Iron Man, Spider-Woman, Wonder Man, and USAgent) were unhappy with this decision, and resigned from the Avengers entirely. They went on to form a new team, Force Works.
Born Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark, he is an industrialist playboy and genius engineer who suffers a severe heart injury during a kidnapping and is forced to build a destructive weapon. He instead creates a powered suit of armor to save his life and escape captivity. He later decides to use the suit to protect the world as Iron Man.
As i said before i didnt strict with the original cast i try some thing new and ed quinn is perfect for tony in many way if you eureka you know his the boss th play boy and arrogance guy and these personality makes perfect candidate to replace Robert downey jr
Magda — pregnant with the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver — takes sanctuary at Mount Wundagore in Transia, the home of the High Evolutionary, after seeing her husband Magnus use his magnetic powers for the first time. The twins are born, and as Mt. Wundagore is the prison of the Elder God Chthon, his residual energies alter Wanda and will later give her the ability to use magic in addition to her mutant abilities.
According to my info scarlet witch has a gypsy heritage and ana already played a gypsy she is
such a great actress the gypsy are all same….and look very young than her age and very inconnet at the same time she is very powerful and I believe ana can do it and she is in cowboy and alien working with jon she may have chance to play wanda in iron man 3
The robot Ultron is the creator of the Vision, a type of android he calls a "synthezoid", for use against Ultron's own creator, Dr. Henry Pym (Ant-Man/Giant Man/Goliath/Yellowjacket) and Pym's wife, Janet van Dyne (the Wasp) of the superhero team the Avengers. Ultron sends his new servant to lead the Avengers into a trap. The Wasp is the first to encounter the synthezoid, and describes it as a "vision" while trying to escape. Adopting the name, the Vision is convinced by the Avengers to turn against Ultron. After learning how Ultron created him using the brain patterns of then-deceased Simon Williams (Wonder Man), the Vision becomes a member of the team.
no need to explain he is perfect
When the Avengers West Coast were disbanded, Julia joined the short lived Force Works group. After being drained of her powers and paralyzed by Charlotte Witter she was forced to retire. Julia regained her powers after intense physical therapy and an injection of a duplicate of the original serum she got her powers from. The Shroud and his company allowed her to recover, and the two soon fell in love. She then began using the new code name Arachne, after the woman who became a spider in Greek mythology, in order to distinguish herself from the original Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew) and Mattie Franklin.
, I think Torv would do a fine job as JULIA , providing intelligence, sophistication, seriousness, and beauty all at once.
Tahmoh Penikett AS US.AGENT
U.S. Agent is from Georgia.
John Walker idolized his brother, Michael, who died serving his country during the Vietnam War. After Walker served his own time with the military, he eventually gains his superhuman abilities from the Power Broker. Once he had his powers, Walker needed to repay his debt to the Power Broker. He initially wrestled in the Unlimited Class Wrestling Federation, where super powered individuals regularly competed such as the Thing and She-Hulk.
No body can top notch 6”4 easily but tahmoh can he act seriously and he fit for role DDD came up with this cast in his avengers cast and I loved it he fit perfectly