The Top 100 Comic Book Villains

The Top 100 Comic Book Villains

Hulksta here, and I'm bringing you my personal picks for the top 100 villains in comic books and graphic novels. This epic list encompasses the elite of the sinister, the top dogs of the despicable. Read on to see if your favourite villains made the list.

Feature Opinion
By Hulksta - May 18, 2014 09:05 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic
 So this list has taken me months to put together, it's a list of some of the best villains in the medium of comic books and graphic novels. What made this list so difficult is reaching into the depths of these comics and their lore to find villains that go beyond the simple choices. For instance, even though Mysterio is a C-grade villain in many regards, he's done horrific things such as make Daredevil think he has AIDS, or cause Wolverine to kill the entire X-Men. So all of this had to be taken into account when making this list. Cool powers and backstories also help.

100. Zombies
The Walking Dead has consistently made us think about the fraility of life around these lumbering but powerful mobs. Am I cheating by putting them on the list? Probably. That said, they essentially eradicated the known world.

99. Crossbones
This mercenary and assassin was trained by none other then Taskmaster to be a highly effective killer; and he’s done just that. Throughout his career, he’s assaulted and killed many high stakes targets, the most high profile target being Captain America. Crossbones is pure badass, and deserves to be on this list.

98. Whiplash
While not Iron Man’s primary villain, Whiplash still poses a considerable threat to Iron Man and with Iron Man to blame for Whiplash’s circumstances, it stands to reason that as with many great villains, they can be considered a protagonist in their own right.

97. Captain Cold
Like Whiplash, Captain Cold is not a primary villain, but his hand in the death of Bart Allen still resonates and makes him far more then just a ‘Mr. Freeze clone’

96. Anti-Monitor
While not appearing very often, when he does, Anti-Monitor is a formidable and powerful villain. During Crisis on Infinite Earths many heroes had to sacrifice their lives to defeat Anti-Monitor. While sparsely seen, I think those who have read the stuff he’s in will tell you that he is a formidable villain and deserves to be on this list.

95. Cyborg Superman
Hank Henshaw, while an imposter odf Superman, is no doubt just as powerful but considerably more delusional and deadly. Throughout his battles with both Superman and the Green Lantern Corps, Cyborg Superman has shown himself to be more then just a clone of Superman.

94. Dormammu
Dormammu may be a villain of simple intentions, but he does all of this with far less at his disposal then say Dr. Doom o other Marvel villains. He simply wields power, and  a fair amount of it at that. Can you blame him for wanting to conquer our universe? It is pretty awesome.

93. Bizzaro
You have to sympathize with Bizzaro, he tries his best to help Superman but despite his best intentions, he usually just makes things worst. While not a villain in the traditional sense, he’s nonetheless tied to many other Superman villains.

92. Bullseye
A lower-level Marvel villain, Bullseye has had various run-ins with Daredevil; the villain has shown extreme psychopathic tendencies and shows no remorse. Unlike many other villains on this list, Bullseye is just pure psychopath.

91. Vulture
Adrian Toomes AKA Vulture yearns to stay young and in his quest to drain thelife from his victims, it uts him in allegiance with the Sinister Six and in confrontation with Spider-Man. While not the biggest bad in the Marvel universe, Toomes undoubtedly maintains his sense of villainy throughout his decades long run.

90. Poison Ivy
Ivy is simply the Earth;s mightiest protector, but her allegiance to mother nature often puts her in conflict with Bruce Wayne and Batman. While a villain, she also has a strong sense of twisted morality for her plants.

89. Black Adam
With great power comes…oh right. Black Adam is a simple villain in the sense that he wielded the powers of Shazam before being tempted by Blaze. Being corrupted means that Black Adam maintain’s many of the powers while also simply having caved to the immense corruption.

88. Mystique
While not concerned with world domination as much as many other villains, Mystique has been the wrench in so many different machines. Between infiltrating SHIELD to being a frequent foe of the X-Men, Mystique has been a major player in the Marvel universe in subtle ways.

87. Abomination
While similar to The Hulk in many regards, The Abomination has fought the jade giant many times throughout the decades and has shown himself to be a worthy foe.

86. Killer Croc
Almost all of Batman;s villains cause Batman to rethink the hero’s strategies for fighting villains. Killer Croc like a few others (i.e. Bane) is pure brute strength, heightened by his animalistic sense of smell and predatory nature, he’s often times a major threat for the Dark Knight.

85. Sinister
While closly tied to Apocalypse, never forget his role in bringing about massive amounts of death and destruction over centuries. A formidable X-Men villain, he’s had a hand in major events within the X-Men universe.

84. Hush
A detrimental human feeling holds back Thomas Elliot, like many other Batman rogues, is jealousy. A childhood friend of Bruce Wayne, Thomas grew up to be Hush, a relatively new Batman villain, he’s since become a major player in many modern Batman media.

83. Lady Deathstrike
While her adaption on film played with the origins, either way you slice it, Lady Deathstrike is deadly and extremely capable of completing her tasks at hand.

82. Kraven The Hunter
As the ultimate hunter, it’s admirable that in an effort to retrieve lost nobility, that Kraven go on a hunt for some of the hardest to catch of game. This has put him in conflict with Spider-Man on many occasions. One twisted moment in the books (and an illustration that death never sticks in comics) was when Kraven finally believed he had regained his honor – he took his own life.

81. William Stryker
Beliefs can be tricky business, and while belief and prejudice are a central theme in X-Men books, it’s Stryker and his tragic and yet twisted backstory that paints this individual driven to believe that he was spared to eliminate mutants. Throughout his tenure as a Marvel villain, he’s admirably tried to do so.

80. Clayface
While the ‘Clayface’ moniker has been used by different people throughout the history of Batman lore;
79. Lord Mar Vell

While a relatively unknown villain, the former hero’s doppelganger in the Cancerverse made a deal to eliminate death from that universe. Hence, the cancerverse filling to the brink and needing to conquer the traditional Marvel universe (Earth-616 for those keeping track)


78. Grim Reaper
Growing up as the unwanted brother to Wonder Man would probably give you reason to hate things generally, but Grim Reaper takes things to a whole new level. While Simon went on to become Wonder Man, Eric went on to become Grim Reaper and oppose The Avengers on a handful of occasions. That damn sibling rivalry.

77. Shredder
The archenemy of Splinter and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Shredder has been re-interpreted many times throughout the decades but it’s his appearance in the original comic that earned him a spot on this list.

76. Deadshot
Master marksman and Suicide Squad member; when he isn’t working against the law he’s hesitantly working for it. It’s the thrill for the kill that makes Deadshot so deadly and while occasionally an Anti-Hero, he does also make for a deadly villain.

75. Living Laser
Driven by jealousy and a lust for power, Arthur Parks (AKA Living Laser) has transcended his physical body and has become increasingly more confident and powerful as time moves forward. He is one of Iron Man’s more formidable opponents.

74. Prometheus
Any villain that can bring the JLA to their needs deserves mention on this list. Through his hemlet, he’s able to download the knowledge of others and learn how to be a better fighter. This makes him damn deadly.

73. Talia Al Ghul
Daughter of Ras Al Ghul, and occupying the same role that Catwoman occupies of being an adversary/love interest. Have to love complex relationships that involve drugging and rape.

72. Sinestro

The arch-nemesis of the Green Lantern Corps. What makes Sinestro such a great villain is that he used to be one of the Green Lanterns before turning his back on them and their leaders.

71. Deathstroke
Skilled and notorious mercenary, Slade Wilson ‘The Terminator’ is a fan-favourite villain is famous for showing a sense of maorality amongst shades of grey. He’s shown his prowess throughout the years and has an extensive backstory that truly fleshes out this one-eyed mercenary.

70. The Mandarin
While a lot of people are jealous of Tony Stark’s success, most people aren’t going to bother with killing 97.5% of the population to prove a point.

69. Juggernaught
An unstoppable beheamoth of a villain, fuelled by his jealousy for his half-brother, Charles Xavier; the Juggernaught showcases a desire to not only kill Xavier, but destroy Xavier’s dream of Human-Mutant coexistence.

68. Thunderbolt Ross
I hate my father-in-law, so I can sympathize with Bruce and the whole “Shit Betty, your dad made me this angry unstoppable beast that I really resent.” Not only that, but he also is passionately pursuing with the intent to kill the Hulk. Guess Bruce ain’t getting anything from Thunderbolt this Christmas.

67. Metallo
Being a robot is badass, agreed? Being a badass with a kryptonite core is even more badass. Metallo’s presence is enough to bring the Man of Steel to his knees, and that has to count for something.

66. Parallax
While Parallax was butchered in the live action Green Lantern, lest we forget that he turned one of DC’s best heroes into an intergalactic murder. That’s not something easy to do.

65. The Shadow King
In Xavier’s first fight against The Shadow King, it prompted the formation of the X-Men. In subsequent stories, The Shadow King is an inhabitant of the astral plane and is only challengeable by a select few. Being an immensely powerful telepath, The Shadow King wants nothing more then to conquer our realm.

64. Proteus
Being kept locked away most of your life will make you hateful and pretty socially awkward. Add the abilities to bend the laws of physics, steal mutant powers, and possess other beings; and you have one enemy that you should never piss off.

63. Mephisto
Mephisto has had his hand in plenty of devastating stories throughout the Marvel Earth-616 continuity, from Vision’s and Scarlet Witch’s children being offshoots of Mephisto, to eroding at Mary Jane’s and Peter’s relationship. He’s maybe not the most powerful villain, but he certainly is one of the more manipulative ones.

62. Vandal Savage
Being an immortal has it advantages, and Vandal certainly capitalizes on these; one of the DC universe’s more persistent foes; some DC books have even stated that Vandal is indeed Cain, the first known murderer.

61. Holiday
A serial killer who murders mobsters and city officials only on holidays; the true identity of Holiday is still a mystery, even with confessions from both Alberto Falcone and Gilda Dent. An ongoing mystery in DC comics that has yet (and might never) to be solved.

60. The Phantasm
An odd choice for an entry but an exciting one nonetheless, like Harley Quinn, the Phantasm was born out of Batman TAS, and more specifically the Mask of the Phantasm feature film. The Phantasm has since shown up in the comics, Justice League Unlimited, and in the Batman Arkham universe. Showing that this character has grown out of her feature film debut.

59. Blizzard
People with ice guns are just awesome…

58. Omni-Man
When you’re sent to conquer a planet, you can’t help but want to stick it in a few human women no doubt. In this case, Omni-Man created Mark Grayson, who then went on to become Invincible; who’s ideologies went to blows with his dad’s whole ‘I’ve been sent here to wipe you all out’ ideology. Typical daddy issues.

57. Ego, The Living Planet
A giant sentient planet capable of blasting apart a planet, and able to manipulate the said planet to whatever he fashions. Very cool, if underutilized.

56. Gideon Graves
This Scott Pilgrim villain that forms the League of Evil Exes, he’s a pain in Scott’s ass whether it be in graphic novel, film, or video game form. For this, and just generally being a prick, he deserves a spot on this list.

55. Enchantress and Executioner
While Exectioner inevitably sacrifices himself for a noble cause, Enchantress is just a master manipulator and avoids direct confrontation whenever possible. Due to this, she’s often causing havoc for Marvel heroes from the sidelines.

54. The Clock King
The Clock King either is incredibly unlucky, or incredibly bad ass, depends on how writers handle him. Under the right guidance, he’s a formidable villain that can anticipate your every move and has become a major crime lord in recent years.

53. The Winter Soldier
There were few deaths that stuck in comics, and Bucky was one of them. Like most comics though, death never sticks. Bucky was instead given an elaborate post-death life that shows how he became a weapon for the Soviet Union. While he’s since become more of an anti-hero, he was a formidable villain during Ed Brubaker’s Winter Soldier run.

‘The Mental Mobile Mechanized Organism Designed Only for Killing’ With a name like that, what’s not to love? Being essentially a sentient computer, MODOK’s mental abilities far exceed that of most humans. While he’s easy to mock, his mental capabilities are far from a joke.

51. Carnage
Like a few other villains on this list, it’s easy to get on here if all you want to do in this life is straight up murder people. If your sole purpose on this planet (so you think) is to murder, then yes, you are evil, and you are messed up. Carnage is simple this way, all he wants to do is kill, and symbiote or not, he’ll do just that.

50. Omega Red
While with a murky past, there’s no doubt that being a soldier, serial killer, and rapist are all enough to be on this list. If it weren’t for the fact that he’s basically addicted to the Carbonadium Synthesizer, he’d probably be a bit cooler and unstoppable.

49. Annihilus
You have to feel sorry for Annihilus, he’s the last of the species and thinks everyone is out for him; so what does the super smart bug do? Pick fights with almost anyone he considers a threat. He probably thinks you’re a threat, watch out.

48. Red Hood
More of an alias then an actual one person; It was the alias The Joker used prior to his transformation, and more recently was used by the presumed Jason Todd to kill criminals indiscriminately. While more of anti-hero then a villain, he no doubt deserves a spot on this list, even if for his methods alsone. Bonus points for upgrading the ‘hood’ to being a high-teck helmet with a built-in computer.

47. The Hood
A relative newcomer to the Marvel universe, in his short time he has had no problems catching up with his contemporaries. Running a major crime syndicate, he’s had a major hand in some high profile Marvel storylines including Dark Reign and Siege.

46. Hugo Strange
While one of the few to discover Batman’s true identity, a bizzare and ruthless villain with a strong obsession with Batman, Strange has throughout the years obsessed himself with discovering Batman’s identity and has even bankrupted Bruce Wayne at one point.

45. Red Mist/The Mother[frick]er
When Dave decided he would become a hero, little did he know of the repurcussions that would arise from his actions. One such repercussion is the death of Frank D’Amico and the rise of his son, Chris, as Red Mist, later known as, The Mother[frick]er. Throughout the trilogy, Chris causses death and destruction, leaving Dave’s life in shambles. While not as wide spread of a problem, he truly causes pain and suffering for the series protagoinist.

44. Chameleon
Similar to Chris D’Amico and many other villains on this list, Chameloeon has caused a lot of personal turmoil for Spider-Man throughout the years. It’s due to this that he’s on this list.
43. The Riddler

Despite his major gimmick (leaving behind clues to his crimes) is also his most noteworthy weakness and flaw, he’s undoubtedly an intelligent mastermind capable of many intelligent schemes.
42. The Kingpin

Arguably the most powerful crime lord in the Marvel universe, he’s consistently a foe of both Spider-Man and Daredevil; with him essentially ruining the life of the latter in the excellent ‘Born Again’ storyline.

41. Venom
When Eddie Brock bonded with the symbiote, it was the worst thing to happen to Peter. Not taking into consideration what’s been done to Venom as of late, turning him into a villain that rivaled some of the all-time Spider-Man greats did not take long. He’s arguably Spider-Man’s greatest nightmare.

40. Mysterio
While not the A-list of Marvel villains, I’m putting Mysterio on this list due to his role in Old Man Logan. While you would think tricking Logan into murdering the X-Men was more then enough to bump him onto this list; he’s manipulated many Marvel heroes over the years. Even convincing Matt Murdock that he has HIV. Messed up.

39. Dark Phoenix
What’s so tragic about the Dark Phoenix is that she was once a hero, but channeling her latent abilities, and being so powerful beyond that of her standard powers; Jean Grey eventually went on a course to becoming the most powerful being in the Marvel Universe until she disintegrated herself; but as Uatu noted: "Jean Grey could have lived to become a god. But it was more important to her that she die...a human."

38. Ras Al Ghul
An immortal who has lived centuries to see the destructive elements of mankind destroy the planet he cherishes, Ras is more of a environmental activist with extreme methods to which he obtains his goals. Sometimes ally to Batman, when he does cross paths with Batman it’s usually a noteworthy battle.

37. Baron Zemo (II)
What would you do if you discovered your fathers long lost murderer showed up? You’d try to kill him too! That’s exactly what Zemo does, and while he’s been turned into a walking wax figure, and in many isntances fails to kill Captain America, he’s still and admirable foe for Cap.

36. Sentinals
These robots generally just want to destroy mutant-kind but they have been known to want to destroy humans as well. Damn computer glitches! Regardless of who their target is, the Sentinals have been and always will be a formidable threat for the X-Men.

35. Zoom
Flash’s main adversary, he’s a tragic figure that’s only wanted to right the wrongs of his past. While Flash is right in denying him this as it would damage the space-time continuum; he’s eventually become Flash’s archenemy and has since brought on major complications for Flash in his daily life.

34. Magus
The alternate personality of Adam Warlock, he has sought out the Infinity Gauntlet (only to be fooled by Warlock) and has consistently shown himself to be a threat to the Marvel galactic universe.

33. Ronan The Accusor
While initially a villain, and a powerful one at that, Ronan has since become more-so a noble and heroic figure. Still, his power and dedication to his job should not be taken lightly.

32. Super Skrull
A Skrull soldier embedded with the powers of the Fantastic Four, he’s one of the teams most dangerous adversaries and manages to defeat them upon their first encounter. The Skrull purposefully have made them his champion, and we can see why with his power set.

31. Surtur
When your name is synonymous with ‘Ragnarok’ the ending of all Norse Gods; you can begin to see why people may fear you. A constant foe of both Thor and Asgard, Surtur will stop at nothing until he beings about Ragnarok.

30. Catwoman
While increasingly more of a hero then a villain; Selina Kyle still is a character with ulterior motives, and throughout the years has proven to be a noteworthy antagonist for the Dark Knight, but also one of his reluctant allies.

29. Doomsday
He killed Superman, does he need any other reason to be on this list?

28. Hobgoblin
The mystery of who was the Hobgolin captured the attention of Spider-Man fans from all over the world. While the villain himself was easily beaten by Spider-Man during their skirmishes, it’s a mystery that keeps the character interesting far beyond his physical powers.

27. Scarecrow
Utilizing fear toxins, Scarecrow creates halleucigenic nightmares for his victims; and while not a strong brute, or with an immense amount of power, his ability to cripple enemies with fear has always interested me throughout the years.

26. Onslaught
The combining of Magneto and Xavier formed this threat to the X-Men. Onslaught managed to show the dark side of the ‘True Xavier’ who buried his darker thoughts, including his love for Jean Grey, deep within his psyche. When the darkest parts of Magneto merged with Xavier, you got Onslaught. A powerful  being of psionic energy, this being has become one of the most powerful Marvel villains.

25. Darkseid
Darkseid, while more of a commander then a foot soldier, is one of the JLA’s more powerful enemies.

24. Loki
Half-brother to Thor; Loki has since decided to conquer both Asgard and Midgard on more then a few occasions and normally tried to bring in accomplices to assist in conquering Asgard such as Surtur as well as the Enchantress. While Loki is not a direct villain, his manipulating skills bring him to a level of villain that makes him very menacing.

23. Apocalypse
The first mutant, he really takes Magneto’s ‘ro-mutants’ angle and runs with it. Believing in Darwin’s Survival of the Fittest, Apocalypse has since become a major villain for the X-Men and has since appeared in many iconic X-Men stories.

22. Galactus
The giant humanoid that eats entire planets; what’s not to love about this giant force of destruction?

21. The Leader
One of The Hulk’s most worthy adversaries, The Leader  is more of the mastermind type then one to bring on direct confrontation. That said, he’s allied himself with other Hulk villains many times to bring on the Jade Giant and while usually to no avail, he’s still a worthy adversary.

20. Brainiac
One of superman’s greatest foes, Brainiac is obsessed with shrinking and collecting civilizations for his collection. He catalogs civilizations and destroys what else remains. Depending on the version you read, Brainiac is also responsible for the destruction of Krypton.

19. General Zod
A Kryptonian general and villain, the villain was fleshed out by Terrence Stamp in Superman II. While the villain debuted in the comics, it’s Stamp’s protrayl and subsuqant stories that fleshed him out and made him one of Superman’s most iconic villains.

18. Negan
A relatively new villain in the grand scheme of things, Negan made his presence felt when he mercilessly killed one of Ricks own and forced the group into a subservient position where Ricks group was to serve him. A brute who ruled with violence and intimidation. Illustrating a theme of The Walking Dead, that sometimes it’s the evil within the survivors that you have to fear more then the Zombies themselves.

17. Bane
The man who broke Batman; a strong and formidable foe of Batman, Bane has not only shown immense physical strength, but also a tactile mind.

16. Michael Korvac
Korvac is one of Marvel’s most formidable cosmic villains, and while I wouldn’t put him above Thanos, he’s certainly shown himself to be a mildly tragic figure. A computer programmer from another universe, Korvac is built to be a weapon, but he wants to help. Don’t think those two go hand in hand.

15. The Hulk
I know what you’re saying “The hulk ain’t a villain” well you’re wrong, so epically wrong. Whether it’s the first ever Avengers comic, or the more recent World War Hulk, it’s shown that The Hulks Avengers membership is not exactly permanent. A tragic figure though, and one that occasionally sides with good.

14. Doctor Octopus
Ahh, Doc Ock. He has been one of Spidey’s greatest foes, and was one of the first real villains to install a sense of self-doubt into Peter. Since then he’s gone on to torture Spidey in so many ways, even swapping bodies with the web crawler.

13. Mr. Freeze
I love Mr. Freeze. I really do. If you think about it, he;s just as much a protagonist as Batman. While Batman fights to avenge his parents death and protect the innocent; Victor is trying to save the love of his life. He’s a dynamic and interesting villain, and his passion to save the one person who matters to him adds a dimension to his character that you rarely see with villains.

12. Two-Face
What makes Harvey such a great villain is that he started off sincerely wanting to help Gotham as it’s District Attorney, and due top his transformation, becomes the villainous Two-Face. Another villain that comes from honorable men going down the hill; as Aaron Eckhart once said, “You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain”

11. Red Skull
Cap’s arch-nemesis, Red Skull’s evil influence has transcended time, with Red Skull being a part of many plots against Captain America and/or the free world. We won’t get into the whole creepiness of his Ultimates storyline either. It’s also notable that Skull also managed to have Cap assassinated, something few villains could ever do.

10. Lex Luthor

Would there be any other Superman villain? Lex truly believes himself to be the pinnacle of mankind, and seeing Superman makes him believe that while the Man of Steel exists, he can never be the best. This is a very simple explanation of his motives, but do think for a second how strongly people like to believe they’re the best, and the jealousy and hatred that can come from that. It’s powerful stuff.

9. Kang The Conqueror
What do you do when you amass centuries worth of technology and power; you conquer even more timelines to further your reign of power. Kang even successfully conquered Earth, something many other villains dream of. You have to respect what Kang is trying to do.

8. Ultron
Hank Pym is notable for two things I) Hitting his wife, and II) Creating Ultron. This sentient robot rebelled against his creator; and since gaining sentience and independence, Ultron has become a cruel and resourceful villain. What makes for a great villain in general is a lack of sympathy of compassion, and Ultron is just that.

7. The Governor
One of the central threads of The Walking Dead is how people would react to a world ravaged by the undead. Do people hold onto their humanity? Or do they embrace their selfish and destructive traits. In the case of this list, and this character; The Governor does just that. He rules Woodbury under an iron fist, and tortures those who oppose him. Rape and murder are not uncommon for this sadistic leader.

6. Green Goblin
Spideys arch-nemesis, Goblin has been responsible for many tragic events in Peters life, the most noteworthy being the death of Gwen Stacy. Still, with stories like ‘Dark Reign’ he has proven to be a notable threat for the entire Marvel universe.

5. Ozymandias
The villain hiding under the Watchmen’s noses; Ozymandias is one of the few villains on this list that managed to execute their plan without a hitch. Causing the deaths of many to bring about ‘peace’, this villain is an extremist and someone who believes in only his own warped thinking.

4. Magneto
What makes Magneto such a great villain is that he really is not a villain as much as he is a man who is out to right the wrongs of his past and fix the discrimination that he’s felt his whole life. While it’s easy to look at him as a simple terrorist, his motives and backstory paint a bigger picture for the villain and show that he truly isn’t as evil as he is just trying to fix a problem he sees.

3. Thanos
Thanos is Marvel’s strongest villain, and if it wasn’t for his ability to have his own plans fail on him, he’d probably get a lot farther. Did you not think I’d put the villain who decimated an entire half of the known galaxy just to impress a chick on this list?

2. Doctor Doom
Victor Von Doom is not an extremely powerful villain from his power set, nor is he a sympathetic villain really. He wants power, and has sought power for decades. He even betrayed mankind to get his hands on the Infinity Gauntlet (unsuccessfully mind you). He is infactuated with being the best, and this compels him to be the greatest villains in the Marvel universe.

1. The Joker
Could it be anyone else? No other villain is this sadistic, this crazed, this obsessed with chaos. What also makes Joker so great as a villain is his connection to The Dark Knight; the two are meant to co-exist. Some villains seek just to destroy, or conquer, while Joker likes to cause chaos, let us not forget that he’s also always striving to challenge The Dark Knight, and see if he can rise to the occasion. Heath Ledger’s Joker says at the end of The Dark Knight:

“I think you and I, are destined to do this forever”

*PHEW!* Alright ladies and gentlemen, that's it! My list of the Top 100 Comic Book villains! I'm sure I missed some villains. As always, feel free to put your thoughts in the comments section below. If you liked this article (and I can't see why you wouldn't!) please press the Thumbs Up button below, it'd be appreciated as someone who's been writing this for sloce to two months. I host a podcast with fellow CBM users Lozzy, JD, and occasionally we get the proper paperwork and latverian royalty DrDoom comes on, so check out our podcast (HERE) when you have a moment.
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Drax - 5/18/2014, 9:58 AM
Honestly skimmed to top 10 but this is a cool article.
BIGBMH - 5/18/2014, 12:15 PM
Nice list! Very impressive work putting it all together!

Really like your description of Lex. That's how I've grown to see him through STAS, Birthright, and Secret Origin. I think his jealousy and vanity are very relatable. Therefore Lex, more than most villains, is kind of a reminder of the kind of character flaws that are within most of us and how they can bring us down.

I do think Doomsday is a bit overrated though. Nothing about Doomsday fascinates me. Yes, he killed Superman, but a 4 year old could imagine a monster powerful enough to beat Superman. Doomsday to me is more a plot device than a character, so I find him to be a pretty poor villain.
Abary - 5/18/2014, 12:27 PM
I applaud you for your effort. Great job Hulksta
alamborn19 - 5/18/2014, 12:36 PM
i respect that you would put the hulk on the list it was wise
Hulksta - 5/18/2014, 2:01 PM
By 'A Lot' you mean that Doom isn't #1? lol
Ctpett - 1/29/2016, 9:37 PM
@Hulksta - awesome list but where's captain boomerang? I would have liked to see him, Merlyn from Green Arrow and I think deadshot should be much higher because of his complete lack of conscience.
Hulksta - 5/19/2014, 8:24 AM
Nik got it on the dot. Hulk is a hero, but when you put him in a certain light he can also be a villain. It really depends on the writer, as you may tell from my username I'm a huge Hulk fan, and I can say that some writers really write the Hulk well as a hero, but equally a lot of great writers also write him as an anti-hero or even flat out villain (i.e. World War Hulk)

Thanks as always for your support Nik, have a cold one on Leia

Bandit - 5/19/2014, 5:25 PM
Good list, not the order I'd put it in, but meh. Never the less enjoyed the read.
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