The Truth About Casting

The Truth About Casting

With an upcoming horribly miscast DCEU, i just want to share my thoughts on why it is not the same to cast an actor who doesnt look like the source material at all.

Editorial Opinion
By Utopian8418 - Aug 23, 2015 06:08 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Casting is a very controversial topic, especially for comicbook fans. This is because we have grown seeing drawings of characters we love and we imagine those characters in live action.

Characters have different aspects
Every character has different aspects, such as personality, history, social relations, motivations, skills, gender, sexuality and look. When adapting these characters, filmmakers not always adapt every aspect because some aspects not always work for the story they want to show. For example, Nolan’s Batman lacked detective skills (he is supposed to be the world greatest detective), Tobey Maguire’s Spiderman lacked the funy jokes in his fights and Cavill’s Superman lacked saving civilians.

Now, a lot of people argue that looks (and some even that the gender and sexuality) aren’t essential to the character. I heard many people say that they don’t care about the race or gender as long as the actor is good for the personality. They are wrong. Looks aren’t essential to the personality, but they are essential to the character. If I made a movie about Abraham Lincoln, I wouldn’t make him bald, why? Because Lincoln is not bald! Lincoln is Lincoln, period. His look is part of who he is, and who we know he is. I think nobody here will disagree that we would not like a blond Superman, or a Flash with a green suit. These are not essential for their personalities, but they are essential for the characters. I want to see live action adaptations of the characters I know, NOT the director’s version of the character.

Looks have been changed before
We all know that many of our characters have lost their suits or changed their appearances before. As I said, some aspects of characters are not always translatable to the big screen. The Xmen lost their suits because they didn’t match the tone of Singer’s take on the characters. When defending stupid casting choices, many people bring up the fan outrage following the casting of Heath Ledger. But Nolan’s Joker is not the same character as the one from the comics (nor is Ayer’s). Nolan’s was such a great character that we all praised what they did. Other characters, like Abomination or Whiplash have been changed but these are characters that we don’t really love so we don’t really care. But, a character like Johnny Storm or Aquaman, is someone that I really, really want to see on the big screen. Again, the character I know, not the director’s version of the character.

I am actually all right with some of the changes
Sadly, most of the world’s pop culture comes from the pre-21st century America and UK and, as a result, most of the characters are white and male. Again, I love these characters, but it is just sad that there are millions of kids from other ethnicities or genders that have to settle with being a sidekick (Falcon or Warmachine) or Black Widow. Therefore, I think its justified to change some character’s look. And no, you cannot simply create new great black/chinese/whatever characters that could stand on the same level as Superman, Batman, etc. In short, I approve of Michael B Jordan’s casting, or of a possible Idris Elba or Angelina Jolie James Bond.

In Conclusion
Live action characters will never be the exact same characters that they are adapting. I just wish filmmakers adapted them as similar as possible to the source material because those are the characters we love, with all of their aspects. Looks are essential parts of them. However, it is cool for Hollywood to diversify and change them when it is for a good reason.

Thats all guys! What do you think? Please comment on your thoughts below!

Ps. I know the title of the article is pretentious i just dont care
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Ghostpointzero - 8/23/2015, 7:45 PM
If you want an exact adaptation of the comics read the comics or watch the cartoons hell even the cartoons have made changes.

Making Aquaman brown is not the same as whitewashing The Mandarin considering how much hollywood whitewashes in general. So before anyone pulls the I want a white Luke Cage, or want a white version of Black Panther again racebending an existing white character for diversity is not the same as changing a character of color to a white character, white characters dominate the market, they are the generic default.

The DC movies want diversity which is a good thing. I myself am sick of seing just white dudes save the day, characters like Falcon, Warmachine or even John Diggle from arrow are cool but they are not the main characters and usually are sidekicks or working with the white male hero.

Also Superman saved civilians in Man Of Steel, the proof is there, we've been over this topic over and over and over and over and over again. He save the whole damn planet for gods sake. End of story.

Newsflash you are going to get the directors take on the character because it's their vision and a adaptation not a comic book panel to panel transition. Again if you want spot on takes, just stick to the comics, I hated what Whedon did with Loki and Ultro they are nothing like the comics except say a few visual similarities, but some like it.

This doesn't just happen with comics but with books as well, Lord Of The rings made changes from the books but still ended up being good movies, same with Hunger Games and tv shows as well. Does the face that The Walking Dead or Game Of Thrones don't follow the respective source-material spot make them pointless? Ofcourse not, now if you don't like the casting choices then fine, there are some I don't like as well but this article just screams blind fanboyism.
Utopian8418 - 8/23/2015, 8:09 PM

Umm, there is a whole subtitle where i say that i think its good when they change the character for diversity. But Ezra Miller, Jesse Eisenberg and many others just dont make sense.

I am saying that i dont want their vision of the character, i just want the character as it is. Why is that wrong?

I am not saying that miscasting makes movies bad. Its just bad casting.

Book-movie changes are not as bad in my opinion. Because in comics the characters already have like an "official" look.

Yes, i am a fanboy, i love the characters. I am not mad or angry, i just made an article saying that it is not the same to cast whomever you want as long as the personality is correct, which is just stupid.
Ghostpointzero - 8/23/2015, 8:13 PM
Well simply don't see the films. These are articles are just tiresome.
Utopian8418 - 8/23/2015, 8:14 PM
@Ghostpointzero Superman in MOS was making out with Lois Lane while thousands died around them. I dont know if its alright to call it "saving civilians" but their certainly was an aspect of the character missing in that movie. I think its some kind of personal, inspirational relation Superman should have with the common citizen.
Utopian8418 - 8/23/2015, 8:15 PM
@Ghostpointzero I really like MOS and most cbms. I was just making an argument about casting so chill man.
Utopian8418 - 8/23/2015, 8:16 PM
@Ghostpointzero Haha its funny cause you are who should simply not read the article and write a huge comment in response.
Ghostpointzero - 8/23/2015, 8:21 PM
Yes saving the [frick]ing entire planet is saving civilians. Do you not understand this concept? Anyway I am so done with arguing over Man Of Steel, if you don't like the casting choices it's simple like I said don't watch or suppor the films. I don't see the point in these Articles anymore, people have already made up their minds they won't like the product just move on.

I am sure there will be more but this stuff is way past old.

Ghostpointzero - 8/23/2015, 8:24 PM
Yes I have read your article and it's same complaints I've read before from others. At this point the stuff is just moot.
Deonox - 8/23/2015, 8:32 PM
The problem is everyone is just far too attached to what used to be. The movies make deviations all the time, the cartoons do the same thing, even the comics retcon and evolve over the years. If everything was always the same, we'd have nothing to talk about
Deonox - 8/23/2015, 8:33 PM
People want to see their precious adaptations, but they don't want it to change

ArtisticErotic - 8/23/2015, 8:41 PM
Lets face it, the fan casting will never be what the filmakers will choose. Most of the time fans do have a knee jerk reactiong to casting because it's now who they wanted for the role.

Personally I never feel the actors or directors have ever truly realize the character at least not with any of the superhero films that have come out thus far. Usually the characters are changed to fit in line with the actors personality. Take Ironman RDJ version is not an exact take, his version is much more campy and goofy than comic book Tony least that's how it was until Marvel started making the comics more like the movies.

As for Man Of Steel, Superman saved civilians even in his childhood during the school bus accident etc. It may not have been perfect but he saved the common peoples lifes and the whole world for that matter.

I don't know how the actors will do until the movie comes out, so far from the trailers the only one I do not like is Jesse as Lex but I am not a fan of Lex Luthor when it comes to Superman villains so it does not make me angry or disappointed. Jason as Aquaman though should be awesome and Ezra it's hard to tell, but he does have a light personality similar to Gustin's take on Barry Allen/The Flash.

Hollywood is always going to change the source material for whatever reason even the animated movies do this. They think beyond just hardcore fans and sometime the movies do it better than the source material. One of the things I loved about Nolans Batman films is having Bruce being trained by Ra's giving them a deeper connection as Hero and Villain.

Utopian8418 - 8/23/2015, 8:44 PM
@Ghostpointzero God you are not making any sense! Its you who should just stop reading the articles or commenting them! As i said i really like the movies and watch them either way.

@Deonox Of course man! Why the f*** would i want them to change?? I have never seen a live action adaptation of Aquaman, or of a serious Lex Luthor. There is no reason at all to say its wrong to want to see live action adaptations of my characters, THATS THE WHOLE DAMN POINT OF THE MOVIE.

Ugh, sorry for being aggressive and dense, i just had to say that.
Utopian8418 - 8/23/2015, 8:55 PM
@ArtisticErotic Well, i admit that you have a point there. Soome changes are better. As i said, Ledger's joker was also different from the comics.

But this article is about looks. I just have affection for a character, all of the character, and changing how he looks just ruins it for me.
Utopian8418 - 8/23/2015, 8:56 PM
@Deonox That Ultron reference was hilarious though
SimplyAz - 8/24/2015, 2:04 AM
Interesting article in terms of your points of view.

To be fair to most comic book casting they have been good so far.

For past movies I remember being unsure of Charlie Cox playing Matt Murdock but his perfomance blew me away and now can not imagine anyone else playing him.
I liked the idea of Cavill and Affleck playing their characters from the beginning and liked Cavill's portrayal. Also looking forward to Momoa as Aquaman.

The only person who I felt that was miscast is Lois Lane, with AMy Adams not looking like the character despie me liking her, and watching the movie she didn't look right or have chemistry with Cavill.

For upcoming movies, I'm unsure over Gadot and Miller but will wait until I watch the movie.

Natalie Portman wasn't a very good Jane Foster and looked bored.

Being a big Terminator fan, I hated the idea of Jai COurtney as Kyle Reese and sadly was proven right when I watched the movie.

RextheKing - 8/24/2015, 3:53 AM
"you cannot simply create new great black/chinese/whatever characters that could stand on the same level as Superman,"

I have agree and disagree with you there. While it's not simple, it's also not impossible. It takes time and care, and also the fans have to try as well. Fans constantly scream they want change or something new and then bitch whenever it comes.
DrKinsolving - 8/24/2015, 4:17 AM
Cool article

I agree with some of this and I disagree with a lot of this, haha

Also, Nolan's Joker may not have looked like the Joker from the comics but that was definitely the Joker. Nolan took a lot of influence from the comics and he nailed the essence of the character and more importantly the characters role in Batman's world. He also nailed the Batman/Joker dynamic. Nolan, and Ledger (RIP) got so much right about the Joker. One of the things that TDK played with that was ripped right out of the comics with was how one bad day could change anyone or break anyone, so I'd actually say that one of the reasons Nolan's Joker worked was that his essence and relationship to Batman's world was so much like the comics

I think that is what is more important to me at the end of the day, I want to see the essence of the characters brought to the screen, and imo, Ezra, Eisenberg, and Momoa are awesome casting choices, and great actors
CherryBomb - 8/24/2015, 4:29 AM
People put way too much focus on this issue.
How different do characters change in their looks in the comics from their very conception to modern day?
It's all drawings and pictures. Sure it would be great to see the final product look like what I'm used to seeing in the comic but it doesn't take my out of the movie.

Ezra Miller has proven himself to be one of the best young actors out there right now, he gives stellar performances and is very much a chameleon in his craft. I would've preferred him as Wally but I still have all the confidence in the world for him as Barry.

Eisenberg wouldn't even be in my Top 20 choices for Lex, but it's an out of the box choice that I'm going to be excited to see how it turns out.

Michael B Jordan is an excellent fit for Johnny Storm. Even watching the movie, I stand by the casting
Pedrito - 8/24/2015, 4:59 AM
Haha.. I like how you state that the DCCU is horribly miscast, without the need to back up that claim.
So matter of fact.
Cuz it's kinda true.
jakmanuk - 8/24/2015, 5:53 AM
The DCEU is horribly miscast?

There's only been one film so far which doesn't even include that many characters. There's literally nothing to back this up
staypuffed - 8/24/2015, 6:07 AM
Well said, @Ghostpointzero. Agreed 100%.
PesciGotPepsi - 8/24/2015, 7:35 AM
As long was they are a good actor and has talent, I don't care what role they are in. Don't care if they change a white character to black or the other way because if the actor portraying is talented then I'm in
Pasto - 8/24/2015, 8:05 AM
Thank you 'CBM Casting-Agent Man,' what would we do without you?

Oh that's right, wait until the films come out so we can watch them and then form opinions on if they are horribly cast.

Crazy talk I know...
Pasto - 8/24/2015, 8:14 AM
And if you truly want to see a straight-forward adaption of a classic comic book character, you probably shouldn't hire a director who is even remotely creative, or else he WILL change a few things when he wants to. Listen, a straight-forward adaption of comic book characters may be the only point in this "article" that I agree with. I see where you're coming from on that front, and I've even made those arguments before. But if a studio hires someone who wants to make a film their way, its safe to assume they're going to do some stuff with the character that you may not like.

That's why trying to hire an Edgar Wright, or a Josh Trank, or a George Miller may SOUND brilliant on paper, but if given the wrong thing to adapt it could just be an awful take on a beloved icon. Hence the reason the latest take on the FF bombed so badly, and may just be the worst received Comic Book film ever to exist.

But that doesn't mean these directors COULDN'T direct a CBM if they wanted to. It's just that as a studio you'd have to pick the right character for them, or else whatever creative vision they regularly have will be allllll over your favorite character.

As for the casting, as many have said you're better off waiting until watching the actual film and seeing how the actor handles a role before even passing judgement on them. Because if they actually manage to take a role and running with it, and making it great, you're going to look like a truly pathetic and dumb individual because of how gung-ho you were to trash on them before the film was even released.

Remember how people (myself included) relentlessly said that Evan Peters would do an awful job playing Quicksilver in 'Days of Future Past,' and then he went on to be the highlight of the entire film?

Yeah, it's about time we all learned to just shut-up and wait and see...
batz11 - 8/24/2015, 10:52 AM
I like the "Casting Couch" on -- really realistic too!
Wallymelon - 8/24/2015, 10:54 AM
You cant use HISTORICAL FIGURES as examples dude. Lincoln is a real person, Batman and the Flash are not. They are characters. Which means that the internal aspects of the character come first and the the physical attributes. To get those characters right would of course be too look at them physically but it isn't the end all be all. If you got Michael Keaton doing batman not very buff and being the most comic accurate Batman (which he wasn't) then you would still love that movie for being true to the comics even though he looks nothing like Bruce Wayne or Batman.

Grant Gustin nor Ezra Miller look like the flash from the comics, but they are talented enough actors to understand the character and do it justice. Real life Runners aren't buff at all. They are Svelt.
huckfinnisher - 8/24/2015, 11:15 AM
@Pasto, really? The Rock is a perfect cast for Black Adam, doesn't that make you happier than when you see a cast and say "WTF!! Well I hope they do a good job." There are many brilliant actors in the world and you cant just stick them in any role because they could do it, you also have to find the ones where they fit. Performance should come after casting not before.

@GhostPointZero, I don't agree DC's forced diversity is a "good" thing. If they want a racially diverse group of heroes why not choose another team of heroes to focus on, (DC has plenty of heroes) if they want to make a JL movie, don't be apologetic about it. Sorry guys we know that this whole team is white but we want to make a movie about them so we will just race change them. The only reason they are using JL is the name, after that they are just going to make any and all changes deemed necessary for diversity. When does it end though? Why isn't there an Asian on the justice league? What about the Native Americans? Etc etc. It doesn't make sense to say "we wanna diversify" then choose one or two more races at random. This is the problem with race changing, you will never make everyone happy, so why even bother? Probably just gonna piss more people off then making people happy. Are you really trying to say there are ethnic families out there who wanted to see a JL movie but wouldn't if it was racially accurate? There is no "good" thing with change for the sake of change. Also pandering to certain race groups while ignoring others and claimiing diversity is ridiculous.
@CherryBomb, Ezra Miller is a chameleon? I have not seen all his films admittedly, but the three I have seen him in he was completely unremarkable in every way, as well as playing what was essentially the same character in each role, which was a soft spoken sort of shy gay seeming dude.
@BruceWillis, Great article! Your affections for a character's looks are because comics are such a visual medium. It is not like in a novel where you only see the character in your mind's eye, you know what they are supposed to look like. The only thing I disagree with is the idea you can't make new heroes. Look at Hancock for example, if this had been set within the DC universe it would still make for a pretty cool story, and if they had continued the story, a team of original heroes could have formed around Hancock and bam, new superhero team made just for films. Hancock was a pretty big success and had no basis in comics, same with Chronicle. There is still room for great stories to be told with entirely new people. Your right about them not having the same pull though. Supes is just too recognized for a brand new group of heroes to surpass his draw, Supes effectively has 70 years of promotion on anyone new. So while I agree a new story with new heroes isn't as theoretically profitable, but it could still be a huge success. Keep fighting the good fight man!
Ghostpointzero - 8/24/2015, 3:40 PM
@huckfinnisher There is a reason people like you are not filmmakers so stay in the corner and bitch all you want. Like Pasto said just wait and see. Fanboys will always complain about something, if it's not the casting it's the costume, if it's not that it's some other minor bullshit.

Yeah keep it up, your in the minority.

Utopian8418 - 8/24/2015, 7:11 PM
@Ghostpointzero you're*

@huckfinnisher Thanks for the support mate, i sure need it *cries*
Utopian8418 - 8/24/2015, 7:16 PM
In all seriousness, ive just arrived from work, im starting to read the comments and that guy's other article and i am definitely going to make a part 2 of this article.
Lhornbk - 8/24/2015, 9:38 PM
*sigh* this article makes absolutely no sense. First, you whine about actors not looking like the comic characters. But, then you say it's ok to change a character's race, but only if you're going from white to black since they made too many white, male characters in the early years of comics. So, basically as long as they follow liberal political correctness, you're fine with changing looks (although evidently not with Aquaman.) Did I miss anything?

It doesn't matter if you don't find an actor who looks exactly like the drawings in the comics. These are NOT real people, afterall. But, it does matter if you change basic characteristics, and yes race/ethnic identity are part of that. Steve Rogers is a skinny kid from Brooklyn. Changing him to a fat kid from Boston would be stupid. Changing Johnny Storm's race and relationship to Sue was stupid (as was making Sue be from Kosovo.) Changing Peter Parker to a gay teenager would be even dumber. His relationships with Mary Jane and Gwen are essential to his character. More essential than jokes, btw. And changing James Bond......dumbest idea in history. He is English, a commander in the Royal Navy who is recruited to be a secret agent. While there are some black men in England, there are not that many. It's not the melting pot that America is. Plus, Bond originated in the Cold War, when there were really no black British agents. Suddenly changing his race makes no sense, except to make a political statement (besides, Idris Elba is really too old now anyway.) As for your ridiculous idea that Angelina Jolie could play James Bond......did you really say that? Really? You do realize the character is named "James," right? Not Julie or Jessica, but James. Being male is the most essential part of his character. (And has anyone ever suggested Jolie for the role?)

So here's what I got out of this. Cbm characters should look like the comic characters, unless you specifically agree with changing them for political correctness. Ok, got it. Smh.............
Utopian8418 - 8/24/2015, 9:49 PM
@Lhornbk Haha Oh god i did not expect that. I live in a country where racism was never an issue (Argentina) so i have never met a racist person. Did you really just refered to America as a melting pot for having too many black people? Serious question, i am just curious and not judging. As for me, yes, i dont think "brown" kids like Momoa find it hard to identify with the classic superheroes. And yes, i do feel bad for the millions of black kids, chinese kids and girls whos biggest 10-15 heroes are white males.
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