Director - Joss Whedon
To me, Joss seems like the perfect person to direct this movie.
Tom Fahn - Agumon
I just can't see anyone else play Agumon than the original voice actor, not the guy from the god awful Digimon: Data Squad.
Kirk Thornton - Gabumon
Like Tom Fahn as Agumon, I tried really hard to cast someone but I ended up with the original voice actor. We love ya Kirk!
Lea Michele - Biyomon
Now I am not a Glee fan (or Gleek if that's what you want to call it), but when watching Glee I thought Lea sounds alot like Biyomon.
Jeff Nimoy - Tentomon/Kabuterimon/MegaKabuterimon/HerculesKabuterimon
Jeff Nimoy wrote for the English version of the series and did the voice of Tentomon and his digivolutions I can only see him playing this character. We love ya Jeff!
Jena Malone - Palmon
I haven't seen Jena Malone in a lot of movies, but voice just reminds me of Palmon.
Shia LaBeouf - Gomamon
Now I really like Shia LaBeouf as an actor and he has a Gomamon-like quality to me.
Emily Browning - Patamon
She was the first person to pop into my head when I was thinking of Patamon and Patamon does sound like a girl despite being a boy.
Dianna Agron - Gatomon
I swear this is the last Glee cast member on this list! lol, but again she has a Gatomon-like voice to me.
Val Kilmer - Angemon/MagnaAngemon/Seraphimon/Pegasusmon/Shakkoumon (shared with Tom Hanks)
I like Val Kilmer, he's a really good actor and he was a pretty good Batman. He has a Angemon-like voice so I think would kick ass the role.
Sigourney Weaver - Angewomon
I think this is a perfect choice, she's a great actress and I can see her having chemistry with Val Kilmer since Angemon and Angewomon always teamed up.
Joseph Pilato - MetalGreymon
I bet most of you are wondering why I picked Captain Rhodes to play MetalGreymon, well it's because he was the voice of MetalGreymon in the show! I know totally blew me away when I found that out lol.
Christian Bale - WarGreymon
I think we need a badass actor to play a badass Digimon.
Susan Sarandon - Magnadramon
A great actress and she sounds alot like Magnadramon.
Derek Stephen Prince - Veemon/ExVeemon
He did an awesome job in the show, I just had to bring him back.
Tom Hanks - Armadillomon/Ankylomon/Shakkoumon (shared with Val Kilmer)
Tom Hanks sounds exactly like Armadillomon it's uncanny!
Steve Blum - Flamedramon/Raidramon/Magnamon
Steve Blum kicks ass! I had no idea he was in the show until years later, it would be blasphemy not to bring him back!
Ryan Reynolds - Wizardmon
If Wizardmon sounded younger, I believe Ryan would do a kick ass job.
Matthew Lillard - Sukamon
I think this is an awesome choice.
Jack Black - Chuumon
A absolute perfect choice in my opinon, I defenitly see him and Lilard being a great comedic duo.
Frank Welker - Parrotmon
Frank Welker can do anything! He can make himself sound like a parrot!
Christopher Lee - Devimon
Christopher Lee has an awesome voice for a villain, he is a perfect for Devimon!
Nathan Fillion - Etemon/MetalEtemon
Just make Nathan Fillion do an Elvis impression then we have Etemon.
Hugo Weaving - Myotismon/VenomMyotismon/MaloMyotismon
I think Hugo Weaving made a great Meagtron, I think he would kick ass as Myotismon.
Nolan North - Piedmon
Nolan North is awesome he is a phenomenal voice actor just make him sound like a court jester and he'll be perfect!
Neil Patrick Harris - MetalSeadramon
I don't why but Neil would be a great MetalSeadramon.
Liam Neeson - Apocalymon
Liam Neeson is awesome, he was the first thing that popped into my head when casting Apocalymon.
Marnix Van Den Broeke - Diaboromon
Now I know what your thinking, "Who the hell is Marnix Van Den Broeke?" Well if you a Doctor Who fan and you've been watching Series 6 recently, this guy does the voice for The Silence! He did such an awesome voice for The Silence he just popped in my head when I was casting Diaboromon.
Thanks for reading!