What we Hope to See on CW's New Arrowverse Seasons and Possible Designated Survivor Season 2 for Fall 2017

What we Hope to See on CW's New Arrowverse Seasons and Possible Designated Survivor Season 2 for Fall 2017

So far there are some things the DCCW show producers have done that are good and bad and what we hope they will have ready in upcoming seasons of Arrow, Supergirl, Flash, and Legends.

Editorial Opinion
By PredatorRIsing - Feb 02, 2017 12:02 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic
Source: www.comicbookmovie.com
For Supergirl Season 3 and Flash Season 4

Cassidy Freeman, Kristin Kreuk, Missy Peregrym, or Sirinda Swan for Silver Banshee Agatha Michaela or Fiona McDougal on Supergirl Season 3

* The Main Antagonist is to be the original Silver Banshee from the New Earth comics who is to become Supergirl and Siobhan Smythe's arch enemy and reverse to them on the everything they are and the paths they've chosen as well as being the villainess behind the struggles of their pasts. The idea of having both Silver Banshees in the show should make CW's use of creativity on the show more interesting as well as having an enemy with such invigorating potential at wanting Superman and Supergirl dead and is relentless on her ambitions. She is to be played either Cassidy Freeman, Kristin Kreuk, Missy Peregrym, or Sirinda Swan from Smallville going by the name Agatha, Fiona, or Michaela McDougal. This time instead of making the Arrowverse version of McDougal anything like the one from Smallville, she is to be present in the world of the living acting as one of Project Cadmus' leaders alongside Lillian Luthor and just like in the comics, she is to hold a strong grudge against Superman anyone that crosses paths with her for their interventions and in the first two episodes she is to start out having men in her division round up members of the Smythes family and people who spurned some of them in attempts of using one of each of them for a ritual she intends to complete in efforts of regaining her humanity which is what is going to mark as the start of her successor's redemption. And instead of using make up, CW officials are to have the actress playing the Silver Banshee McDougal use CGI for facial improvements.


*Zoom is to return for Flash Season 4 and now as the Black Flash, he is to serve as the main villain once more and hopefully he will regain both his speed and restabalize his mental capacity back to the way it was before being withered by the time wraiths simply by stealing power from Savitar in which it does happen, hopefully after the Speed God is defeated by Jay Garrick with another philosopher stone.

Tyler Hoechlin and Italia Ricci to return for Supergirl Season 3

*Tyler Hoechlin and Italia Ricci are to reprise their roles as Superman and Siobhan Smythe where the two characters are to meet for the first time while they and Supergirl are dealing with the Silver Banshee the Man of Steel has fought back in his first few years as a hero before Kara came to Earth which should be in the first two episodes of the season premier. They must be filmed in June just incase Designated Survivor gets a second season where her role as Emily needs to be ranked down to series Recurring so that she isn't held from reprising her role for Supergirl season 3's first 4 episodes along with the Halloween Crossover for both the show and The Flash as well as the season 3 finale of Supergirl where her character is to defeat McDougal while Kara struggles keeping her stability in check after she looses someone close to her in the Danvers Family and in the Flash season 4 finale where Siobhan and Supergirl join Barry and his team against Zoom and his army of meta's in a second or third Meta War in Central City and both the girl of steel and her yet to be reformed frenemy are to survive the battle before returning to Earth 38.


*Tom Felton to return for Flash Season 4 as Julian Albert where his appearance on the show deserves more than one season that is assuming that nothing will happen to him in season 3.

*A Two part Halloween Crossover for Supergirl Season 3 and Flash Season 4 is now in request since October this year has monday and tuesday featuring the 30th and the 31st with Team Flash coming to Earth 38 to help Supergirl, Siobhan and their companions deal with a spooky paranormal threat possibly her father the Black Banshee and then with the two of them along with Winn arriving on Earth 1 to help Barry and his friends take on the Shade from Earth 33 on Halloween night before returning home.

Silver Banshee McDougal's Depiction on Supergirl Season 3

*CADMUS is to return with more to offer and this time with Silver Banshee McDougal taking charge of leading the organization into wiping out all alien life off the face of the Earth and altering the radiation of the sun

*The Rogues with Mirror Master as their new leader serve as the secondary antagonists in Flash season 4 as the Black Flash's team of Metahumans which along with Sam Scutter are to feature Weather Wizard, Tarpit, The Mist, the Tricksters, Rainbow Raider, Top, and Geomancer as the trend of villains plan to humiliate Barry into loosing control, reclaim Central City under Metahuman occupation and destroy star labs to keep the scarlet speedster and his team from stopping them again after freeing their allies from the pipeline.

*Siobhan Smythe is to serve as a recurring character in the third season and reformed from being Kara's rival and enemy to becoming Kara's best friend once they both come face to face with McDougal. This time instead of make up and contact lens, Italia is to portray her character's banshee persona through CGI since her powers since the first season,

*Barry is to kill off a member of the Rogues who makes the situation for him to contain any further and it should be the most dangerous member of the team known as Kyle Nimbus/The Mist.
Kara dates Tommy

*Kara is to start her relationship with Siobhan's brother Thomas.

*If Iris doesn't die, than Barry is to start out with her in the season 4 premier planning their wedding which should be done in the end of the Flash segment of the Halloween Crossover or after Barry is bailed out of prison for the manslaughter the Rogues and Black Flash staged him into orcastrating in episode 80

*Superboy is to debut on Supergirl Season 3 as an enemy who later becomes an ally and M'ghann's love interest

*Zoom and the Rogues are to rob Barry of his pride and fears by overwhelming him with severally painful physical and psychological trauma and drive him into targeting normal criminals in Central and Starling City and terrorists in Afghanistan in the next 4 show crossover where Team Supergirl, Team Flash and Team Arrow have to stop him.

*Next year's Supergirl/Flash crossover in 2018 should focus on the two heroes racing

*Other supporting characters to return for season 3 will regard Maggie Sawyer, Mghann Morzz, General Sam Lane, and Lucy Lane who is to become Superwoman in the upcoming third season turned against the Kara and her team by McDougal as one of Cadmus' new experiments.

*Other returning villains for Supergirl Season 2 will involve Lillian Luthor, Livewire, Parasite, Metallo, Lena Luthor, Cyborg Superman, Indigo, Reactron, and Scorcher including Mr. Mxyzptlk

*Other returning Villains should involve Shade, Plunder, Atomic Skull and more of Zoom's Earth 2 meta human thugs

*Other supporting characters to return should be Gypsy, Pied Piper, Jesse Quick and Jay Garrick

Caitlin Snow's Depiction for Flash season 4

*Danielle Panabaker's Caitlin Snow is to undergo the cool hairstyle of Killer Frost's rebirth comics counterpart

*Primary Sources of Materials for:

Supergirl Season 3: Lunar Crystals that would alter the color of the sun to negate its solar energy effects when fired at from a giant laser cannon so that Silver Banshee McDougal could kill Superman and Supergirl without any twists and turns for them to survive her screams

and Flash Season 4: A Multidimensional Crystal that the Black Flash would use in his master plot on Manipulating the Time Wraiths into hunting down any speedforce linked speedsters that are against him throughout the multiverse

*Odessa Ray from Smallville should be cast as the banshee who cursed the Smythes family and Mcdougal.

*An episode for Barry and his team to accompany Jay Garrick on Earth 3 to fight the Wind Master is highly considered

*Silver Banshee McDougal is to kill off a member of the Danvers family to punish Supergirl for interfering with her master plan to end alien and kryptonian life on Earth who in this case should be Kara's sister Alex since she's been living with her sister the most of her life on Earth in a way similar to Barry from Season 2

* Doomsday is to appear as a major antagonist along with the Silver Banshee McDougal in the season 3 finale against Superman, Martian Manhunter and other heroes teaming up with them and the DEO against the reckless bruiser in Metropolis while Supergirl and Siobhan Smythe confront their nemesis Silver Banshee McDougal in National City Time Square.

*While Barry and Supergirl Race on Earth 38 during the crossover with Cisco, Wally, Jesse, and Harry watching the event, Zoom will close the breaches in Earth 1with the Magnetar to keep them from coming back until he wants them too. While the breaches remain closed off from the rest of the Multiverse, the Black Flash and the Rogues will attack the CCPD precient killing every dispatchable cop and swat officer and driving most of every survivor out and with no speedsters defending the city Zoom will kill Iris to punish Barry for imprisoning him in the speedforce and to rob the scarlet speedster of his pride so that he won't have any reason to deny the fact that they are the same. This is sure to upset Barry and even though Aaron Helbing is so attacted to Candice Patton being on the show, he's gonna have to kill her character off to make the plot of the fourth season more dramatic and interesting otherwise it will have to be Caitlin for betraying him if he doesn't let his obsession with the actress go. Why? Because, Barry needs to stop focusing on his pride because that is how he keeps getting people that are close to him killed and not admitting it as well as accepting the humility is gonna make problems both ways, for the character in the Arrowverse and the fans that are bothered by his lack of discipline and habit of being immature,

*Supergirl is to be the center stage hero for the next superhero crossovers episodes this fall and next year because the producers and executive producers of the shows need to give the time travel stuff a rest! Besides with the girl of Steel's series positively progressing show, it deserves some much more now that it's officially a part of the CW and the plot for the third season needs to get more serious than season 2 since the current second season is being so light mid toned like season 1.

*Barry will need to learn that he can't keep hiding from anymore pain, suffering, and humility that he will need to learn to over come his fears by dealing with Zoom and his metas in their next Meta Human War that instead of being just like last time, this time Barry needs to rally as many other heroes to him as possible before taking the Black Flash and his Army on in Central City Park

*Barry and Jay are to kill the Black Flash inside the house Zoom and Reverse Flash murdered his parents in by keeping him pinned down to the floor and allowing Silver Banshee (Siobhan Smythe) destroy him with her screams instead of using technology before they get back to rounding up the rest of the Metahuman hostiles.

Now in case ABC renews Designated Survivor for a yet to be confirmed second season the producers and executive producers must do the following to ensure no hold ups

*To support the title of the series, season 2's main plot is to focus on Kirkman and two of his newly enstated bodyguards struggling to protect the last cabinet member of the government in France, Switzerland, Belgium, or Netherlands survive an ambush lead by a terrorist group

*Italia is to be absent for the first 4 episodes of the TBD second season so she can reprise her role as Siobhan Smythe for the first 4 episodes of Supergirl and Flash

*Robbie Amell and Chad Rook are to be cast as Tom Kirkman's new body guards and escorts helping him and other guards keep the TBD western european country's designated survivor alive.

*New staff at the White House back in America is to be cleaned out of corrupt officials after events in the first season caused by the traitor Aaron Shore.

and now for Arrow Season 6 and Legends of Tomorrow Season 3

*Riddler is to debut on Arrow Season 6 as the main villain with Jim Carrey reprising his role as the character from Batman Forever.

*Batman is to be cast for the first 2 episodes of the show and a few more around the season 6 finale

*The third season of Legends of tomorrow should feature Morgana De Lafay as the princible antagonist

*A few of Batman's enemies regarding Bane, Electricutioner, Two Face, and Ted Carson/Firefly are to debut on Arrow season 6

*Episodes on Legends of Tomorrow Season 3 are to revolve around ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, Middle Ages Romania, Frence Renisance, WW1, and the chinese dynasties.

*Riddler's endgame is to increase the mental capacities of every individual within Starling City to end crime, even if he has to do it through brainwashing some public officials to do it.

*Riddler is to have a vast organization of henchmen working for him and is to be named after his iconic nickname "NYGMA"

*Oracle is to debut in Arrow Season 6

*An episode where the Green Arrow comes to Gotham to team up with Batman against one of his enemies

*Returning enemies for this sixth season should consist of Vertigo, Clock King, and Brick

Supergirl Season 3 Fan Made Poster

If anyone is interested in all this information that should help the executive producers of the CW make Supergirl season 3, Flash season 4, Arrow season 5, and Legends season 3 better the current seasons running on the CW right now and to make sure the executive producers of Designated Survivor play fair with the plot of each episodes for every returning cast member to appear in, please hurry and convince the executive producers Greg Berlanti,Andrew Kreisberg, Allison Adler, Marc Guggenheim, Robert Rovner, Sarah Schechter, Larry Teng, Glen Winter, Raymond Quinlan and the executive producers of Designated Survivor known as Mark Gordon, Jon Harmon Feldman, Paul McGuigan,Amy B. Harris, Aditya Sood, right now to have them use everything in this article for the upcoming seasons of the shows on CW and ABC right now before they make any announcements later this year and please make it fast. Most of us can't stand being irritated any longer by such feckless plotting and ideas and we also got a bunch of other problems to deal with out in the world today regarding actual real world news so please contact these people and fast before they start developing the final episodes of each show. and HURRY! I know it's impossible to persuade them during season runs but now we got a chance to do so and for the next season and once we do get in touch with them, let us hope they will include everything requested for Season 3 of Supergirl from this article as well as the rest of the shows.
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GAThrawnIGF - 2/2/2017, 8:09 PM
Jim Carrey? Reprising his role? Riddler on Arrow to begin with? Seriously? And why the hell would we want all these famous Batman villains, especially seeing as how they're also part of Gotham?

Also, do you even watch the show? It hasn't been called Starling City since Ray Palmer "died."

And...what does Designated Survivor have to do with any of this? Random inclusion much?

Also, they will NEVER do Doomsday, they will NEVER have Superman as a main character...and Atomic Skull? I don't think that was him in the 1 second cameo he had.

And the Mist is NOT the most dangerous enemy, and he's not even a Rogue...or a Flash enemy in the comics. Hell, he hasn't even been seen since episode 2 of season 1, so...the odds of him coming back are next to impossible. 98% of this article is stuff YOU want to see, not what WE want to see as a whole.
brodie999 - 2/9/2017, 11:02 PM
Awesome work, Man, What should be the Title of the next official crossover between the Arrowverse shows, Anyway?
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