The Tournament: Round 1: Part 4

The Tournament: Round 1: Part 4

This time, we have more Marvel villains, plus, results from yesterday's installment!

By comiccow6 - Sep 11, 2012 04:09 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Rule #1: THIS IS NOT A POPULARITY CONTEST!!! I don't want Batman to beat everyone! Please, be fair, think about the fight, analyze the fighters powers and abilities, and be fair!

Rule #2: It will start with 6 two-on-two fights. Then, the winners of the two-on-two fights will come together, and have two battle royales, with three fighters. The last man standing in those two will fight each other in a fight that will determine who moves on to the final fight, a battle royale between the top Marvel hero, Marvel villain, DC hero, and DC villain. The winner will be the champion!

Rule #3: There will be four separate competitions, one for Marvel heroes, one for Marvel villains, one for DC heroes, and one for DC villains.

Rule #4: This has the mainstream comic characters fighting. The fighters can only use what their mainstream comic counterparts have. Also, the fighters do not have had to appear in live action.

Rule #5: The participants have NO prep time, but DO know the others abilities, and weaknesses!!!

Hello, and welcome to another installment for the Tournament! But, before the fights, let's see yesterday's results!

Fight #1: Bullseye

Fight #2: Omega Red

Fight #3: Baron Zemo

Now, to the battles!

Fight #4: Carnage vs. Lizard
Arena: Top of the Space Needle

As Eddie Brock explained, the Carnage symbiote was born with abilities even more singular than those of its progenitor—due to the fact that it gestated in an environment alien to it—Earth. The alien symbiote endows Cletus Kasady with enhanced physical strength greater than that of Spider-Man and Venom combined and shape-shifting abilities, allows him to project a web-like substance from any part of his body including the formation of weapons, and enables him to plant thoughts into a person's head using a symbiote tendril. Much like Spider-Man, Kasady has the ability to cling to virtually any surface, and has a version of Spider-Man's spider-sense, as the symbiote can relay information to him from any angle and grants Kasady the ability to "see" in any direction, warning him of incoming threats. He can rapidly crawl, walk, or run across even slick surfaces. The Carnage symbiote has similar abilities of that of Spider-Man's as a direct result of the Venom symbiote's first host, Peter Parker, who transferred some of Spider-Man's power into the symbiote.
He is able to rapidly regenerate damaged body tissues much faster and more extensively than an ordinary human. It isn't known, however, if he can fully regenerate severed limbs or missing internal organs. Kasady is also immune to the effects of all Earthly diseases and infections as long as he remains bonded with the symbiote. Like Venom, the symbiote is vulnerable to sound (to a much smaller degree than Venom) and heat (to a much larger degree than Venom), and is undetectable to Spider-Man's spider-sense. Unlike Venom, Carnage can launch parts of his symbiote at enemies in the form of solid weapons such as darts, spears, knives, axes, etc., although they disintegrate into dust within ten seconds of leaving Carnage's body. Carnage also has the strange ability to warp his appendages into different arms, legs, and even wings. This is shown on several occasions when Carnage mutates his fingers and arms into what look like large swords.
Kasady has full control over the size, shape, color (usually red and black), texture, and hardness of his symbiote (and any part thereof). Like Venom, he can make his symbiote look like normal clothing (which he has done on rare occasion), or act as "camouflage", blending him into the surrounding environment (which he has never done thus far). With the symbiote bonded to his bloodstream, he can "regenerate" his costume from scratch simply by bleeding. His symbiote has the peculiar ability to block its parent's (Venom's) ability to sense and track it.
In some interpretations, the Carnage symbiote is vampiric, feeding on and thus endangering his victims by mere touch. The symbiote has also shown the ability to call back parts of itself back to the main symbiote, adding it to the parts that already make up the symbiote. It can also send commands that cannot be resisted to parts of itself that are in technology, used to break the bones of the Iron Rangers when they challenged Carnage while wearing symbiote-enhanced technological exo-suits. Using these last two abilities, Carnage absorbed the five Iron Rangers, and consequently grew to an enormous size and assumed the color blue.
Finally, Carnage's powers have always been abnormally enhanced from the maniacal will and insane worldview that Cletus Kasady has had from the age of 8 years old onward.

Doctor Curtis Connors gave himself superhuman powers as a result of exposure to mutagenic chemicals, allowing him to transform into the Lizard. In human form, he has none of his superhuman powers, but he is highly intelligent and a well known scientist in fields of genetics, physics, biochemistry, and herpetology.
When Connors is transformed into the Lizard, his strength is increased to superhuman levels. Likewise, his speed, stamina, agility, and reflexes are also raised to a level equivalent to that of Spider-Man. He can also scale walls using a combination of his sharp claws and micro-scales on his hands and feet that create molecular friction like those of a gecko lizard. He is highly resistant to injury due to his thick scaly hide, allowing him to resist punctures and lacerations from ordinary weapons and lower-caliber firearms. In addition, the Lizard has highly enhanced healing abilities which allow him to quickly recover from grievous wounds, including regenerating lost limbs. He also has a powerful tail which he can whip at high speeds. The Lizard has razor-sharp teeth set in muscular jaws that can deal a lethal bite. Like a reptile, he has cold-blooded characteristics and is therefore sensitive to drops in temperature; a sufficiently cold environment will cause his metabolism to slow drastically and become dormant if he is exposed to cold temperatures for too long.
The Lizard can mentally communicate and command all reptiles within a mile of himself via limited telepathy. He has also on at least one occasion secreted powerful pheromones which caused nearby humans to behave violently. Post-Brand New Day, a further enhancement of his telepathy granted him the power of telepathically compelling humans to act out their primal urges, by suppressing emotional control in their amygdala (the "lizard brain").
Based on various physiological and environmental factors, the Lizard's intelligence can range from bestial and animalistic to normal human intelligence. The Lizard personality has most often manifested with human intelligence, capable of speech and higher reasoning, although some versions have been more feral than others. During the Secret Wars in particular, he appeared less ruthless than his normal portrayal, showing concern for Volcana and the Wasp after they showed him kindness despite his usual disdain for humans. However, even when operating at the level of a human, the Lizard is rarely as intelligent as Dr. Connors, showing on many occasions an inability to understand his human-self's work and use it to further his own ends despite his best efforts.
The Lizard has apparently "destroyed" the Curt Connors persona, but has subsequently begun to display some of Connors's human emotions. In contrast to his previously feral nature, he has also shown sufficient intellectual capabilities to understand Connors' work and use it for himself, although he is still hampered by his inability to fully comprehend human emotions.

So, who would win? Carnage, or the Lizard? Vote in the comments!

Fight #5: Scorpion vs. Crimson Dynamo
Arena: SHIELD helicarrier bridge

Mac Gargan, as the Scorpion, was given superhuman powers through chemical and radiological treatments which produced mutagenic effects. He has superhuman strength, speed, agility, reflexes, stamina, and durability, and also has the ability to scale walls (he also punches holes in walls as a way to climb). He also has an exceptionally strong grip, reminiscent of a real scorpion's pincers. He wears a full-body battlesuit composed of two layers of light steel mesh separated by a thin layer of insulated rubber. In addition to his superhuman physique, he was traditionally armed with a cybernetically-controlled, seven-foot mechanical tail, with a tool steel articulated framework which can whip at 90 miles per hour. The tail has in the past been equipped with projectile weapons, usually an electrical generator, although it has also been equipped with a spike at its tip which can squirt an acidic spray, and a low-density plasma energy projector. The Scorpion can use his tail as an extra leg, or he can coil it behind him to spring himself a distance of at least 30 feet. The Scorpion is substantially stronger and more durable than Spider-Man, though is a much less skilled hand-to-hand combatant.

The Crimson Dynamo wears an armored battle-suit that serves as an exoskeleton, providing the wearer with superhuman strength and durability. The suit's outer layer was composed of a carborundum matrix alloy, and is equipped with hand-blasters that can fire high-frequency electrical bolts, small missiles contained in the back shoulder area of the battle-suit, computers and radio transmitter and receiver, boot jets that allow flight. Subsequent versions of the battle-suit have featured upgrades of various kinds, by the Gremlin and other Russian scientists. As Crimson Dynamo, Valentin Shatalov's version of the armor was equipped with a powerful chest-mounted fusion-caster weapon.

Who would win? Scorpion, or Crymson Dynamo? Vote in the comments!

Fight# 6: Juggernaut vs. Sandman
Arena: A construction site

When Cain Marko found the Gem of the mystical entity Cyttorak, he was empowered with magical energies and transformed into an immortal avatar for the entity in question. As the Juggernaut, Marko possesses superhuman strength, being capable of shattering mountains, lifting and using buildings as weapons, and extreme durability.
His durability is amplified by a mystical force field that grants him additional invulnerability to any physical attack (at its maximum). Even when the force field was temporarily absorbed by Thor's hammer, the Juggernaut's natural durability still proved to be great enough to withstand blows from Thor. The Juggernaut is described as physically unstoppable once in motion, does not tire from physical activity and is able to survive without food, water, or oxygen.
It is possible for an opponent with sufficient physical or mystical strength of their own to turn the Juggernaut's unstoppable movement against him, by redirecting his motion so he gets stranded in a position in which he has no escape; both the Hulk and his son, Skaar, have managed this feat physically, and Thor has managed this feat mystically with Mjolnir. The only character to have stopped Juggernaut while he was in motion as an act of pure physical strength was the Hulk while he was War, a horseman of Apocalypse.
The character is vulnerable to mental attacks, a weakness that has been exploited via the removal of his helmet. The Juggernaut has circumvented this weakness on occasion by wearing a metal skullcap inside his main helmet. If Juggernaut loses his helmet he can recreate it by touching certain materials (as long as he possesses the full power of the gem).

Sandman has the ability to transform his body. He can will his body hardened, compacted, dispersed or shaped, or a combination of those qualities, an Earth manipulation of sand and rock particles. More often than not in combat, this ability enables him to absorb most blows with little to no ill effect other than reforming himself, a relatively fast action. His striped shirt and cargo pants are colored sand to make him appear as if he wears clothes. Even when soaked, he was able to stretch his sand molecules, growing to double his size.
Sandman can mold his arms and hands into shapes such as a mace or a sledgehammer to battle Spider-Man and his other enemies. His mass, strength and shape shifting ability correspond to the number of sand and rock particles that comprise him. The more he incorporates (nearby) sand grains and rock granules into his body, the more those qualities are enhanced. Even though he controls every particle in his body, his mind exists in the astral plane. He can turn himself into a sandstorm, which enables him to fly great distances and to suffocate his enemies.
His body takes on sand's chemical qualities, impervious to many, but not all, elements. Once, cement's ingredients were mixed into Sandman. That mixture turned him into cement that dried, rendering him immobile. Despite this frailty, he remained alive but in a comalike state for a while before he returned to normal. In addition to his superb endurance, the Sandman possesses superhuman strength several times more than Spider-Man's, on par with the Thing's.
In a story with the Wizard, the Wizard fashioned Sandman a suit with a belt that contained chemicals to mix into the Sandman to enable him to change himself into consistencies related to sand. The suit's composition, as Sandman's usual "clothes," changed with him. Eventually Sandman stopped using the suit.
Temperature does alter the Sandman. At 3,400 Fahrenheit his body turns into glass, also a form he can control. Unlike Sandman's fast transformation from sand to glass, his transformation from glass to sand takes time.
Although he is invulnerable to most physical attacks, even projectiles because they pass through him, water is a different story to him. So, too, is a rare physical attack. In combat against Venom, the villain's powerful mouth ripped cleanly and swiftly into Sandman. The amount of sand removed abruptly, and perhaps because of Venom's poisons, left the mass of Sandman in contortion, crippled beyond immediate repair. Sandman began to disintegrate, then flowed down a drain, giving the impression he had met his end. Later he is washed up onto and into a beach.
It has been revealed that, while Sandman can absorb and lose sand, his body must retain one key particle of sand that contains his conscious mind, allowing Spider-Man to defeat him by isolating that one grain from the rest of the Sandman (although the difficulty involved in setting up these events in the first place makes it impractical to use regularly).

So, who would win? Juggernaut, or Sandman? Vote in the comments!


Until next time,
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ellispart3 - 9/11/2012, 6:38 AM
Carnage is too powerful for the lizard.

Crimson Dynamo wins his fight for the same reason.

Sandman in a construction area would have this one. Juggernaut will not be able to mercilessly beat him to submission, but Sandman would be able to get in Juggernaut's helmet. Maybe even take that helmet off and subdue him.

crimson dynamo
ellispart3 - 9/11/2012, 10:06 AM
@unibeam11 glad i could sway you!

glad to see you brought back the settings, i don't remember seeing any on round 3.
comiccow6 - 9/11/2012, 12:17 PM
@UniBream, Sorry, there won't be a Loki vs. Doom anytime soon. I already used them, and only one returning fighter per Tournament. But you can expect some new fights for the fifth Tournament! All the champions in each category will fight, plus some suggested ones using previous fighters.
ellispart3 - 9/11/2012, 12:26 PM
with the dc side coming up, i wouldn't mind seeing the Val Armorr make an appearance
comiccow6 - 9/11/2012, 1:41 PM
^^ I've already chosen the fighters, sorry. I'll try to include him next time.
ellispart3 - 9/11/2012, 3:04 PM
you got a link? i'll definitely read it. is it already drawn or are you looking for an artist? **cough cough** **cough cough**
ellispart3 - 9/12/2012, 2:13 PM
right on dude, i'll check it out when i get out of the office.
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