Via the Marvel Cinematic Universe Fan page on Facebook, the Admin has just recieved a tip that 20th Century Fox is giving up the rights to The Fantastic Four and the rights are reverting back to Marvel!
Here's the quote: "Insider news: This is my last piece of inside news for now, but it is a good one. Marvel Studios is going receive the film rights to another of there comic book properties owned by FOX. Fox is going to opt not to renew the rights to this property. ITS CLOBBERIN' TIME!"

So, what do you lot think of this news? Finally we can have the likes of Galactus facing off against the Avengers! And maybe the rights have already reverted back and Galactus will be the villain of The Avengers? Probably not but chances are that if this is true in The Avengers 2 we will be seeing the likes of The Fantastic Four, Galactus and Silver Sufer! And, we will finally get to see Hulk and The Thing face off! Anyway,lets calm down for a second. Treat this with a grain of salt but if true (and it probably is)then this should be interesting! Please voice your opinions in the comments box below!