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PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN Producer Talks Possible Johnny Depp Return And Margot Robbie's Planned Spin-Off

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FightAs0ne - 2/27/2013, 12:13 PM
Don't need reviews to tell me don't go see this lol
toco89 - 2/27/2013, 12:36 PM
They said the same about Hansel and Gretel and its more than covered its budget in the US alone, and more than tripled it worldwide cuz it was a solid flick. This one will probably at least do a bit better than cover its budget.
SpideyQuad - 2/27/2013, 12:51 PM
Grif, does the soundtrack play that little "dink" sound when you're supposed to turn the page?
CavEl - 2/27/2013, 12:58 PM
Man of Steel will remake the 190 million wasted on this shat.
CavEl - 2/27/2013, 1:04 PM
Also...[frick] YOU, Singer!
Gmoney84 - 2/27/2013, 1:05 PM
A college buddy of mine saw an advanced screening of this and he said he was pretty good and the effects were solid. And he's usually very negative about most thing so it must be pretty good.
shamo - 2/27/2013, 1:19 PM
69 on RT's a pretty good score. but still, i have no interest in seeing this movie. but i'll pirate it when it comes out.
IIIAdamantiumIII - 2/27/2013, 2:52 PM
I would like to know what drugs grif is on.
HelaGood - 2/27/2013, 3:45 PM
dont need to see it to know its gonna be bad... the CGI alone is horrrrrrrrible
BlackPhillip - 2/27/2013, 4:21 PM
jCam is a douche!
beane2099 - 2/27/2013, 5:42 PM
I saw the review where someone actually made a "Fe-Fi-Fo-Fum" pun in their review and I was done. Did the critic in variety feel good about going with that? Feel clever did they? Anyways, the movie looks blah so I ain't surprised.
NoJobBOB - 2/27/2013, 9:14 PM

Dunno why but that gif is hilarious lmao.

I keep seeing this movie's commercials on tv and all and Im just not sure if I want to see it. I'll wait a few more weeks before I decide. :/
Newbus - 2/28/2013, 10:30 AM
"Jack The Giant Slayer can’t seem to decide whether it wants to play its hand as a lithe, sweeping fable or a more grounded action-adventure with legendary accessories.

Peddling pat celebrations of valour and perseverance, but marked by distressingly humdrum characterisations, director Bryan Singer’s Jack The Giant Slayer arrives..."

Humdrum characterisations sounds a lot like his Xmen films.
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