PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN Producer Talks Possible Johnny Depp Return And Margot Robbie's Planned Spin-Off

PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN Producer Talks Possible Johnny Depp Return And Margot Robbie's Planned Spin-Off

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delete - 10/23/2012, 4:06 PM
Facade - 10/23/2012, 4:09 PM
In a hole in the ground :D
MarkCassidy - 10/23/2012, 4:09 PM
I know it sounds crazy, but I think I'm looking forward to thsi more than Iron Man 3.
Gose - 10/23/2012, 4:09 PM
Why made it a 2 parts movie???
StarkAnthony - 10/23/2012, 4:11 PM
3 parts Gose
Kaedus - 10/23/2012, 4:17 PM
Getting closer! A perfect way to cap off a fantastic year of cinema :D
Kaedus - 10/23/2012, 4:21 PM
I know the trilogy extension looks like a cash grab (and hell, it probably is) but [frick] it!

I'm reserving full judgment until I see all 3. Who knows, they could just end up being pretty god damn amazing :D
NorseGod - 10/23/2012, 4:23 PM
Alright little hobbit, impress me!
Super12 - 10/23/2012, 4:59 PM
It was a hobbit hole. And that means comfort.
Ranger14 - 10/23/2012, 6:08 PM
I am stoked they turned it into a trilogy! We now get to see two big battles because of it.
Grayson7954 - 10/23/2012, 6:39 PM
that opening line from the book is one of the most iconic ever, and im glad they seem to say it in the movie
ImnotDaredevil - 10/24/2012, 4:40 AM
what a great way to finish off a good year of movies;)
FoxForce5 - 10/24/2012, 7:36 AM
Can't wait! As for the running time and it being three movies, that just means that this one, unlike most movie adaptations of books (LotR included) won't have anything cut out but rather we'll actually get more. Which is only gravy in my book, baby!
Whoelsebutkevin - 10/24/2012, 12:27 PM
After re-watching LotR Trilogy on Blu-ray a couple of weeks ago, it is truly a masterpiece of Cinema. If it was made into 4 parts I would still trust Peter Jackson, he will not butt hurt us fans.

Like @Kaedus said it could be a cash grab but hell its the guy who brought us MIDDLE EARTH to life, it will deliver. I am not saying it will be LotR but it will still be a great fun ride back to Middle Earth and that is all I am asking for.
gillri - 10/24/2012, 2:59 PM

im looking forward to many films more than iron man 3, skyfall for instance
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