The original 1985 cartoon series, the basic premise was "good vs. evil." The show's opening theme song included the narration: "GI Joe is the code name for America's daring, highly trained special mission force. Its purpose: to defend human freedom against Cobra, a ruthless terrorist organization determined to rule the world," explaining the show's premise.
The animated show featured physical fighting and high-tech weapons as a way to compensate for toned-down violence and lack of bullets in what was seen to be a children's program. The show also featured public service announcements placed at the end of each show. These PSAs ended with the phrase: "Now you know, and knowing is half the battle." The series ran from 1985-86 and in 1987, the series was followed with "GI Joe: The Movie" and most recently a series of "GI Joe: Sigma 6" was born for the Sigma 6 toyline. But now back better than ever GI Joe is back so check out the trailer.
The DVD version of the animated movie is first serialized online before being shown on the great Adult Swim earlier this year. Anyway, it includes new unseen footage, as well as interviews with the people responsible for the exciting series and storyboards like these that are shown below:
Many thanks to the guys at
LEEE777 - Now this looks like the real GI Joe. If only the live action sequel will looks as good as this it will be amazing. That goes for "Wolverine 2" for that matter as well. I have high hopes for both sequels. Still, can't wait to own a copy of "GI Joe: Resolute!"