The Green Hornet Takes A Weekend Worldwide Total Of $50 million!

The Green Hornet Takes A Weekend Worldwide Total Of $50 million!

After a slow start on Friday, the movie has coasted to the top of the box office this weekend in both the US and overseas. Hit the jump for more details...

By JoshWilding - Jan 16, 2011 11:01 AM EST
Filed Under: Green Hornet
Source: The Hollywood Reporter

The Green Hornet has managed to gross an estimated $34 million from 3,584 theaters over the Martin Luther King Jr. weekend, nabbing the second best ever opening during the holiday. (with Cloverfield still retaining the #1 spot) Sony also estimates that the comic book adaptation will gross $40.5 million through Monday, meeting most analysts' expectations.

Despite the 3D movie getting some fairly mixed reviews in the States, it still managed to lure audiences across the spectrum, with nearly 40% of the audience being female, according to Sony, a healthy turnout for a this type of movie.

As for the rest of the world, The Green Hornet launched in 35 markets, and ended up grossing an estimated $16 million from roughly 3,000 screens resulting in a total worldwide debut of $50 million. The Hollywood Reporter also report that the movie cost $110 million to produce, meaning that it will have to perform consistently over the next couple of weeks in order to turn a healthy enough profit to guarantee a sequel.

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vermillion - 1/16/2011, 12:15 PM
Hopefully word of mouth helps this movie succeed. Every comment I read on any site, most are saying "The critics are wrong", which is so true. I expected a decent film, and it was a lot better than that IMO. Also, my friend who went with me expected it to be terrible, especially since he isn't a Rogen fan, but he said he was surprised and actually liked the film a lot. 8/10 for me.

Kato-Vision was fraggin awesome. Christopher Waltz was probably the weakest link in the film. If only they would have made James Franco the main villain... instead of just a cameo.

But this is a definite buy on Blu-Ray for me. It was hilarious & serious when needed be. Definitely think it's worth checking out. :D
vermillion - 1/16/2011, 12:18 PM
I guess if you're expecting an updated version of the TV series, you might be disappointed though. :P Apparently this Britt Reid is more like the 90's comics (Or so I've read, anyways.)

Love to see a sequel though. I'm glad this film wasn't TDK serious. We need Super-Hero films to be different from one another, or people will get bored of them.

TheShakeBake - 1/16/2011, 12:19 PM
Idk I think I was expecting more from it, like it was a good film, and i would like a sequel to expand on the character i just don't think it will get much more moeny hopefully i'm wrong.
marvel72 - 1/16/2011, 12:21 PM
i think the figures & reveiws say it all.......don't bother.
LEEE777 - 1/16/2011, 12:22 PM
Cool... hope it makes lots of $$$$ for a sequel!
JoshWilding - 1/16/2011, 12:23 PM
It was a fantastic movie and I'm glad to see it doing well. I just hope it continues to perform well over the next few weeks, and will end up making a good profit. There are still a fair few countries where it's not been released yet too. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a sequel!
vermillion - 1/16/2011, 12:27 PM
LEEE777, have you got to see the movie yet? :D

They definitely need a better villain for the next film if it happens. Not one who seems to be going through a midlife crisis. :P
flames809 - 1/16/2011, 12:35 PM
marvel- and you said it wont be getting his money back and look how much it made in 3 days. and they are different reviews some says is good and some say is bad so which reviews are you talking about?
Exiles - 1/16/2011, 12:35 PM
they killed people how much darker can it get then that, If it was serious movie then you would have picked that up and not laughed through the movie
vermillion - 1/16/2011, 12:37 PM
I was actually surprised at how many people they killed in the film. I guess their still uhh... gettin use to the whole being a hero thing... :P Even though most deaths were somewhat accidental... kinda... not really.

marvel72 - 1/16/2011, 1:00 PM
@ flames809

the film as taken $50 million in three days,it cost $110 million to make.

a film studio will like to see double or even treble of what it cost to make,its a bit of a way off being a box office smash.

check online for reveiws empire 2/5,imdb 6.9/10,those two american critics is it edbert & someone 1/5,rotten tomatoes gave it a 43% rotten tomtato & that site i believe lets you get access to other reveiws of the movie,which i last read was average 5.1/10.
dukester9 - 1/16/2011, 1:00 PM
This movie was awesome. I loved it. High hopes for a sequel!!!
MarkCassidy - 1/16/2011, 1:07 PM
I really liked it. But it was far from perfect. CHEAP PLUG!:)

Ror Reviews: The Green Hornet

vermillion - 1/16/2011, 1:08 PM
I guess it's a good thing I don't give a CRAP about critics and just go see a movie because I want to. :P
DenverDano - 1/16/2011, 1:51 PM
I absolutely hated this film. I was okay with the idea of there being a good bit of humor in it, but stupid humor is hard to sit through for 2 hours. The recent Yogi Bear movie was more clever than this one. And once you take out the Seth Rogan stupidity, there was nothing left to this flick except really cheesy performances from the secondary characters. Cato was good but he was alone in that. I used a movie gift card I got from Christmas to see this. I would hae been pissed if I had paid my own cash for it.

I hope there is NOT a sequel and this gets filed away away in the "nice try" file and forgotten about.
Vital - 1/16/2011, 1:54 PM
I'm gonna go see this today I think. You guys suggest it?
flames809 - 1/16/2011, 1:55 PM
Marvel- that's there opinion doe you trust so much on critics review which is what they think about movie, but if you haven't seen reviews here say is good and some say is bad so you should see it your self to see what you think about, you can't trust on reviews like that and if you do see it you should right your honest review about the film and ask ppl what they think about cause if you haven't seen from j-man video review strangers he asked liked the movie, so the critics didn't like it but the ppl do and the ppl are the one who hive it the money. And the movie was made in a 110$ million and it already made 50$ million so the movie has made half of it's money back in 3 days so you already can tell is gonna make pass is money just by how it's doing in 3 days. So while the movie keeps on making money you will be on this site trashing the movie you haven't seen and tell ppl to not waste there money on what you think is trash.
Vital - 1/16/2011, 1:56 PM
So, I'd like an actual response to my question not some over-the-top ridiculous sentence that probably isn't even remotely true like DenverDano's comment. I don't want a comment like that lol.
marvel72 - 1/16/2011, 2:07 PM
@ flames809

you want to see it go for it knock yourself out,as i said before i'm gonna wait for it to be shown on tv i'm not gonna waste my time.

they're is other films that are worth my money more than this,i can't stand seth rogen at the best of times.
HarrisonBergeron - 1/16/2011, 3:46 PM
@Marvel72- I would just like to confirm that you are bashing it full force, but have not seen it?

Rotten Tomatoes is about as reliable a source for movie review as wikipedia is for fact checking, it is often way off base. Case in point is "Taken", I will never forgive them for that blunder.
Checkmate - 1/16/2011, 3:51 PM
Movie was great, forget all the hater's opinions. Hopefully it'll get a sequel that will include The Black Hornet.
vermillion - 1/16/2011, 4:19 PM
Taken was a great film. I saw that one in theaters, Liam Neeson was just... awesome.

And I like the approach that Hornet was a douche and Kato was the brains. It just made for a more interesting film honestly.
DDD - 1/16/2011, 4:35 PM
Yup, Gotta go see this!

But Britt Reid being a frump and Kato
being the fighter and sharp has always
been the shtick of GH. That has always
been it's dynamic so that's right on
the money here. That's the original story!
marvel72 - 1/16/2011, 4:35 PM
@ harrisonbergeron

no i haven't seen it,but as said before from everything i've seen or read about the film from the trailer to the films actual film critic reveiw has put me off this film.

hence why i'm not going to see it,until its shown on tv,that way if turns out really shit i can at least change the channel.

Ceejay - 1/16/2011, 4:51 PM
All this makes me wonder is how successful the movie could have been IF they did the adaptation properly without the stupid comedy and oafish Brit Reid? Tons of idiots talking about how much they enjoyed it who have no idea the source material was never supposed to be a comedy. If they remade Batman or Star Wars as a silly but enjoyable action-comedy then after coming out talking about how much they were entertained, they'd realize they just fell for the simplistic Hollywood lazy trick of turning anything into a action comedy for easier box office gain. Consider yourself duped!
ROMACK - 1/16/2011, 5:04 PM
I was gonna see it, but wanted to see it in 2D. It was not available here in 2D and I would have had to of driven to Fort Worth to see it in 2D in a decent theater. So I guess I will wait for the BD.
Bartman87 - 1/16/2011, 5:13 PM
The Green Hornet has always been a crime fighter and vigilante with brains and skills, so no the story has been warped from its original and re-written for today's audience where Britt Reid is an idiot ala' our generations Hilton's and Kardashian's famous for being famous effect thus making him a buffoon and unable to take care of himself.
Ceejay - 1/16/2011, 5:13 PM
And what's this crap claim about it being a hit? It made $34 million at the weekend and they "Project" it should make around $40 by monday. That's crap for a film that cost nearly $150 million to make! The Incredible Hulk had a similar budget and that film made $64 million in its debut weekend then went on to make a measly $132 million in total. Green Hornet barely made half the Hulks opening weekend so theoretically it stands to make sub $100 million by the end of its run domestically. Hardly a success and next week Natalie Portman and Aston Kutchner's REAL 'R' rated comedy comes out for all the couples to feel more sensible about paying to see. Week after that is a REAL 'R' rated action film in The Mechanic with Jason Statham, so expect Green Hornet to drop like a stone after barely having lift off!
marvel72 - 1/16/2011, 5:24 PM
@ ceejay

at last someone on the same wave length,if you read my second comment.

but what do we know,its not a box office smash yet,if it ever will be.

vermillion - 1/16/2011, 6:22 PM
Ceejay, you mention Star Wars and Batman... The thing is, those are vastly popular and are part of our culture. Green Hornet? Not so much. Has a few hardcore fans, but he is nowhere near as popular as many heroes out there. You have to take that into consideration.

dadarkknight - 1/16/2011, 6:27 PM
Dude what is your fraggin(Lobo term lol) problem dude If you dont like the film dont see and let the rest of us enjoy the dang thing. For a person who dont care for seeing this movie you sure are trolling every GH board like the turd that just wont flush down the drain lol. I mean WTF. What everyone has to hate the movies you hate and like movies you like. Do everyone on this board have to get a avatar like yours too. For crying out loud, you haven't even watched the movie. I mean what happened did one of your favorite movies flop or something. It don't make any since. Are you a dictators, are you going to put someone away or not following your lead lol I mean you are acting like your avatar lol
HarrisonBergeron - 1/16/2011, 6:38 PM
@Vermillion- That is my point, Taken was a flawless movie that I have never heard a real person give a bad review of, but rotten tomatoes said it was Rotten. I can't remember what movie it was, maybe "Push", got the same rating shortly after and was rated Fresh despite being a pile of shit, after that I gave up on that site.
DDD - 1/16/2011, 6:50 PM
WTF, MARVEL@, you're goin' on & on about
this movie and you haven't even seen it!
That's about as lame as it gets!

You said you hate Seth Rogen and it shows!
Why don't you watch it before you cut it
down continually! Geez Louise!!!

But I for one would like to see a more seriously
done GH but I'm old school! Heck he even battled
Batman to a draw!

But still I'm gonna see this and judge for myself
"AFTER" I've seen it, fer cryin' in a bucket!
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