Green Lantern : Will it tank?

Green Lantern : Will it tank?

Will it be a Blockbuster, or the new Last Airbender? My thoughts on the matter...

Editorial Opinion
By AllPurposeNaji - Feb 08, 2011 04:02 PM EST
Filed Under: Green Lantern

Well, as an ardent fan, and comic book lover , the thought of a movie based on a comic book excites me, moreso the fact that it is based on DC's Flagship character, The Green Lantern.

Now, as much as i wish to deny it, it's a fact that the trailer released last year was met with varied opinions, and many tended to dislike it. This has been attributed to many reasons, such as Incomplete CGI, too much humor, Odd music etc ; But whatever the case, the fact is that many people didn't like it.

Does this mean it will be a downright terrible movie? does it mean it will be a Romantic Comedy? i For one don't think so. i don't guarantee it will be the new Dark Knight, but i WILL say that it will be good , or at least met with mixed to positive reviews. I don't say this because of the age old fanboy "IT WILL BE GOOD BECAUSE I SAY SO! WAAAA" , but because of the fact that

1. It is going to be WB's next Tentpole Franchise after Harry Potter ends. There is NO WAY they would NOT put in effort and deliver a bad movie. No matter how bad it may seem to a few, it WILL be designed to appeal to the audience, and enough to carry the franchise and WB on it's back. Come on people, WB aren't THAT stupid :P

2. It is helmed by Martin Campbell, the man who gave us 2 excellent Bond films and a Zorro movie. He might not be of the caliber of Kenneth Brannagh or Christopher Nolan, but the man is certainly no fool or a novice. As mentioned , he directed Zorro, which balanced witty banter with action sequences, which certainly seems to be (so far ) the kind of tone they seem to want in GL.

3.This movie has one of the best Design teams, consisting of Neville Page and Oscar award winning Ngila Dickson. Say what you will about them, these 2 took some pretty goofy aliens and made them MUCH less goofier. And not to mention the fact that there's an entire design team working with them as well as Sony Image Works, the animation company that gave us Surf's Up, Alice in Wonderland and Watchmen. Just have a look at Abin Sur, Kilowog and Sinestro!

4.Geoff freaking Johns is co-producing and supervising the entire movie. True, he might have a limited say in things, but the man who transformed a relatively unknown hero into DC's Flagship character will NOT let this character down.In fact, it seems to be following his Secret Origins VERY closely, which makes anyone who has read it and a GL Fan VERY Happy.

5.Let's face it, if it does indeed fail on all accounts, it's gonna have flashy lights and space fights with a guy who flies around with an Alien Ring. i HATE to say it, but in all fairness, i have to say that it WILL draw in audiences. Plus there's "The Sexiest Man of The Year" in the lead role :P Also, Mark Strong and Peter Saarsgaard, 2 VERY intense actors play pivotal roles in the film.

So, this is why I am Optimistic about this movie. Even if it doesn't live up to my expectations, i am fairly sure it won't be "piss poor" or "Terrible" as some make it out to be.

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Angelus - 2/8/2011, 4:38 PM
Blockbuster. I have no doubt about this film. I have no doubt about any film this summer. But those who say it will tank will not change their offical opinions even if it's the Shawshank of CBM.
I understand your intentions but this puts fuel on fire for the numbnuts.

I am still more impressed with Green Lanterns trailer than I was with Thor or Captain America, and yeah I am biased as one can get on this subject.
The chemistry between Hal and Sinestro, the philisophical differences will be so great to witness. To witness Hal recieving the ring, first flight, Kilowog training him, everthing about this film is pointing to greatness. The only concern I have is Lively, but it's a little concern as Ferris will probably be overshadowed anyway by everything that's going on in the film.
Just imagine to see the Guardians! I can't wait for this film!

Ryan Reynolds was absolutely the right choice for Hal Jordan. He only lacks Hal's hair. Mark Strong is Sinestro, that's all there is to say. And Sarsgaard is so pedophile creepy that it's uncanny Hector Hammond. Lively looks Carol Ferris'y but she lacks something. Everything about this film is shaping up for greatness.

Anyone who thinks otherwise really don't know that much about, well, anything.
Ethic - 2/8/2011, 4:47 PM
It looked decent enough in the trailer but it didn't "wow" me like I thought it would.
I only have a general knowledge of GL from animated shows and a couple of animated films but I expected something different indeed.
Worth a look anyway!

I think I'll like it better than Thor, and I'll probably enjoy it on par with Cap.
Cap definitely looks better in the trailer but I'm a sci-fi fiend lol
marvel72 - 2/8/2011, 4:56 PM
seriously i want this movie to be great,but i'm not impressed at the moment.

cgi needs work & the blake lively scenes need reshooting with a different actress.

mark strong is this movie savior,i'm only going to see this at the moment for sinestro.
Ethic - 2/8/2011, 4:57 PM
Fact! lol
AlexdoxA - 2/8/2011, 4:58 PM
It'll definitely be a block buster, there is hardly any big budget CBM that didn't bring home the bacon in terms of $$$$. But it'll be a different league than the Marvel sagas and Nolan's DC Projects... not better or worse, just different.
manymade1 - 2/8/2011, 5:00 PM
I really don't care about the first one. Im pressed about Sinestro being the main villian in hopefully the second film.

AlexdoxA - 2/8/2011, 5:03 PM
It'll definitely be a block buster, there is hardly any big budget CBM that didn't bring home the bacon in terms of $$$$. But it'll be a different league than the Marvel sagas and Nolan's DC Projects... not better or worse, just different.
PaulRom - 2/8/2011, 5:44 PM
I don't think it'll be a bad as Last Airbender. It'll likely be met with mixed to positive reviews, and should at least be a decent box office success...enough for a sequel. And I'm with Gaston about the Iron Man thing, and Boostergirl about their needing to be less negativity. I'll bet Warner Bros will release a trailer that will blow everyones minds up.
jamedog - 2/8/2011, 6:09 PM
It looks like it will be faithful to the comics, which is the most important part. There seems to be gripes on the effects, and it seems like every time we get a trailer fans complain about the effects.

People complain about the comedic tone, but is it so bad to have a light hearted comic book movie? Not every movie can be dark and brooding like the Dark Knight
MARVELous - 2/8/2011, 7:40 PM
whoa! sweet pic! is there a larger version of it anywhere?
XxSnakeProxX - 2/8/2011, 7:42 PM
i loved the trailer,and everything ive heard and seen so far sounds amazing.but honestly,no one knows if it'll be good or not,so idk why people are trying to guarantee it.and i have to say,it looks extremely faithful to the comics so far,much more so than most cmb.
Jagfan28 - 2/8/2011, 7:44 PM
Is it just me or does the Red Lantern logo sorta look like a newer version of pokeball?
KALel3412 - 2/8/2011, 7:45 PM
i have high hopes for this film. i personally dont get the hype from the cap and thor trailer. (dont kill me for that). but the only part or the gl trailer where i was like that looks like straight crap was the helicopter crashing.
SmokinIndo - 2/8/2011, 7:49 PM
I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that Green Lantern will do great at the Box Office. I wouldn't be surprised if it does better than Thor or Cap. Having a trailer attached to every single freaking Harry Potter screening pretty much guarantees a HUGE opening night. As a Marvel fan, I can tell you right now that I am very, very jealous of DC fans.
airbeyonder18 - 2/8/2011, 7:52 PM
Well said my friend. I think you helped a lot of people understand this movie's true potential. I think it's gonna be a great film and I think you made a lot of other people feel the same way.

Great Article. Worth the read.
patriautism - 2/8/2011, 7:54 PM
@Arminies "Casino Royale was CRAP as many will tell you the same thing."

Dude the movie is rated 8.0 on imdb, and 94% on RT,which is the same as The Dark Knight. So MOST people, including myself, would have to disagree.
Checkmate - 2/8/2011, 7:55 PM
I don't think the movie will fail. And I don't think people should hate due to one damn trailer.
extant59 - 2/8/2011, 7:56 PM
link to the corps artwork if anyone is interested :)
mattattack - 2/8/2011, 7:59 PM
It won't tank (it will most likely make alot of $$$) but it will suck and get mixed reviews.
deathoncredit - 2/8/2011, 8:02 PM
Great editorial, thank you sir.

I'm glad that I'm not the only one who thinks that this movie is going to be amazing. I mean, as amazing as the source material allows. I think that some people expect a little too much out of comic books movies. We're not talking about Martin Scorsese's next outing, or a deep dramatic film, we're talking about the GREEN LANTERN - a movie about a guy who gets chosen to be a part of an intergalactic police force that shoots green lasers at bad guys. Set your expectations accordingly.
Shunt - 2/8/2011, 8:04 PM
It better be a success or else we aint gonna see The Flash any time soon...

The budgets is $150 mil.. I think it can make its money back plus more.. I think they need to rework the trailer in a few months & push heavy promo on it.. it should do fine..
Saemus13 - 2/8/2011, 8:04 PM
will have moderate success after opening weekend unless the 3d effects are out of this world (which they may be)...but thor will kill it in reviews and total $ by years end
snoopytrek - 2/8/2011, 8:07 PM
a good article but i have one question...when in hell did the green lantern become DC's flagship character? or do you mean to use that reference 'cause this will be the only DC cbm til The Dark Knight Rises?

right now in animation, comics (the most titles), merchandise, the most anticipated and talked about movie from DC is all wrapped up into one character, BATMAN!

sorry, had to do one of those IMO things people on blogs do. but, good article.
CaptainPresley - 2/8/2011, 8:09 PM
HUUUUUGE! Blockbuster!
Shunt - 2/8/2011, 8:10 PM
Once BK or Mcdonalds picks up the brand & starts giving away toy rings & action figures with their meals, that will boost its ticket sales at the box office.. I think GL is way more marketable to children then Thor & Cap..
Checkmate - 2/8/2011, 8:15 PM
@snoopytrek GL is one of the most important characters in DC's current comics. Influencing pretty much every character through the Blackest Night and Brightest Day events.
MARV3L - 2/8/2011, 8:20 PM
@MARVELous Here its is, awesome illustration aint it!
Daniellantern - 2/8/2011, 8:24 PM
I have no doubt about this film. yes, casino royale is one of the best bond movie i think. and surely, DC won't make the franchise flop..
JoshJones - 2/8/2011, 8:25 PM
@Arminies Take that back, you f*cker. Casino Royale was tits.

Green Lantern looks stupid, but not stupid enough to skip completely. I plan on paying to see this when it opens.
IronicMan - 2/8/2011, 8:25 PM
He's the guy who shoots arrows right? Will Seth Rogen be back for this sequel?
JohnTom88 - 2/8/2011, 8:31 PM
It won't tank. C'mon DC hardliners are more united than Marvellites (XMen vs Avengers, Cap vs Iron Man vs Thor vs Hulk, Spidey vs Wolverine, "My fav character is a Marvel guy but my 2nd fav is Batman"), so expect droves of viewers no matter how good the movie is. There are 3 Marvel movies compared to a solitary DC movie this year so all the DC interest is pooled to a single movie. Older comic nerds are obviously more into DC than Marvel, so until they're dead or penniless I'm betting DC movies more than Marvel.

Now quality-wise and critical reception could go anywhere, but certainly couldn't be judged from the 1st trailer alone.
deanwilkins - 2/8/2011, 8:41 PM
I was nervous reading your article, but I'm glad I did. I agree with everything you said. Very well put!

I'm still really looking forward to this one. I think it'll be a major surprise for people.
Bodwulf - 2/8/2011, 8:42 PM
Now this was a well thought out post. Unlike that moronic "Thor will be the worst suoerhero movie" nonsense Romator crapped out a year ago.
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