I want to make something clear before you begin reading this article. I actually like Arrow and think it is a solid show. The action scenes are great, the costumes are good (Well except for Diggle. ) and the cast has great chemistry. They work together extremely well. My concearns are mainly with the show's plot. Listed below are 6 main grievances I have while I'm watching.
Green Arrow is NOT Batman

When Green Arrow first appeared in the title "More Fun Comics" in 1941 he was orignally supposed to be a Batman ripoff. They're both billionare playboys, They both employ minors as sidekicks, and are superheroes that lack powers. But since then the character has evolved into his own. Green Arrow isn't a brooding dark character. He's usually cracking jokes and there is a hint of arogance in his persona that Batman doesn't possess. The first season of Arrow was guilty of giving Oliver Batman's characteristics and you can tell based on how similar it is to the film Batman Begins 2005.
Ras al Ghul, Cyrus Gold, Deadshot, Firefly, Dollmaker, and a whole bunch more. They're all Batman villains, every now and again it's okay to borrow villains. It hints to a shared universe between the heroes. Which is cool, but when it feels like most of your villains come from Batman's rogues gallery it gets annoying. Especially when Green Arrow's villains aren't awful they just aren't nearly as popular. A medium like television would be the perfect way to make the lesser-knowns house hold names.
Let's leave the Island for GOOD!
The Island(Lian Yu) is so boring, whenever the episode switches over to the island scenes I'm on my phone barely paying attention. The main reason Lian Yu has become a dull enviornment is beacuse it feels like the audience has already explored it in Season 1&2. It has reached the point where I'm not really surprised anymore when they reveal something "new "or "mysterious" about the island to try to make it interesting. The flashback stories on Lian Yu rarely relate to what's happening in the more interesting present storyline. We get it already, Oliver is a badass who survived hell on the island. That information was previously established, we don't need a reminder every episode.
No More Malcom Merlyn
I don't care if he's supposed to be good now or whatever. Malcom is an over used character. He was a stellar villain in the first season and challenged Oliver in many ways. Now whenever I see him I just roll my eyes. On a slightly unrelated note, why is he the new Ras Al Ghul? I always thought that was random and they added it to the Season 3 Finale because they didn't know what to do with the character. There are fresher villains or characters to use or visit again like:
Lady Shiva
The most skilled hand-to-hand cobatant in the DC universe she works as a high profile assassin.
Is able to see all possible outcomes of any situation before it takes place. Making him a master strategist. Enhanced strength, speed, healing, and senses (Yeah I know it seems like a lot for Oliver to take on. But he did manage to beat the Mirakuru soldiers.)
Or they could bring back some older characters to focus on and give them new storylines (not just one-and-done-episodes like they have done in the past.)
Chien Na Wei
Leader of the Chinese Triad and skilled fighter
Royal Flush Gang
Their comic book equivalents differ from the depiction in the TV show. In the show they're more realistically depicted. They are a group of card themed bank robbers. Hopefully they can incorporate some of their comic book abilities (Though the powers they have are a little fantastical) The members are Ace a robot with super strength, King who has mind controlling abilities, Queen can make realistic illusions and shoot spades, Jack could shoot lasers out of his eye (singular) and carries an energy sword, Ten uses explosive playing cards and can unleash energy blasts.
Clock King
Strategic genius, the timing of his plans (bank robberies, escapes, etc.) are so meticulous that every second has been accounted for and his plans rarely go awry. Former Encryption Engineer at Kord Inustries
Count Vertigo
Former drug dealer, he now uses a powerful hallucinogenic drug to disorient foes and sometimes even hypnotize them. The drug alters the users perception and can make him appear more meancing than he truly is. Good hand-to-hand combatant
Kill Thea Queen/Merlyn
I might be the only one who thinks this, but Thea comes off as a spoiled brat alot of the time. It feels like she's always whining when something doesn't go her way. Oliver protects her from something or someone (since he's the oldest and their parents are deceased he looks after her) and she goes off about how he should mind his own bussiness or something. This is really annoying to watch them over and over again. She doesn't add anything to the overall story and her death could lead to Oliver's character progression. Maybe he'll realize life is too short to be the brooding stick in the mud that he tends to be.
Crossover Events

I love the crossover events. They tend to be some of the best episodes of the season. Flash and Green Arrow working together to defeat a common foe. It really does look like the comic pages came to life. However the most recent crossover (Season 2 Episode 8 of The Flash and Season 4 Episode 8 of Arrow) wasn't nearly as good compared to the first one. Green Arrow was under utilized. When Vandal Savage interupts their little shindig he shoots insignificant regular arrows at an adversary he knows is extremely powerful. Despite having explosive arrows, electric arrows, tranquillizer arrows, flashbang arrows, smoke bomb arrows, tear gas arrows, syringe arrows (which could've carried a poison) and many more at his disposal. Even the ensnarement arrow which basically fires a net would've been more effective. This also occured in the fight with Hawkman, Green Arrow should've ended that fight faster and without an assist from The Flash. All I'm really trying to say is that a crossover should show why a non-powered hero like Green Arrow deserves to be at the same level as The Flash, Atom, Firestorm, etc.
Finally, did the writers forget about Green Arrow's son? That's a pretty big sub plot that I felt was unaddressed. No one even talks about it in later episodes. I was even more displeased when I found out his son isn't even Conor Hawke.
Back to Basics

When Oliver intially started his crusade it was a solo endeavor. He never thought "Team Arrow" would ever be larger than himself. Watching him fight a room full of thugs was awesome. The odds were against him and yet he prevailed. Now in more recent seasons 3&4 I'm sort of confused as to why it takes Oliver, Diggle, Thea, Laurel, and sometimes Captain Lance to take on these same threats on every mission. Sure it is probably more effective but it makes Green Arrow look like less of a hero if it takes up to 4 other people to back him up. Star City is a big city and probably has multiple crimes going on in different areas. Divide-and-Conquer seems more effective than putting everyone on the same case. I like some of the sidekicks, Roy and Diggle are cool and Laurel is growing on me but they should only team up if the situation calls for it. Other than that Arrow should be by himself most of the time.
While on the subject of Back to Basics, the show is called Arrow not Atom. Why replace Queen Consolidated with Palmer Technologies? Thus leaving Oliver with no money which is a big plot hole. I just want it reverted back, that is probably my biggest gripe with the show.
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