As most of you all know the Green Lantern Corps are an intergalactic police force dedicated to the promotion of order and democracy throughout the universe. Each Green Lantern member protects a sector and it is their duty to defend it from any possible threat. Naturally, our stories tend to focus on the human characters in the group. Kyle Rayner, John Stewart, and Hal Jordan (among others). While this film about to pitched does as well, it will not be the (insert human GL name here) show. It will not be called Green Lantern, because that title implies there's only one. This, however, is the story of the Emerald Knights, as told by Kong.
THE BACKGROUND - The Green Lantern Corps of This DC Cinematic Universe
Warning: If you are a purist of the Green Lantern lore, you might be a little disappointed with some minor changes, though none of these changes would change the characters of the GL mythos at their core. Also, pretend that at Comic-Con 2015 Warner Bros. announced that the Green Lantern movie was moved up to 2018.
The Green Lantern Corps would be looked at with a unique eye in this film. What if there was more than just Jedi and Sith in the Star Wars universe? What if the force was attached to the emotions all living creatures across the universe feel, and only ones that showcase extreme levels of these emotions would be given there light-sabers, or power rings. Of course, the Jedi and the Green Lanterns are VERY different. There are some comparisons to be made though. The Green Lantern's should indeed be treated, and viewed as a law enforcement force. As of now, they are portrayed as a large group of superheroes from all across space. A question you might ask is "Green Lantern's shouldn't be stopping intergalactic shop-lifters!!!! They're above that!!!" I agree. Look at the Green Lantern corps as the officers who deal not only with issues that involve alien invasions, but interplanetary interactions and people that are too powerful for anyone in their sector to deal with. If there was a massive drug trade going on between Earth and Mars, then the GL of Sector 2814 would be on the job.

Another thing that should be noted is that Sector 2814 is NOT just earth. So Hal, John, Kyle, Simon, and Guy should worry about other planets than their home planet. The opening scene of the movie could show our Lantern(s) of 2814 dealing with a problem on Zakkaria or Dalgovia versus Earth.
This gives the job of Green Lantern more weight, and will give the audience an idea of how much responsibility the Lantern's have. Each Sector inhabits a countless amount of lives that these lanterns have to protect. That's why the amount of Lantern's to a Sector would not be limited to just two people. In the same way that there are police departments for cities (i.e. NYPD, LAPD) each sector would, for lack of a better word, have it's own department. A team of a few Lantern's who have been deemed worthy of the title.
What deems someone worthy of the title? Something that bothers me is that a lot of Green Lantern writers don't know what willpower is. They showcase it as having courage or being brave. A prime example of that is the fact that their weakness is fear. If fear is a weakness that means they aren't able to overcome fear which means they don't have strong willpower. Of course a Green Lantern will need those qualities, but that's not what feeds their power. Willpower is defined as "The capacity to override an unwanted thought, feeling or impulse," or "The ability to delay gratification, resisting short-term temptations in order to meet long-term goals," or even "The ability to employ a 'cool' cognitive system of behavior rather than a 'hot' emotional system". So to put it simply, to be a Green Lantern you must be able to accurately and responsibly judge the positives and negatives of your actions before acting, and must be able to control unwanted emotions. We should see that in our Green Lantern's, and a lack of that in the members of the Sinestro Corps.
In most sectors, being selected as a Lantern is a HUGE honor. You are an instant celebrity if you are accepted as a Lantern. Sector 2814 being the home of the younger planets in the galaxy, they do not know of the Corps and haven't been involved much because they had not yet encountered other planets. The planets within this Sector all thought they were the center of the universe, so once interplanetary interaction began in the sector, the Guardians began to choose a new Lantern for the sector. When Earth first interacted with alien life the Guardians chose their first earthling Lantern. Alan Scott, in the 1940s. He later resigned, and another Lantern was not chosen from earth until 2013, when 24 year old Hal Jordan was chosen as the next recruit of the Green Lantern Corps.
THE CHARACTERS - The Star Players in the Green Lantern Reboot
As stated earlier in the article, this movie would not be all about one single Lantern, but would be an ensemble piece. Of course it would focus on one Lantern, but would not solely revolve around him. In the same way Star-Lord was the star of Guardians of the Galaxy, but not the sole focus. So who are the people we would follow throughout the film?
"With the ability to overcome great fear and harness the power of will, test-pilot Hal Jordan was chosen to be the Green Lantern of Sector 2814 inheriting the ring of the dying alien Green Lantern, Abin Sur. Through sheer will power and determination, Hal has established an impressive record of heroism across the galaxy with the help of his fellow Lanterns."
Hal is our Star-Lord. We focus on him for the most part, but he does take a backseat and let other characters drive when needed. Hal has been a Lantern for five years as of the time this movie comes out and takes place - 2018 - making him the longest running active human member of the GL corps. Hal became a Lantern when Abin Sur and the rest of the late Sector 2814 squadron crash-landed on earth. The other Lantern's had died before the crash or died in the crash, but Abin-Sur held on to life just a little bit longer. He was able to send his ring out to find the closest person on earth that was worthy of the ring. It chose Hal. Ever since Hal has been a Lantern. After basic training Thaal Sinestro mentored him for 3 years before the native of Korugar disappeared. He was a part of the team that Helped the Korugaran people overthrow Sinestro when he used his power to become a totalitarian ruler of his home planet. Hal felt/feels betrayed by Sinestro and hates him for it. Once he learns of Sinestro's return, he insists that he's a part of the team tasked with bringing him down.
Hal's father died in a plane crash when Hal was only a boy. His father had been a pilot in the air force and died during a test-flight for Ferris-Air, while Hal watched. Unlike other superheroes, Hal did not sulk in the death of his father for the rest of his life, but - after a brief mourning period - it motivated him to be the best pilot in the world. Then motivating him to be the best Green Lantern in the universe.
Hal can be an ass sometimes, but only to people he doesn't like. He can be reckless, but this is out of his passion for law enforcement. He's also quite the ladies man (in his mind at least) and can be distracted by the opposite sex. @DaveAriKhanLark put it best when he said "When I look at Hal, I see a mix James T. Kirk, Mark Ruffalo’s character from Begin Again (I know, what the?) and Han Solo" But take out that Ruffalo part and replace him with Maverick in Top Gun. He might've been right about that too, but I never saw that movie. Hal Jordan will be played by Taron Egerton, who will be 27 at the time of filming. Egerton is extremely talented, and has played a similar role in Kingsman. It'd be awesome to have him as a part of the DCCU. You might wonder why such a young choice? That is simply because Ezra Miller (our Barry Allen) is even younger than him. I still want their friendship to be present in the other films.
"Formerly an architect, social activist, and U.S. Marine sniper, John Stewart was selected by the Guardians of the Universe to be one of the Green Lanterns for Sector 2814."
John Stewart is the next Lantern of Sector 2814 to be chosen after Hal. He has been a Lantern for 3.5 years as of the events of this film. He fit right in to the Lantern Corps, already being a member of the Marine Corps prior to being a GL. He fast-tracked through training faster than Hal, setting in motion a rivalry that will be dealt with throughout the course of the film. John is older than Hal, and more experienced in the law enforcement business, but is still ranked under him. John doesn't seem to care, as he is okay with taking orders, but Hal's jealousy irks him the wrong way. John doesn't get along well with Hal, and from the beginning they decide to avoid each other as much as possible without hindering the amount of work they could do as Lanterns.
John was chosen as a Lantern immediately after stopping a small group of police officers from harassing young black teenaged boys who were doing nothing wrong. As the boys were thanking him the ring came, and in a green flash he disappeared. Earlier that day Stewart had lost a job at an architectural firm to a white man who’s less qualified than him, for the third time in a row. He was angry, and as soon as he saw the racially charged harassment he felt the urge to beat the (colloquialism?) shiznit out of the officers, but decided to handle it peacefully. A great act of will, but not the first.
As a teenager, an impulsive action led to an accident which cause his younger sister's death. Ever since then John has learned to suppress those memories and has disciplined himself, but he'll have to face his fear of losing control in this movie. John acts serious and isn't the one liner machine that Hal is, but does provide moments of comic relief throughout the film. He has a very strong will, a great sense of compassion (hint hint), and at the end of the day will sacrifice himself for the greater good of the people he's tasked with protecting. He also is in a secret relationship with fellow Lantern Katma Tui, a Korugaran that was nominated to become a Green Lantern by Tomar Re after her efforts in the rebellion against Sinestro (but we'll get in to that later). John Stewart would be played by Brandon P. Bell, who will be 32 at the time of filming. His work in Dear White People and on the Ascension mini series has convinced me he would be great in this role.
"Katma Tui is the Green Lantern of Sector 1417. Hailing from the planet Korugar, she's Thaal Sinestro's successor and had to deal with her people's deep mistrust of Green Lanterns after all of her predecessor's many crimes."
Out of all the Lantern's on the team sent to find Sinestro, Katma is the most badass of all of them. Even though she's only been a Lantern for 3 years, she is one of the best due to her background. Katma has a background in the military. She was a stellar officer; so much so, that she led the rebellion against Sinestro at the young age of 30.
Katma is like John in that she follows the rules, and knows when it's time to be focused and serious. The difference is, she knows when to have fun too, and she makes it her duty to lighten John up. However in these serious moments, fun can go home. Katma wants revenge on Sinestro for what he did to her planet. When she was younger, Katma always wanted to be a Lantern and she looked up Sinestro. He betrayed her people. She was the first to stand up against him in the rebellion and she succeeded. Once she realizes that he's returned and that he's causing pain & fear across the universe, she feels responsible for not making sure he was dead. She's the first to volunteer to go after Sinestro.
Katma is intelligent, focused, determined, and confident. She's a solid mix of Zoe Saldana's two most well known characters - Gamora and Uhura - and Emily Blunt's Rita Vrataski from Edge of Tomorrow. She will be played by Olivia Wilde, who will be 33 at the time of filming.
"One of the greatest Green Lanterns there ever was, Sinestro was corrupted by power and banned from the Green Lantern Corps by the Guardians of the Universe. During his exile, Sinestro tapped in to the power of fear and started the Sinestro Corps."
Sinestro is the main baddie of the film. Abin Sur, a great Lantern that in his last moments gave his ring to Hal Jordan, once mentored Sinestro. Sinestro saw it as his responsibility to train Hal because of this fact. Sinestro has always had a darker side, and could become very ruthless when he felt like he needed to be. Sinestro became obsessed with power and became a rogue Lantern, unbeknownst to the Guardians. Sinestro returned to his home planet of Korugar and used his power to rid the planet of all crime. The people of Korugar were grateful to Sinestro and made him their leader. This is when the corruption of fear seeped in. He believed that willpower was too weak, and that his greatness warranted something more powerful. That thing was fear. Sinestro used the power of his ring, but totally repurposed it. The people of Korugar were afraid of Sinestro's regime. Eventually the GL corps found out about this and sent a small group of Lantern's to aid the rebellion that was forming on Korugar. With the help of Hal Jordan, Tomar-Re, and Kilowog, the Korugaran rebellion - led by Katma Tui - took back their planet. In the final battle between Sinestro and Hal, an explosion of yellow light put the fight to a halt. When Hal regained consciousness, Sinestro was gone, but his ring lied on the ground, out of battery. He was assumed dead.
(NOTE: The Korugaran Rebellion goes on before, during, and after the events of Justice League: Part One. This explains why John Stewart is the Green Lantern in the first JL film and not Hal.)
In reality, Sinestro was sent to the anti-matter universe by the being Parallax. Parallax told Sinestro that the next step in his destiny lied on the planet Qward. He traveled to Qward and forged a power ring and central power battery out of the yellow energy of fear. He then enslaved the Qwardians, forcing them to forge more rings for him and began to send them out across the universe, searching for ones who could aid him in his onslaught against the Green Lantern Corp.
Sinestro's philosophy on why the power of fear is more efficient than the power of will is simple. Willpower is based on one's power to overcome other emotions, but if any Green Lantern fails to over come fear, it is automatically impossible for them to beat it. Let's say an enemy of the Lanterns came to Oa seeking revenge on them, wielding the yellow power of fear. If this enemy could just simply make the Lantern's afraid, they are unbeatable. Sinestro didn't believe in just sitting around and letting himself have such a huge weakness. So he embraced it.
Sinestro is cold, arrogant, egotistical, and harsh. He is also an incredible strategist and manipulator. Despite all of these things, he genuinely does care for the good of the universe and is not a villain, but more of an anti-hero. He is not the antagonist in this film because he's doing something bad, but simply for the fact that his ideals are in opposition to our protagonist. He only attacks the GL Corps to make a point to the Guardians, who he sees as corrupted and wrong. His goal is to rid the Universe of bad people. The exact same as the Guardians. He just uses fear instead of willpower as a personal preference.
If you were to mix R'as Al Ghul from Batman Begins, Khan from Star Trek: Into Darkness, and Zod from Man of Steel you would end up with this Sinestro. Sinestro will be played by Joaquin Phoenix in this film, who will be 43 at the time of filming.
"Daughter of the first human Green Lantern, Jenny Hayden became the 4th human Lantern and the first female human Lantern ever."
Jade is the daughter of two Green Lantern's, one being Alan Scott, the first human Lantern. Her alien mother died during childbirth, so Scott took her to earth and raised her. She never went to school and rarely interacted with the outside world. One big reason for that was her green skin and hair. Alan did not want to expose the world to alien life yet; He felt like the earth should naturally come in to contact with extra-terrestrial beings. As Jade grew older she began to feel guilty for her Mother's death and her father having to give up the Corps. Lantern's are not allowed to have romantic relationships amongst one another, so her father had to leave the Corps. Jade suppressed this guilt to a certain extent, but has never fully gotten rid of it.
Jade has an immense amount of willpower, being the daughter of two Lantern's. When the ring that located her brought her to Oa, the Guardians initially didn't want to accept the offspring of two ex-Lantern's who had broken the rules. Ganthet convinced the other Guardians to giver her a chance, and ever since she's made it her mission to prove them wrong.
Jade is headstrong, sassy, confident, and outspoken. She is always trying to prove herself to others, whether she needs to or not. She feels like she needs to make up for her being the product of the rule breaking of her parents, being one of the few women Green Lantern's, and being she's young. She is the 3rd Lantern of Sector 2814, and is the one to stay back and watch over the sector while Hal and John are gone, looking for Sinestro. Jade will be played by Saoirse Ronan, who will be 23 at the time of filming.
Other Characters:
Tomar Re / David Tennant - One of the greatest active Lanterns. He was a teacher to John Stewart and Katma Tui.
Kilowog / Ron Perlman - A Green Lantern drill sergeant. He goes on the mission to find Sinestro and his Corps.
Sodam Yat / Luke Pasqualino - A rookie GL who shows outstanding willpower, courage, and skill in the battle against the Sinestro Corps.
Carol Ferris / Nathalie Emmanuel - Hal's old friend, boss, and ex-girlfriend. Only seen at the end of the film and in a few flashbacks.
Arkillo / Steve Blum - Sinestro's second in command and arch rival to Kilowog. He will be motion captured while his voice is provided by Steve Blum.
Romat Ru / Dan Stephens - Ruthless member of the Sinestro Corps.
Karu-Sil / Sofia Boutella - One crazy mothaf*cka.
Alan Scott / Jon Hamm - He's seen in a flashback.
Ganthet / Patrick Stewart - One of the two Guardians anybody likes.
Sayd / Helen Mirren - The other Guardian people like.
Ch'p / Simon Pegg - Squirrel looking Green Lantern.
Boodikka / Alicia Vikander - Green Lantern Corps member who helps in the final battle. 300 and still looking fresh.
Salaak / Michael Sheen - Green Lantern Corps member who helps in the final battle. Kind of a Debbie Downer at times.
Arisia / Rosie Huntington Whitely - Green Lantern Corps member who helps in the final battle. A history with Hal is hinted at.
Parallax / Andy Serkis - The fear entity, birthed from the emotional spectrum. He's only heard as a voice speaking to Sinestro until the end of the film when we see him in his prison on the planet Maltus. He takes an interest in Hal.
THE STORY - What Happens in the Green Lantern Reboot
Here's a short synopsis of the plot divided in to the acts of the film. Not all scenes in the film will be explained in this synopsis, only ones that are important to the story. For any more specific questions on plot that are not answered in the below synopsis, ask me in the comments. Thank you and enjoy.
The film opens with Hal Jordan, Jade, and John Stewart on a planet in Sector 2814 (other than earth) trying to stop the trade of contraband from another planet. They descend upon the aliens unpacking the cargo ship and attempt to arrest them. This is when the aliens open the crates and take out the contraband, high powered firearms. The three Lanterns manage to take down the aliens and confiscate the contraband. They place some in each of their pocket universes, so they can take it back to Oa, the headquarters of the Green Lantern Corp. On the way back you can see how awkward it is between them. They don't seem to like each other very much.
After returning to Oa, a spacecraft crash lands in to the Meeting Hall. Dozens of Lanterns crowd around it as an injured Tomar Re stumbles out of the side of the ship. He whispers "...he's still alive!" before passing out. Tomar Re wakes up in a hospital room. In the room with him are Ganthet and Kilowog. Ganthet asks him what happened. Tomar Re explains that on route to their destination, him and the rest of the honor guard were attacked by a group of people who worse yellow power rings. They were fueled by fear. Tomar managed to get away, but the others didn't. Tomar says that as he flew away one shouted "You can run now, but you won't for long! Sinestro is coming for you all."
Ganthet takes this news to the rest of the Guardians of the Universe. They decide to send a small group of Lantern's to find where Sinestro and his Corps are located. The Guardians decide on sending Tomar Re (once he's healed), Kilowog, John Stewart, and Katma Tui. Hal insists that he goes, but the Guardians refuse. The Lantern's set out on their mission, leaving Hal behind to watch over his sector.
Hal can't stand the fact that they're leaving him behind. Hal goes to Jade and tells her that he's leaving and that she needs to watch over 2814. She tells him that he shouldn't disobey the Guardians and that she won't help him. He convinces her to by saying that this is her chance to prove to the Guardians how capable she is of working by herself. With a few other methods, he eventually gets her to help him. Hal thanks her and heads off after the group.
The group stops on a planet to rest for a bit. People on the planet look at them oddly. They seem scared, but not of the Lanterns. No, they're scared of what's coming. Suddenly Sinestro Soldiers crash in to the bar they are in. They begin to fight the Lanterns, and are winning. That's when Hal swoops in and saves their asses. Most of the Soldiers get away, but one doesn't escape in time. John apprehends him and asks where they are stationed. The Soldier doesn't say a word. He does nothing but taunt John, bringing up something from his past that John thought would never resurface. John begins to become angry, but takes control of his anger (after knocking him in to the side of a nearby building). While the Sinestro Corps Officer is weak, John removes his ring and places it in his pocket universe so he can take it back to Oa for inspection. The team is grateful for his aid, but is generally mad for him including himself on the mission uninvited. The team continue on their journey.
We cut to Debstam IV, home planet of the Mongul family. It is a barren wasteland, it's people wiped out some time ago. We see the injured Sinestro Soldier of Sector 2809. He lies crying for help on the ground. That's when his cries are heard, but not by someone he'd want them to be heard by. Mongul comes strolling in. The Sinestro Soldier offers his ring to Mongul, but in the middle of his sentence, Mongul snaps his neck and takes the ring. He puts the ring on and it says "Mongul of the planet Debstam IV, you have shown the ability to instill great fear. You have been chosen as the Sinestro Soldier of Sector 2809." Mongul's first idea is to see what his new toy can do.
We go back to the Lantern's ship. Everyone's asleep, except for Hal. He keeps on having dreams of this yellow beast. He can never make out exactly what it is, but he knows whatever it is terrifies him. He gets up so that he can sit in the cockpit of the ship and stare out at the star's for a little bit. He remembers his times as a test pilot and what inspired him to fly. His father. He remembers what motivated him to become a pilot, and a Lantern, and do what he does everyday. His father. He remembers to do what he does everyday, overcome fear. So he decides to go back to bed. Hal opens the door to his bedroom, when he realizes it's not his bedroom. In the bed, asleep, are John Stewart and Katma Tui. Both naked. Hal quietly makes a move for his room.
After a series of minor events, the crew runs in to Mongul and a group of Yellow Lanterns that he forced in to following him. There's a great battle, but the Yellow Lanterns have the upper hand. Mongul sits backs and watches, amused by the chaos. Hal becomes angry and blindly attacks Mongul. Mongul easily beats Hal to a pulp. John swoops in to help when all of the yellow Lanterns (with Hal and John) disappear in a flash of yellow light. Kilowog, Tomar Re, and Katma are confused. Kilowog suggests that they teleported elsewhere. He tells his ring to track where the Lanterns went, but it can't find them anywhere. The three lanterns have no clue where they went when Katma suggests that they might be on the planet Qward in Sector-1; aka the Antimatter Universe.

On the planet Qward, all of the recruited members of the Sinestro Corps have been gathered. Their leader would like to address them. They all stand in an open field. In the center is a large rock. On top stands
Sinestro. Sinestro launches in to air and quiets down the Sinestro Soldiers. Sinestro tells them of why they've been chosen, what the goal of the Sinestro Corp is, and what they're first mission is. In the middle of his speech Qward and his crew
fly up to the rock. Mongul questions his authority and states why he should be the leader instead of the
"puny Sinestro". He's stronger, more powerful, embodies fear, and even
collected two of the Green Lantern Corps (Hal and John are still unconscious). So Sinestro turns to the Corps. He asks them to yell if they want to follow Sinestro. And then yell if they want to follow Mongul. It seems pretty even, so Sinestro challenges Mongul to a battle. Mongul accepts. The two take to the skies above and duke it out. Sinestro builds Mongul's
confidence by letting him get a couple hits towards the beginning, but it doesn't stay like that for long. Sinestro gets the upper hand and brutally beats Mongul to the point where
he can't stand. He tells some Sinestro Soldier's to take him, the Green Lanterns, and anyone else who still wants to follow Mongul in to custody. He threatens anyone else in the Corp to question his authority, as they will get the
same treatment Mongul did.
Sinestro Tells them that they're next mission is to
get rid of the people who are doing the most wrong across the universe. The Green Lantern Corps. Sinestro recites the Oath, the Corps repeats after him.
"In blackest day, in brightest night...Beware your fears made in to light...Let those who attempt to disrupt what's right...beware the power of SINESTRO'S LIGHT!!!" The Corps shoots beams of light in to the sky, opening a portal in to the regular Universe. Led by Sinestro, the Corps follows him. They're on their way to Oa!!!

Katma, Kilowog, and Tomar Re return to Oa and notify the Guardians of what has happened. They suggest going to the Antimatter Universe on a rescue mission for John and Hal. The Guardians say no. They say that there will be casualties and loss, and that the Corps will have to prepare for the upcoming battle with the Sinestro Corps. Katma storms off. Tomar follows her. Tomar tells her that he knows of her relationship with John, and even though it is against the rules, he knows how strong of an emotion love is (making reference to the Star Sapphire Corps). He reminds her that Hal and John are smart, and that somehow they'll find a way to get out of their situation. That's when they begin to here screaming and shouting. They go outside and see a series of yellow lights hurtling towards Oa. The Sinestro Corps is here.
The Green Lanterns meet the Sinestro Corps in the outer atmosphere of Oa, trying to prevent them from doing damage to the planet. Unfortunately it doesn't do much, and the battle is taken to the surface of Oa. The Sinestro corps purposely causes a lot of damage to the planet during the fight. Sinestro goes to search for the Guardians.
Back on Qward, John and Hal try to think of a way to escape. The problem is, their rings barely work in their prison of yellow, fear powered, energy. Every time they crack the surface, the guards repair it, getting them nowhere. Suddenly in a green flash they are gone. The two are transported to Oa, along with all the other off world Lanterns, where they see the damage being done. They immediately spring in to action and help where they can. Despite the extra help, the Sinestro Corps still has the upper hand. They are taking out Lanterns left and right. As soon as one is defeated, they remove their ring and collect it. Hal begins to see Lanterns fall all around him.
The Guardians have seemed to disappear after transporting all of the Lanterns back to Oa, but two stayed behind. Ganthet and Sayd. Sinestro locks in a battle with Ganthet and Sayd, but his immense levels of fear seem to match both of their power together. The two Guardians become overwhelmed when Sinestro's chief officers aid him against them. They take the Guardians captive and take them to a more public place where their Lanterns can see the defeat for themselves.

The Sinestro Corps have basically won the battle. The Green Lanterns simply try to
escape, but most get caught by Sinestro Corps members on their way out. Hal, John, Katma, Kilowog, Jade,
Sodam Yat,
Salaak, and
Arisia all escape. They all regroup and discuss what they're going to do. Salaak says that when he was sneaking away, he heard some Sinestro Soldiers saying that their plan is to send some Sinestro Soldiers to
Mogo for something. The others would stay on Oa, keeping the Lanterns prisoner and waiting for Sinestro's signal to destroy to the
Central Power Battery, rendering all the Green Lanterns
powerless. They all look to Hal for a solution. Hal suggests that they split in half. Half of them would return to Oa and stop the Sinestro Soldiers from cutting off the CPB. The other half would go to Mogo and stop Sinestro and his soldiers from corrupting Mogo. Hal splits them up 5 and 5. Hal can see the fear on the faces of his comrades. Hal says to them,
"I can see you're scared. I don't blame ya. So am I. But that's not gonna get us anywhere. When we we're fighting down there I noticed something. These Sinestro Soldiers don't know what the hell they're doing. They're inexperienced. This is their first day on the job. They're still figuring out what their rings even do. So why are we letting them beat us? Because we're not living up to the title of a Green Lantern. We are powered by our will and if we cannot overcome fear, then we might as well not have these rings at all. Overcome your fear, and these guys will be nothing but target practice. We know what we're doing. They underestimate our power, when they really should beware of it."
Suddenly many Sinestro Soldiers (led by Sinestro) fly off of Oa, heading in the
direction of Mogo. Hal, Kilowog, Sodam Yat, Boodikka, and Arisia follow them. The rest go in to
stealth mode (turning their green glow off) and re-enter Oa's atmosphere. When the Green Lantern's reach Mogo, they see a
large machine filing out of a portal from the Antimatter universe. The Machine lowers down on to Mogo, who is being attacked left and right by Sinestro Soldiers. Hal reminds them that if they overcome their fear, they'll win. Hal leads them in to battle as they recite the Oath.
"In brightest day, in blackest evil shall escape my site...let those who worship evil's might...beware my power....GREEN LANTERN'S LIGHT!!!" The Lantern's begin to attack the Sinestro Soldiers. They knock them out left and right (Sodam doing particularly well) as Hal makes his way to the machine and Sinestro.
Back on Oa, John and Katma have made it to the
Core where Arkillo and Karu-Sil guard the Central Power Battery, waiting to destroy it. John and Katma team up against them. While this is happening, Ch'p and Salaak go around freeing Lanterns and returning their
power rings to them. They tell some Lanterns to go
help free other Lanterns while they tell others to get to Mogo immediately. Jade finds Ganthet and Sayd. They're unconscious and are guarded by Romat Ru and Maash. Jade faces off against them. She defeats them and
frees the two Guardians.
Hal reaches Sinestro. Hal asks him why he's doing this. Sinestro explains to him that, with fear, he plans to get rid of the evil across the universe the Guardians never could. The machine is a drill. Once they have drilled far enough in to Mogo, Sinestro will release the fear entity,
Parallax, from his battery into the drill. Parallax will travel down in to Mogo, corrupting her. This will cause her to send out
thousands of yellow fear powered rings across the Universe. After that, he will tell his Soldiers to destroy the Green Lantern Corps' Central Power Battery, rendering all Green Lantern rings useless. Hal won't let Sinestro do this so they begin to have an epic battle.
The Lanterns have officially taken back Oa. John, Katma, Jade, Ch'p, Salaak, Tomar Re, and all the rest of the surviving Lanterns on Oa head to Mogo to take out the rest of the Sinestro Corps.
Sodam Yat sees Hal duking it out with Sinestro and notices that the drill is getting deeper and deeper. Sodam heads over to the drill and begins to destroy it, Arisia and Kilowog watch his back. Hal notices and begins to move the battle
farther away from the drill, stalling for him. Hal and Sinestro continue to have a huge battle. Teacher vs student. We haven't yet seen
this much power from either of them. Sodam realizes he isn't doing anything so he shoots up in to the portal and tries to stop it from there. He finds
the Qwardians who built it and forces them to cut it off. They do and the drill begins to retract back in to the portal. Sinestro becomes enraged and goes balls to the wall. He knocks everyone out of the way so he can get to the portal. Before he can enter, Hal sends an
immensely powerful blast at Sinestro, knocking him away from the portal. Sinestro regains his footing (so to speak) and sees that the Lanterns have one. He looks to Hal,
"This isn't over Jordan! We won't let the tyranny of you and the Guardians continue much longer!" The Sinestro Soldiers retreat in to the portal. It closes behind them. The Green Lanterns cheer and go back to Oa.
The end of the movie is set a month later. Oa has been completely rebuilt, all of the Guardians have returned, a flood of new Lanterns have come to replace the ones lost, and all of the them are at the awards ceremony. Hal, John, Katma, Jade, Kilowog, Ch'p, Arisia, Boodikka, Salaak, and Tomar Re are all presented with awards.
Ganthet and Sayd are speaking with the other Guardians. They say that the Sinestro Corps War is in the prophecy as one of the first signs of The Blackest Night. The other Guardians dismiss this, out of fear, and they take the page in the Book of Oa on the blackest night out. Ganthet and Sayd are enraged and banished from Oa for acting on emotion. Ganthet and Sayd leave quietly. They kiss goodbye and head off in different directions.
We cut to Hal and Arisia, who are in the middle of victory sex, when Hal gets a call on his ring from John. John tells Hal that they need to handle a problem in 2814. Hal asks, "Is that annoying ginger rookie guy coming?" John answers yes. Hal grunts, forms his suit around him, says goodbye to Arisia and takes off. We begin to hear the voice over of Hal saying the Oath as we see shots of all the characters we've grown attached to over the course of the movie. As the Oath comes to a close we see Sayd on a lush planet. She's surrounded by blue energy. We then cut to an alley outside of a nightclub. A young man with black hair walks out of a side door. He appears to be getting some fresh air when he looks up and a green light shines his jaw drops. We close up on his eyes and we see the reflection of Ganthet in them. A green domino mask forms over his eyes and we slam to black.
Thanks for stopping by and reading my pitch for a Green Lantern film. Leave your thoughts down in the comments below. What is your dream GL movie? Let's exchange ideas. Remember to thumb up so we can see this on main. Thanks again. DEUCES!!!